Why America Must Prosecute War Crimes

There isn't one? Why would that be? Let's talk about fair and balanced huh.... anybody get beheaded at Gitmo? :lol:

Cmon what's really bothering you is that you thought things were gonna CHANGE...and guess what....they haven't. Heck, Obama is practically following the Bush doctrine to the letter. He changes the titles (so smart) but keeps right on truckin along with a doctrine which (gasp) might actually be approved of by BOTH parties.

I say bring on the investigations....as long as they are balanced and DEEP. Of course what you will find is Clinton, Clinton, Clinton. Most of the intelligence eminated from the previous administration of 8 consecutive years.... yes, indeed, bring it on...

out. :blsmoke:
There isn't one? Why would that be? Let's talk about fair and balanced huh.... anybody get beheaded at Gitmo? :lol:
No there isn't one ... why? ... to repeat a thousandth time ... because the bush regime made them up ... does anyone have to be beheaded ... isn't it bad enough some were killed?

Cmon what's really bothering you is that you thought things were gonna CHANGE...and guess what....they haven't.
When did I say that? ... and when did I think it? Blowing it out you ass as usual ... guess what ... I know they haven't ... I can see things for what they are ... you are the one that is having a problem ...

Heck, Obama is practically following the Bush doctrine to the letter.
I know ... and I posted such in this thread ... so again you are blowing it out your ass ...

He changes the titles (so smart) but keeps right on truckin along with a doctrine which (gasp) might actually be approved of by BOTH parties.
Been there done that ... your mind is too bushwhack to comprehend that ...

I say bring on the investigations....as long as they are balanced and DEEP. Of course what you will find is Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
I say bring on the investigations as well ... non partisan, public, swearing in under oath investigations ... I don't care where is leads ... as long as it's base on verifiable facts. Something you have never been able to do ...
Most of the intelligence eminated from the previous administration of 8 consecutive years.... yes, indeed, bring it on...out. :blsmoke:
This comment clearly illustrates how bushwhacked in the head you truly are ...
way out ... :spew:
http://rawstory.com/08/blog/2009/04/18/un-torture-investigator-obama-has-broken-international-law/UN torture investigator: Obama has broken International law
“Like all other contracting states to the UN convention against torture, the US has committed to conduct criminal investigations of torture and to bring all persons to court against whom there is sound evidence,” Manfred Nowak, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on torture, told Austrian weekly paper Der Standard.
“They are party to the convention and the convention is very, very clear,” Nowak told the paper. “The fact that you carried out an order doesn’t relieve you of your responsibility.”

So enough of the bushwhacked bullshit about certain POW are not covered by the Geneva convention ... to continue to deny they are covered shows something ain't right upstairs ... :o
You keep focusing on our prisons...I want to know about THEIR prisons....you know, to be FAIR and BALANCED...:lol:

So I'm bushwhacked? No, how about I have no political leanings whatsoever. I do however demand accuracy and data. You provide neither. I have voted for fiscal responsibility for both parties. I don't believe in seeking revenge on previous administrations (either side) since it only divides the people and poisons the political well further. Obama is willing to let it go, so am I. The question is, why won't you? Only you can answer that one, the rest of the country has left you behind.....isn't that what grates at you? :lol: Obama promised and then walked away form that promise once elected. And he hAS followed the Bush doctrine...no political spin needed there...not difficult to see...is it? Is it?

out. :blsmoke:
You keep focusing on our prisons...I want to know about THEIR prisons....you know, to be FAIR and BALANCED...:lol:
Yeah ... I keep focusing on our prisons ... that's what I'm suppose to do! What the fuck are you worried about someone else house when you can't keep your own clean ... that's how fucked in the head you are.

So I'm bushwhacked? No, how about I have no political leanings whatsoever. I do however demand accuracy and data.
You provide neither.
Yeah you're bushwhacked big time ... I have provided plenty of "data" ... in this thread ... your bushwhacked mind simply ignores the facts posted ... which other posters have also notice and commented on your bushwhacked tactics ... so since you can't dispute the data I've presented ... your bushwhacked mind pretends there never was any ... how convenient for you:dunce:
I have voted for fiscal responsibility for both parties.
Bullshit ... you turned your back on all the spending that went down during the bush regime ...
I don't believe in seeking revenge on previous administrations (either side) since it only divides the people and poisons the political well further.
Since when is upholding the law seeking revenge? ... is that all you have? ... a talking point? ... well at least you are consistent ... constantly wrong that is ... :sleep:
Obama is willing to let it go, so am I.
The question is, why won't you?
Because they broke the LAW ...and caused the deaths of tens of thousand ... and I don't give a fuck that Obama is willing to let it go ... that means he is willing to break international law ... which he is doing ... what part of that don't your bushwhacked mind get?
Only you can answer that one, the rest of the country has left you behind.....isn't that what grates at you?
I've already posted in this thread polls that show the people want these war criminals prosecuted ... only the bushwhacked like you don't ... which is a minority thank God ...
Obama promised and then walked away form that promise once elected.
No he didn't ... that's why I didn't vote for him ...
And he hAS followed the Bush doctrine...no political spin needed there...not difficult to see...is it? Is it?out. :blsmoke:
Where did I say Obama hasn't followed the bush regime doctrine ... where dumb ass ... show me where ... Learn how to read my posts before I make a fool out of you ... it's all too easy ...
way out
No laws were broken.... end of story...you're swinging at windmills...

Of course the proof is in the pudding...ask any Iraqi if they would like to go back to the good old Saddam days....

So keep swinging away and good luck with that... in Spain.

out. :blsmoke:
No laws were broken.... end of story...you're swinging at windmills...

Of course the proof is in the pudding...ask any Iraqi if they would like to go back to the good old Saddam days....

So keep swinging away and good luck with that... in Spain.

out. :blsmoke:
You're the one swinging at windmills ... just like I said ...you're bushwhacked mind can't dispute the evidence posted in this thread so you claim no laws were broken ... that's how :dunce: you are
... and I'm sure there are some Iraqis that would like Saddam back ... hell you'd like the bush regime back ... :finger:
So keep pretending nothing happen ... that what the bushwhacked do ... nothing new here folks ... move along ...
way out ... :lol:
But I was correct from the VERY beginning... there would be no US investigation... Obama would walk away...he has...he won't give credence to Spain so...it's a moot point. Like I said in the very beginning....

Those windmills belong to you...

out. :blsmoke:
This is an Op-ed from the NYT ... calling for an investigation
http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/torturers-manifesto-nyt-op-ed-calls-iIn 'Torturer's Manifesto,' NYT Op-Ed Calls for Investigations - and Bybee Impeachment
The New York Times called today for investigation and prosecution of John Yoo and Stephen Bradbury, and impeachment of federal judge Jay Bybee:
We do not think Mr. Obama will violate Americans’ rights as Mr. Bush did. But if Americans do not know the rules, they cannot judge whether this government or any one that follows is abiding by the rules.
In the case of detainee abuse, Mr. Obama assured C.I.A. operatives that they would not be prosecuted for actions that their superiors told them were legal. We have never been comfortable with the “only following orders” excuse, especially because Americans still do not know what was actually done or who was giving the orders.
After all, as far as Mr. Bush’s lawyers were concerned, it was not really torture unless it involved breaking bones, burning flesh or pulling teeth. That, Mr. Bybee kept noting, was what the Libyan secret police did to one prisoner. The standard for American behavior should be a lot higher than that of the Libyan secret police.
At least Mr. Obama is not following Mr. Bush’s example of showy trials for the small fry — like Lynndie England of Abu Ghraib notoriety. But he has an obligation to pursue what is clear evidence of a government policy sanctioning the torture and abuse of prisoners — in violation of international law and the Constitution.
That investigation should start with the lawyers who wrote these sickening memos, including John Yoo, who now teaches law in California; Steven Bradbury, who was job-hunting when we last heard; and Mr. Bybee, who holds the lifetime seat on the federal appeals court that Mr. Bush rewarded him with.
These memos make it clear that Mr. Bybee is unfit for a job that requires legal judgment and a respect for the Constitution. Congress should impeach him. And if the administration will not conduct a thorough investigation of these issues, then Congress has a constitutional duty to hold the executive branch accountable. If that means putting Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales on the stand, even Dick Cheney, we are sure Americans can handle it.
After eight years without transparency or accountability, Mr. Obama promised the American people both. His decision to release these memos was another sign of his commitment to transparency. We are waiting to see an equal commitment to accountability.
John Amato wrote about it yesterday and called for the impeaching of Bybee.
Will you join me please and Sign the petition? With the revelations that Jay Bybee was in the middle of trying to legalize torture for the Bush administration, particularly with the evidence that he penned the disgusting torture memo in 2002, I fully support all efforts to have this man impeached. The OLC is supposed to give sound legal opinions to the executive branch, not bend the law to fit their sick world view which makes this all the more egregious.
Lol an Op-Ed from the New York Times...wow that and 7 bucks will get you a nice coffee at Starbucks. Why don't you paste an article from the LA times while youre at it, didn't you have time to grab something from the Havana News & Observer, maybe you could grab some opinions and facts from the Washington Post (RAG).

Sorry boys the 'ol Bushwhacked I keep seeing won't work on me. Can't stand either party and that's unlikely to change anytime soon.

But as far as the torture issue goes, it's BUNK. It's just political leverage against the last administration...much the same as the impeachment of Clinton was. Torture IS and ALWAYS will be interrogation that leaves lasting or permanent injury or death. Unless you have VIDEO of someone getting cut, burned, shot, or something on that level...the argument is over. Simply because I ain't taking ANYONE'S account of what happened as evidence...GIVE ME VIDEO or shut the hell up.
Simply because I ain't taking ANYONE'S account of what happened as evidence...GIVE ME VIDEO or shut the hell up.[/quote]

Sounds like you worked for the Bush regime, CIA maybe? No videos anywhere, they were all destroyed.
Sounds like you worked for the Bush regime, CIA maybe? No videos anywhere, they were all destroyed.[/QUOTE]

Brother, you must have your selective reading glasses on...I aint in Bush's corner anymore than you are. But I give credit where credit is due...No attacks since 9/11...proof is in the pudding as they say. You can bitch and moan about tactics all day, but I would argue that the ANIMALS we're fighting aren't impressed with grandiose displays of how civilized we can fight a war. And trust me, to the people shooting at our troops, it's a war... just as it is to anyone on our side that is in the know.

And as an aside, the reference of "ANIMALS" was a compliment. I only wish we could let our dogs of war off the leash... we wouldn't even be here talking about interrogation techniques, torture or American casualties...it would be over so quick there wouldn't be time for any it. Welcome to politically correct warfare...in that sense the Romans had it all over the rest of us. Talk intelligently and debate with your enemies until they demand an ass kickin... then you provide them with exactly that. No remorse...no mercy...let THEM regret fukn with you, then get back to the business of the day.
But I was correct from the VERY beginning... there would be no US investigation... Obama would walk away...he has...he won't give credence to Spain so...it's a moot point. Like I said in the very beginning....

Those windmills belong to you...

out. :blsmoke:
You were never correct about anything ... you could only parrot bushwhacked talking points about how no crimes were committed ... and when and where did I say Obama was going to save the day? ... it's obvious you don't have a clue ...
way out:lol:

Lol an Op-Ed from the New York Times...wow that and 7 bucks will get you a nice coffee at Starbucks. Why don't you paste an article from the LA times while youre at it, didn't you have time to grab something from the Havana News & Observer, maybe you could grab some opinions and facts from the Washington Post (RAG).

Sorry boys the 'ol Bushwhacked I keep seeing won't work on me. Can't stand either party and that's unlikely to change anytime soon.

But as far as the torture issue goes, it's BUNK. It's just political leverage against the last administration...much the same as the impeachment of Clinton was. Torture IS and ALWAYS will be interrogation that leaves lasting or permanent injury or death. Unless you have VIDEO of someone getting cut, burned, shot, or something on that level...the argument is over. Simply because I ain't taking ANYONE'S account of what happened as evidence...GIVE ME VIDEO or shut the hell up.
You got a problem with an op-ed? Fine ... don't read it ... but it reflects the opinion of a great many people ... I really don't give a fuck whether you agree or not ...
... and there are plenty of pictures of torture victims on line ... so it's you that needs to shut the hell up ... argument over ...

Brother, you must have your selective reading glasses on...I aint in Bush's corner anymore than you are. But I give credit where credit is due...No attacks since 9/11...proof is in the pudding as they say.
Talk intelligently and debate with your enemies until they demand an ass kickin... then you provide them with exactly that. No remorse...no mercy...let THEM regret fukn with you, then get back to the business of the day.
Yeah ... it was no feat of "no attacks since 911" since they were the ones behind it ... are they credited for allowing 911 to go down? ... and why no heads rolled with that big of a security breach? ... The proof is indeed in the pudding ... 911 was a false flag operation ... and you fell for it ... one of those sucker born every minute no doubt ...
... my ... you do have a warp sense of right and wrong don't you?:dunce:
Yeah ... it was no feat of "no attacks since 911" since they were the ones behind it ... are they credited for allowing 911 to go down? ... and why no heads rolled with that big of a security breach? ... The proof is indeed in the pudding ... 911 was a false flag operation ... and you fell for it ... one of those sucker born every minute no doubt ...
... my ... you do have a warp sense of right and wrong don't you?:dunce:

Wow, you're one of those boobs. LoL. I should have read the beginning of the thread, if I'd known you were one of the "9/11 was a conspiracy" WHACKO'S, I wouldn't have either bothered to post.

This genius will get exactly how much attention he deserves from me, from this point forward. <crickets> <crickets>
Here are some more FACTS for you bushwhacked to ignore ...

CIA torture exemption 'illegal'
US President Barack Obama's decision not to prosecute CIA agents who used torture tactics is a violation of international law, a UN expert says.
The UN special rapporteur on torture, Manfred Nowak, says the US is bound under the UN Convention against Torture to prosecute those who engage in it.

Here's some other interesting news ... it seems the CIA is a bit nervous about being prosecuted for war crimes ... gee ... I wonder why?
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6122483.eceCIA fears torture prosecutions
The CIA fears some of its operatives could face prosecution for torturing high-level terrorist suspects, despite President Barack Obama’s promise of legal immunity.
“These are the first dominoes,” said Jameel Jaffer, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, which brought the lawsuit that forced the release of the memos. “It will be difficult for the new administration to argue now that other documents can be lawfully withheld.”

Wow, you're one of those boobs. LoL. I should have read the beginning of the thread, if I'd known you were one of the "9/11 was a conspiracy" WHACKO'S, I wouldn't have either bothered to post.

This genius will get exactly how much attention he deserves from me, from this point forward. <crickets> <crickets>
Oh wow ... LOL ... and you are one of those dumbass that actually believes a skyscraper design to withstand planes and fire can come crashing straight down demo style in 15 sec only after burning a couple of hours ... yet in the history before or since then it has never happen ... and I'm the whacko ... bahh ha ha ha!
yep ... there is a sucker born every minute ... and you are definitely one of them ... yeah ... you do need to go ... don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya ... put your head back in the ground where you'll continue to feel safe ... and smart ... :roll: ... you won't be missed.:dunce:
Then Turley should bring his case before the law and be heard.

I hardly think the Dem's are willing to give back congress so quickly.....which is exactly what would happen if they hung out the wash on C-span. It's a moot point, if one at all.

out. :blsmoke:

Post number 14.... I told you it was a moot point...way back when....

moot moot... Heck, I'll sign that petition...I would LOVE to see the Dem's squirm on this one... hahah egg ALL over!!

out. :blsmoke:
Here are some more FACTS for you bushwhacked to ignore ...

CIA torture exemption 'illegal'
US President Barack Obama's decision not to prosecute CIA agents who used torture tactics is a violation of international law, a UN expert says.
The UN special rapporteur on torture, Manfred Nowak, says the US is bound under the UN Convention against Torture to prosecute those who engage in it.

First off, F*** the UN and international Law. We should do it not because the UN says so F*** them. (we should leave the UN) We should do it because it is right. I don't care if we get attacked again if it means we have to compramise what it means to be American if we are going to give up the moral high ground we have already lost. We shouldn't be giving Immunity to these ...people, Bush and crew especialy. Not only that but these presidents need to know they can and will be held acountable for their actions. No longer can a new president be allowed to parden a ex-president. This is a sick cycle to be in.

We should never have occupied Afganistan and we were lied to, bold faced lied to, about Iraq. We got all riled up and went off half cocked and beat the hell out of someone who was no threat to us. Wow arn't we great. Now we are stuck cleaning up our mess and we will never leave. The Military industrial complex is going to be well fed for the forseeable future.

You can moralize the occupation, say we are liberating them, we are bringing rights to women. All that stuff that is BS. Who elected us Savior of the Universe. The government has no right to insitute/impose governments on the people of the world.

And Obama will "Change" none of it. Both partys are "controlled."
Post number 14.... I told you it was a moot point...way back when....

moot moot... Heck, I'll sign that petition...I would LOVE to see the Dem's squirm on this one... hahah egg ALL over!!out. :blsmoke:
No ... you're a moot point ... you are far too stupid to understand what is happening ... you are too focus on dim and repukes ... part of the bushwhacked mentality ... way out ... :roll:

Could it be that pressure is mounting on the DOJ to prosecute? Perhaps Spain and the ACLU is having an effect ...
[URL="http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/eric-holder-seriously-considering-appointing"]Eric Holder Seriously Considering Appointing Outside Counsel to Investigate Torture[/url]
But the Obama administration is not off the hook. Though administration officials declared that CIA interrogators who followed Justice's legal guidance on torture would not be prosecuted, that does not mean the inquiries are over. Senior Justice Department lawyers and other advisers, who declined to be identified discussing a sensitive subject, say Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. has discussed naming a senior prosecutor or outside counsel to review whether CIA interrogators exceeded legal boundaries--and whether Bush administration officials broke the law by giving the CIA permission to torture in the first place. Some Justice officials are deeply troubled by reports of detainee treatment and believe they may suggest criminal misconduct, these sources say. Even if prosecutions prove too difficult to bring, an outside counsel's report could be made public. For his part, Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is still pushing for a "truth commission." In a democracy, the wheels of justice grind on--and the president, for good reason under the rule of law, does not have the power to stop them.
Here's something from Obama ... I'm thinking the pressure is on ... :clap:
[URL="http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/obama-prosecutions-architects-torture"]Obama: Prosecutions of the architects of U.S. torture policy remains a possiblity[/url]
Having said that, the OLC memos that were released reflected, in my view, us losing our moral bearings. That's why I've discontinued those enhanced-interrogation programs. For those who carried out these operations within the four corners of legal opinions, or guidance that had been provided from the White House, I do not think it's appropriate for them to be prosecuted. With respect to those who formulated those legal decisions, I would say that is going to be more of a decision for the Attorney General, within the parameters of various laws. And I don't want to prejudge that.

Could be a stall tactic ... well ... we shall see ... one way or another these war criminals must be prosecuted.:-|
