Flushing question


New Member
i got about a week left before harvesting, i have a 4 plant SOG rotation going, my question is, because i have 2 flowering areas, one for the final 2 weeks, how often should i change the water during the flush cycle?????
and is there anything i should use other than ph neutral water????


Well-Known Member
i got about a week left before harvesting, i have a 4 plant SOG rotation going, my question is, because i have 2 flowering areas, one for the final 2 weeks, how often should i change the water during the flush cycle?????
and is there anything i should use other than ph neutral water????
during a flush all you really want to do is give it pure water for the last two weeks or so. no nutes. this gets the chemical taste out of your buds before you smoke them.


New Member
i got that, thanks...... My question is how often do you change water during flush? or do you at all?


Well-Known Member
You can get a flush to put in during the last week but i think it just a money spinner.I use water ph of 5.0/5.5 this is fine you want to make sure that if you are gonna flush for 1 or 2 week.I personaly think that a week is fine although i use hydrophonics.and use nothing other than water and leave it on a constant slow flow of water instead of haveing the timer tofeed the plants 3 times for 15 minutes at a time,This method has always worked for me in the past.Soil based medium is far easyer to flush it is just a matter of takeing the plants in the bathroom mixing a big ammount of water 5.0/5.5ph and hold the pots over the toilet and water them keep watering till the coulour goes from a larger coulour to a clear coulour then just leave them to dry.If they do need any more water it will be in the final two days and just feed water ph'd at the same.But don't just get into the mind set of the plants only need flushing once during the whole grow that is why so many people have problems.I flush at least 3 times during veg but there is a differance you flush the plants has said above but once the water running out is clear put the last ammount in with freshly made nutrients.do the same method with the flowering stage but i do at least 4 flushes in the 8 week the plants realy benefit from this method i never have leaves yellowing or any other problems.not to say my grows are perfect,but most i have no problems.the excess salt that the plant is kicking out this is made by the plants and the nutrients needs to be taken out of the grow or you will have problems.Hope this helped.


New Member
are you soil or hydro
hydro, have a seperate tray and reservoir for finishing, i just put my first 4 in for the last 10-12 days and was wondering how often to change water in reservoir during flush, also, I have heard molasses is ok to feed them up to the last day is this true?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hydro, have a seperate tray and reservoir for finishing, i just put my first 4 in for the last 10-12 days and was wondering how often to change water in reservoir during flush, also, I have heard molasses is ok to feed them up to the last day is this true?
once a week. and yes you can. :mrgreen:


New Member
once a week. and yes you can. :mrgreen:
thanks, going to snap a bud shot, top colas are as big as my fist, learned a bit first grow, need bigger net pots as the one in the 10 inch pot yeilded a bit more than the eight inchers!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thanks, going to snap a bud shot, top colas are as big as my fist, learned a bit first grow, need bigger net pots as the one in the 10 inch pot yeilded a bit more than the eight inchers!!
showthemoff.we want to see:mrgreen:


New Member
thanks, going to snap a bud shot, top colas are as big as my fist, learned a bit first grow, need bigger net pots as the one in the 10 inch pot yeilded a bit more than the eight inchers!!

wo the leaves are really starting to yellow, they have only been flushing 3 days


New Member
today is day 52 of flowering, been flushing now for 3 days, im gonna let them flush a full 7 days more, hope they taste like they look and smell

10 days flushing i hope will be enough, im growing for myself so i just want the best bud possible, well, its not entirely for myself, i will share with friends, but i will have the inside laugh cause nobody will know it is growing 3 feet above their head in my attic


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
10 days flushing i hope will be enough, im growing for myself so i just want the best bud possible, well, its not entirely for myself, i will share with friends, but i will have the inside laugh cause nobody will know it is growing 3 feet above their head in my attic
yes it will. i have only flushed 3 days on one of myother growsand the shit was great.:mrgreen:

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Just use the Emergency flush method and be done with it coz any other flushing method is just a waste in my opinion. Maximum 3 days and its done!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Just use the Emergency flush method and be done with it coz any other flushing method is just a waste in my opinion.
you can not do an emergency flush when flushing to harvest. just water for a week or so like you normaly would.