dudes who have had adult/teen circumcision


Well-Known Member
ye the local anaesthetic the nurse dude put in after my actual surgery was the worst, felt it go in then felt go out, my dick was supposed to be still numb coz they already put local anaesthetic after while i was still asleep so i wouldnt feel any pain straight after but it had of worn off coz was few hours after. the pressure shit was fuked i had to pinch just under the head wear stiches wear and hold with pressure coz they thought that would stop bleeding but in the end it didnt and they put in the extra stitches which then i had to have that fuking needle and i felt the stitch come through but didnt hurt but just feeling it thread through was fuked. and i too hold with pressure for couple hours coz they kept comin every half hour to check if bleeding stopped. i wish they jsut did a good stitch job whilst i was still under the general anaesthetic, also i been bleeding into 4th day now but its stopped just fuking erections make it bleed a bit

thanks for telling me this...

i dont think i wanna do it anymore haha.

damn man. that sounds really fucking horrible. wow...


Active Member
When I had mine done... talk about pain!!!! ....I could n't walk for 12mths.

sorry mate. old joke couldn't help myself lol

hope all is good for ya soon!


Well-Known Member
hahaha i had to look that up.


is that the stuff that smells like tuna when i dont shower for a day or two?


Well-Known Member
You know, worse than the pain and bleeding, is the knowledge that so many men handled your dick.