well isnt this just freaking awesome


Well-Known Member
i opened the closet to turn on the lights a minute ago and almost had a heart attack..it looks like my plants are having problems all of a sudden. maybe there are bugs in there that are eating them? i dont see any bugs though..i saw a single little flying insect on one of the leaves the other day but if i inspect the plants i really cant see any bugs..i dont know whats going on but this is bad news! here are pics from a few mins ago




Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn or salt build up... flush them.
i flushed them right before flowering..dunno how anything could be built up again already. its only occuring on some leaves..the other leaves look 100% healthy as you can see

also, ive got little bits of mould growing on the top of the soil..from the dead leaves that fell on the top of the soil and are now decaying in the moisture. could that have anything to do with this? and should i scrape off the top mouldy layer and toss it or is it okay to leave it?

anyone else? hellpp meee!!!


Well-Known Member
i flushed them right before flowering..dunno how anything could be built up again already. its only occuring on some leaves..the other leaves look 100% healthy as you can see

also, ive got little bits of mould growing on the top of the soil..from the dead leaves that fell on the top of the soil and are now decaying in the moisture. could that have anything to do with this? and should i scrape off the top mouldy layer and toss it or is it okay to leave it?

anyone else? hellpp meee!!!
how long has it been scince you last flushed? is your pH right?

whats the setup nutes.. dirt.. ?

yes deff scrape all that crap off the top and let it dry out abit... then water with some peroxide it will kill mold.


Well-Known Member
how long has it been scince you last flushed? is your pH right?

whats the setup nutes.. dirt.. ?

yes deff scrape all that crap off the top and let it dry out abit... then water with some peroxide it will kill mold.
its been only like 2-3 weeks since i last flushed. then again ive been using alot of nutes since. i use 10 drops (10-20 drops/litre recommended dose) of 8-7-6 miracle grow, 10 drops (7 drops/litre recommended dose) of 10-15-10 liquid plant food, and 1 gram (1 gram/litre recommended dose) of 10-52-10 rapidgro fertilizer (some extra phosphorus for flowering)..i put all of that in 2 litres of water..is that too much even for a plant in flowering?

and yeah ill def scrape that crap off the top of the soil

i dont know what the pH is but i can find a way to check probly

honestly though guy it really just looks like some sort of insect has been munching on these leaves..it looks like little sections have been taken off of the affected leaves


Well-Known Member
what soil are you using?

how often do you water?

how often do you fertilize?

You def fried your plants, think about it. you used the rec amount of three fertilizers at once of course they look like that! Plus the rec amounts are usually by the gallon so if you only put that in 2 liters you used twice the rec amounts of nutrients.

It also sounds like you are over watering if there is mold on top of the soil, let the soil completely dry before watering again.
Scrape the top layer off and flush with 3 times the amount of water to the size of the pot.


Well-Known Member
what soil are you using?

how often do you water?

how often do you fertilize?

You def fried your plants, think about it. you used the rec amount of three fertilizers at once of course they look like that! Plus the rec amounts are usually by the gallon so if you only put that in 2 liters you used twice the rec amounts of nutrients.

It also sounds like you are over watering if there is mold on top of the soil, let the soil completely dry before watering again.
Scrape the top layer off and flush with 3 times the amount of water to the size of the pot.
dude no way my plants dont look fried at all they look like theyre being eaten. i saw what fried looks like with my last plant

and im using 1/2 doses of each of those ferts..therefore im at like a 1.5 X dose..figured that wasnt too much for flowering

every time i water there is fert in the water. and i water once a day average

im using tropical soil..believe me the soil isnt the problem..its either the nutes, the little bits of mould/fungus on the top of the soil, or bugs

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
For the mold, use the peroxide suggested, and then sprinkle some cinnamon all over the soil, it's a natural antifungal.
i flushed them right before flowering..dunno how anything could be built up again already. its only occuring on some leaves..the other leaves look 100% healthy as you can see

also, ive got little bits of mould growing on the top of the soil..from the dead leaves that fell on the top of the soil and are now decaying in the moisture. could that have anything to do with this? and should i scrape off the top mouldy layer and toss it or is it okay to leave it?

anyone else? hellpp meee!!!
Yes, if you're ferting every water, you're frying them. You're not allowing the salts from the fertilizers to be flushed out when you fertilize every time, and they will build up and kill your roots if you let it go. So right now, flush them with clear, ph'd water (5.9 to 6.5 is the range for soil)...3 times as much water as the volume of the container.So 3 gallons water for a 1 gallon pot,i.e. After this, only nute every third water, and don't triple up on nutes.Also, quit watering so much.Wait until the soil is dry to about an inch in,then water.This is usually every 2 to three days, depending on the environment, size of pot, etc. So you see, you would only be fertilizing them like every nine or ten days if you were doing it right.Basically, you are overdosing your girls.
dude no way my plants dont look fried at all they look like theyre being eaten. i saw what fried looks like with my last plant

and im using 1/2 doses of each of those ferts..therefore im at like a 1.5 X dose..figured that wasnt too much for flowering

every time i water there is fert in the water. and i water once a day average

im using tropical soil..believe me the soil isnt the problem..its either the nutes, the little bits of mould/fungus on the top of the soil, or bugs


Well-Known Member
stoney said it all....

yea man i have to say thats deff not bugs... do what stoney recommends and you should see a difference in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks ALOT for the info..i cant believe i made the same mistake twice with the overfertilizing. i caaaant believe it..leave it to me to overdo things

anyways when you say 3 gallons for a 1 gallon pot..you dont mean all this water at the same time do you? youre talking over the period of a week or so?

and ok ill get rid of the fungus..

i totally did think it was bugs..if you look up close at the leaves it looks like something has been munching on them..

thanks again!!! hopefully theyll make a full recovery.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, we all make mistakes.Sometimes we love them too much.
Yes, all that water at once.For each pot. You can use tap water if you have nothing else.Let them drain a little after so you don't drip, then put them back in their room.You can flush in the bathtub or shower for less mess.Then leave them alone for a couple of days.You may lose some of the yellow leaves, and the plants may droop a bit, but let them recover fully before you resume any kind of nutes. For the bugs, you can get some of those sticky traps to get an idea of what you may be dealing with. Try crushing some garlic and setting it in a little dish right on top of your soil underneath the plant, it may drive whatever it is away.
To use peroxide for the fungus, I believe it's one part peroxide to three parts water.But just do the flush right now, and use some cinnamon on the soil.
ok thanks ALOT for the info..i cant believe i made the same mistake twice with the overfertilizing. i caaaant believe it..leave it to me to overdo things

anyways when you say 3 gallons for a 1 gallon pot..you dont mean all this water at the same time do you? youre talking over the period of a week or so?

and ok ill get rid of the fungus..

i totally did think it was bugs..if you look up close at the leaves it looks like something has been munching on them..

thanks again!!! hopefully theyll make a full recovery.



Well-Known Member
ok thanks ALOT for the info..i cant believe i made the same mistake twice with the overfertilizing. i caaaant believe it..leave it to me to overdo things

anyways when you say 3 gallons for a 1 gallon pot..you dont mean all this water at the same time do you? youre talking over the period of a week or so?

and ok ill get rid of the fungus..

i totally did think it was bugs..if you look up close at the leaves it looks like something has been munching on them..

thanks again!!! hopefully theyll make a full recovery.

hah ive made that mistake a few times... yep it sucks.

yes, ALL the water at once. you can even do more than that if you want. the point is to wash out everything from the soil.

also when i flush on the last gallon i use 1/4 stenth nutes.

but wait till it drys out for about an inch into the dirt.

hope this helps.. good luck.


Well-Known Member
for the peroxide i use 20ml to a gallon of water. but ive poured about a cap full directly on the soil before and the watered and nothing bad happend.


Well-Known Member
ok yeah thanks again guys. im flushing them right now.

i looked close at the leaves though and im actually like 99% sure that they were being eaten last night by bug(s). i can clearly see the top layer of the leaves that have been munched on. so i honestly think my problem is bugs and not nutes...i learned that i was overfertilizing anyways though so im doing the flush anyways and ill change the way i water from now on


Well-Known Member
haha... really paranoid about those bugs arent ya. i really dont think thats the problem. well youll see.. if the problem continues then maybe it is something else.


Well-Known Member
ok! so things are lookin up since i started this thread. after performing the flush my plants are looking healthier than ever. some of the yellower leaves have even recovered some of their green pigment. good news

also, i am actually positive that what happened to those select leaves were from some sort of insect, which has since left/died. hopefully i dont get any more of those buggers in there, cuz whatever it was was pretty damned hungry. gone now though so its all goood