What would be the 1 tip you'd give to a newbie grower?


Well-Known Member
read everything on this site for about 1 month and read all the FAQ and the TERMS OF THE WORDS.

thats the best advice I can give brotha


Active Member
First I would stress things already said - read up thoroughly and have all growing needs covered before you start.

Main thing I'd stress that hasn't been mentioned yet: pH.

I've seen hundreds of threads as I've lurked and learned wherein people are chasing problems all over the place, looking for all kinds of complicated solutions, and they don't know their pH. After improper lighting (which should be obvious as the most important thing), I think improper pH is the source of 75% of people's non-light-related troubles.


Well-Known Member
being "cheap" can get expensive...
pay for the good stuff in the beginning so you don't have to respend your money on 3 different incarnations of whatever it is....


Well-Known Member
There are two have the lights inces off the tops of the plants,this will give you more dence bud formation far times larger buds.most newbie's think because the plant is growing and look well that all is good but it is not get them lights has close has possible.you want the internodes to be harf ince apart at most not 6/7 ince this will give you very little yeiled plus you are wasteing all them valuble lumans.you can normaly tell if the plant is close enougth to the light by the boundry light reflection that goes around the grow area.the 2nd is plenty of air flowyou want the plants to be moveing with the fans air this will aid in stopping any pest from settleing and also give the plants fresh air all the time.


New Member
There are two have the lights inces off the tops of the plants,this will give you more dence bud formation far times larger buds.most newbie's think because the plant is growing and look well that all is good but it is not get them lights has close has possible.
Just did this and my plants are dead, i put my 1k inches from the plant and now they are crispy.....thanks


Well-Known Member
Dont tell anyone about your grow, unless its completely necessary. remember: 'loose lips sink ships'