Ok I think I have an idea what might be happing. I have a hole house big charcoal filter that is about two years old the manufacture said it lasts about two years. Im on well water, no chlorine, this problem has been is to different rooms with 2 set of different colons. 2 different sets of medium, 2 different nets, I used, h202, Hygrozyme, it only slows it down, when I ad carbload it speeds it up. So the only thing the same is the water. So it must be some sort of bacteria that has built up on my filter system, or some bacteria that is coming from the water, thats why carbload speed it up, must be bacteria. so I removed the filter from the line, bleached all my line in the home and Im bleaching all the stuff including a light bleach thought the RO with a heavy rinse, I will h202 the plants and trays, and will start with fresh nuts with h202, hope this solves my problem ill lets u know, thanks for all the help.