Why America Must Prosecute War Crimes

I was watching Olberman tonight and he was bitching about this so called "torture"........Give me a break sleep depravation, loud music, stress postions, scary dogs..................somebody call the wammmmbulance......cry me a river

The liberals are wrong on this one, watch a documentry on Vietnam POWs if you want to know what torture is. Frat pledges have worse than these gitmo detainess
:lol: The war was not illegal so don't now stand by legalities on the Geneva Convention. At best they are guidelines which are at the whim of Congress (as it should be). You don't apply the Geneva Convention to terrorists which make it a habit of beheading their prisoners...

We all know where Gitmo is...where is the Al Queda prison for their captured?

Please tell me where it is...tell me?

out. :blsmoke:
:lol: The war was not illegal so don't now stand by legalities on the Geneva Convention. At best they are guidelines which are at the whim of Congress (as it should be). You don't apply the Geneva Convention to terrorists which make it a habit of beheading their prisoners...

Spain begs to differ..... as do BILLIONS worldwide.
I was watching Olberman tonight and he was bitching about this so called "torture"........Give me a break sleep depravation, loud music, stress postions, scary dogs..................somebody call the wammmmbulance......cry me a river

The liberals are wrong on this one, watch a documentry on Vietnam POWs if you want to know what torture is. Frat pledges have worse than these gitmo detainess

You'd be crying like a little bitch if any of that shit happen to you so save us your great wisdom of what is and isn't torture.kiss-ass
:lol: The war was not illegal so don't now stand by legalities on the Geneva Convention. At best they are guidelines which are at the whim of Congress (as it should be). You don't apply the Geneva Convention to terrorists which make it a habit of beheading their prisoners...

We all know where Gitmo is...where is the Al Queda prison for their captured?

Please tell me where it is...tell me?

out. :blsmoke:
It's has already been establish that the war was and is illegal ... and your delusions about the Geneva Convention doesn't change the facts .... and as far as Al Quaeda goes ask the bush regime ... they should know since they make the shit up to fool idiots like yourself....
way out ... as usual ... :roll:
UN expert criticizes US torture decision

VIENNA (AP) — An Austrian newspaper quotes the U.N.'s top torture investigator as saying President Barack Obama's decision not to prosecute CIA operatives who used questionable interrogation practices violates international law.
Manfred Nowak is quoted in Der Standard as saying the United States has committed itself under the U.N. Convention against Torture to make torture a crime and to prosecute those suspected of engaging in it.
Obama assured CIA operatives on Thursday they would not be prosecuted for their rough interrogation tactics of terror suspects under the former Bush administration.
Nowak also says in the newspaper interview published Saturday that a comprehensive independent investigation is needed, and that it is important to compensate victims.

The US has become pretty good at violating international law ... :-|
Well folks constitutional professor J. Turley makes it clear Obama is not upholding the laws is swore to uphold ... check it ...
[URL="http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/jonathan-turley-getting-away-torture"]Jonathan Turley: Getting Away With Torture?[/url]
TURLEY: Somehow, he's equating the enforcement of federal laws - that he took an oath to enforce, to uhold the constitution, and our laws - and he's equating that with an act of retribution in some sort of hissy fit or blame game. You know, it's not retribution to enforce criminal laws. But it is, is obstruction to revent that enforcement, and that's exactly what he's done thus far. He is trying to lay the groundwork to look principled when he's doing an utterly unprincipled thing. There's very few things worse for a president to do than to protect accused war criminals, and that's what we're talking about here.
President Obama himself has said that waterboarding is torture, and torture violates at least four treaties, it is considered a war crime. So the refusal to let it be investigated is to try to obstruct a war crime investigation. That puts us in the same category as Serbia and other countries that have refused to allow investigations to occur.
MADDOW: Can't a president actually decide who gets prosecuted for breaking a law and who doesn't?
TURLEY: Well, he's not supposed to.

Laws are being broken and the crooked politicians are the ones deciding whether or not it's convenient to uphold the law ... :spew:
Yes, the dem's are in it as much as Bush... one of the reasons I said it was a no go in the US.

out. :blsmoke:
Bullshit ... you were far too busy parroting bushwhacked :spew:claiming no crimes had been committed ... well at least you are consistently wrong ... :hump:
Of course I agree completely with it ... if nothing is done to uphold the law it will happen again and worst.:-|
http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/countdown-special-comment-future-us-dependFuture of US Depends on Torture Accountability
The president's revelation of the remainder of this nightmare of Bush Administration torture memos. This President has gone where few before him, dared. The dirty laundry — illegal, un-American, self-defeating, self-destroying — is out for all to see. Mr. Obama deserves our praise and our thanks for that. And yet he has gone but half-way. And, in this case, in far too many respects, half the distance is worse than standing still. Today, Mr. President, in acknowledging these science-fiction-like documents, you said that:
"This is a time for reflection, not retribution. I respect the strong views and emotions that these issues evoke."
"We have been through a dark and painful chapter in our history.
"But at a time of great challenges and disturbing disunity, nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past.
Mr. President, you are wrong. What you describe would be not "spent energy" but catharsis.
Not "blame laid," but responsibility ascribed. You continued:

"Our national greatness is embedded in America's ability to right its course in concert with our core values, and to move forward with confidence. That is why we must resist the forces that divide us, and instead come together on behalf of our common future."
Indeed we must, Mr. President. And the forces of which you speak are the ones lingering — with pervasive stench — from the previous administration. Far more than a criminal stench, Sir. An immoral one. One we cannot let be re-created.
One, President Obama, it is your responsibility to make sure cannot be re-created. Forgive me for quoting from a Comment I offered the night before the inauguration. But this goes to the core of the President's commendable, but wholly naive, intention. This country has never "moved forward with confidence".without first cleansing itself of its mistaken past.
In point of fact, every effort to merely draw a line in the sand and declare the past dead has served only to keep the past alive and often to strengthen it. We "moved forward" with slavery in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. And four score and nine years later, we had buried 600,000 of our sons and brothers, in a Civil War.
After that war's ending, we "moved forward" without the social restructuring — and protection of the rights of minorities — in the south. And a century later, we had not only not resolved anything, but black leaders were still being assassinated in our southern cities.
We "moved forward" with Germany in the reconstruction of Europe after the First World War.
Nobody even arrested the German Kaiser, let alone conducted war crimes trials then. And 19 years later, there was an indescribably more evil Germany and a more heart-rending Second World War.

We "moved forward" with the trusts of the early 1900s. And today, we are at the mercy of corporations too big to fail. We "moved forward" with the Palmer Raids and got McCarthyism.
And we "moved forward" with McCarthyism and got Watergate. We "moved forward" with Watergate and junior members of the Ford administration realized how little was ultimately at risk.

They grew up to be Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. But, Mr. President, when you say we must "come together on behalf of our common future" you are entirely correct. We must focus on getting things right in the future, as opposed to looking at what we got wrong in the past.
That means prosecuting all those involved in the Bush administration's torture of prisoners, even if the results are nominal punishments, or merely new laws. Your only other option is to let this set and fester indefinitely. Because, Sir, some day there will be another Republican president, or even a Democrat just as blind as Mr. Bush to ethics and this country's moral force. And he will look back to what you did about Mr. Bush. Or what you did not do.
And he will see precedent. Or as Cheney saw, he will see how not to get caught next time. Prosecute, Mr. President. Even if you get not one conviction, you will still have accomplished good for generations unborn. Merely by acting, you will deny a further wrong — that this construction will enter the history books: Torture was legal. It worked. It saved the country.
The end. This must not be. "It is our intention," you said today, "to assure those who carried out their duties relying in good faith upon legal advice from the Department of Justice that they will not be subject to prosecution." Mr. President, you are making history's easiest, most often made, most dangerous mistake — you are accepting the defense that somebody was "just following orders." At the end of his first year in office, Mr. Lincoln tried to contextualize the Civil War for those who still wanted to compromise with evils of secession and slavery. "The struggle of today," Lincoln wrote, "is not altogether for today. It is for a vast future also."
Mr. president, you have now been handed the beginning of that future. Use it to protect our children and our distant descendants from anything like this ever happening again — by showing them that those who did this, were neither unfairly scapegoated nor absolved. It is good to say "we won't do it again." It is not, however...enough.

It's has already been establish that the war was and is illegal ... and your delusions about the Geneva Convention doesn't change the facts .... and as far as Al Quaeda goes ask the bush regime ... they should know since they make the shit up to fool idiots like yourself....
way out ... as usual ... :roll:

So you CAN'T tell me where the Al Queda run prison is??? Hmmm, maybe the "investigation" will tell me :lol:

By the way you said the Dem's were in it as well...that fence must be killing your arse...

out. :blsmoke:
So you CAN'T tell me where the Al Queda run prison is??? Hmmm, maybe the "investigation" will tell me :lol:

By the way you said the Dem's were in it as well...that fence must be killing your arse...

out. :blsmoke:
The truth only hurts partisan bushwhacked hacks like yourself ...way out:spew:
...folks ... this is a clear example of why we must prosecute these war criminals ... the shit will go on if we don't.

Report Shows Torture Is Widespread in Iraq
Executions with firearms, not bomb blasts, have killed most civilians in Iraq. Researchers say 33% of the victims examined in the study died by execution after abduction or capture. And 29% of those victims had signs of torture on their bodies such as bruises, drill holes or burns.
So you CAN'T tell me where the Al Queda run prison is??? Hmmm, maybe the "investigation" will tell me :lol:

By the way you said the Dem's were in it as well...that fence must be killing your arse...

out. :blsmoke:

Even when there is a mountain of evidence that proves you are wrong you always change the subject or ignore it. What a boring, broken record, right wingnut.
Still no answer? C'mon with all the mountains of convoluted logic you seem to go through on a daily basis (must be tiring as heck), surely you can name the Al Queda prison where they keep their prisoners? Surely..... :lol: but sad.

out. :blsmoke:
Even when there is a mountain of evidence that proves you are wrong you always change the subject or ignore it. What a boring, broken record, right wingnut.

You notice that too did ya ... only other bushwhacked wing nuts appreciates how he avoid facing facts ... the blind applauding the blind ... I enjoy making him look stupid ... I admit it's easy ... but I enjoy it just the same ... :-|
Still no answer? C'mon with all the mountains of convoluted logic you seem to go through on a daily basis (must be tiring as heck), surely you can name the Al Queda prison where they keep their prisoners? Surely..... :lol: but sad.

out. :blsmoke:
Well since you've been so far up bush's ass why don't you name this famous fake Al-Qaeda prison you are so fond of referring to. You've probably were able to see all the fake memos from that position ... kiss-ass
... way o
I'm looking for the prison that Al Queda maintains dummy..... I mean you are so intent on running down how we treat our prisoners, I want to hear equal time for the OTHER side.

Tell me, how does Al Queda treat their prisoners? Where are they kept? How many times a day are they fed, washed, allowed to pray, etc. etc. ?

Let me know when you figure it out....just to be ...balanced, and fair, cause you are all about balance, right? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
For the record I'm linking to a thread posted with a link to a site with excellent false flag information check it out folks 911 was a false flag operation ... it's obvious ... why are so many people so blind and stupid:confused:
I was watching Olberman tonight and he was bitching about this so called "torture"........Give me a break sleep depravation, loud music, stress postions, scary dogs..................somebody call the wammmmbulance......cry me a river
I bet the first day of standing you'd start crying a river like a little bitch ...

http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/cspanjunkie/spanish-judge-keeps-bush-torture-proseSpanish Judge Keeps Bush Torture Prosecutions Alive!
BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, the images presented in these memos are still reverberating. For example, the sanction of waterboarding where Bush administration lawyers outline how to pour water on a suspect's face to create the sensation of drowning, rules which according to the memos released were often broken by using larger volumes of water than allowed. Sleep deprivation where a suspect is shackled standing up sometimes for almost 11 days straight, all designed to get information from terror suspects. But now the release of these memos is turning into one of President Obama's most scrutinized moves.
So standing almost 11 days straight would be nothing to you right? Yeah ... your ass would be calling the wammmmbulance ... and people will say in the distance ... did you hear that? ... sounds like a little bitch screaming ... :neutral:
This is torture folks ... and is a war crime ... it's obvious to those that can see ... :roll:
I'm looking for the prison that Al Queda maintains dummy..... I mean you are so intent on running down how we treat our prisoners, I want to hear equal time for the OTHER side.

Tell me, how does Al Queda treat their prisoners? Where are they kept? How many times a day are they fed, washed, allowed to pray, etc. etc. ?

Let me know when you figure it out....just to be ...balanced, and fair, cause you are all about balance, right? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Well just keep looking dumbass because their isn't one ... only those backed by the US and we all know their record of treating prisoners ... you don't seem to be the least bid bother about laws being broken by the US ... so what's this shit about fair and balance? ... Learn to practice what you priest ...
... way out ... again ... :spew: