Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.


Well-Known Member
Whats the craziest thing you've found in weed? Have you ever bought a nice sac of compressed bud, went home and broke that shit up, and found some wierd shit. From my experience, I've found hair, what looked like pecil shavings, lead, ect. Don't assume its your dealer, but likley dropped in some where down the line of supply and demand. Post your story.
With all the bags i've bought, i've only gotton cat hair i think. well no way to be sure... some times im too stoned to break up my bud and just smoke it.
Wow TeeTree! A larvae in a seed! Craziest shit I've heard of in weed. I remember one time I was grindin weed up in my grinder. Well when i went to discard the remaining seeds. I found huge metal pieces in that shit. Well my stoned ass started bitchin out my dealer, but it turns out the weed was so compact, that the metal grinders were being snapped off! lol Stoners have thier moments to!
lol A half a doller, you should look that shit up on wheresgeorge ahd see where the dollar has been lol to bad it wasn't a full 100$ bill
One time my buddy brought a wild bunny over to my house and it was kinda dark, but later we found some dark sticky nugs on the floor and decided to put em in the gravity bong (it was a really long time ago) and lit it up only to discover that it was rabbit shit! Apparently the rabbit had ate some weed or something that didn't agree wit it, it smelled awful.:-?
hahah rabbit terds... anyway my brother was going through a qp one time and found a little small chunk of cocaine after dumping it out on his counter... we guessed that his dealer probably was dealing both and just had some left over on the table when he was bagging it up..... to bad it probly didnt even wiegh .2 if weighed on a scale