Flushing question


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thats good to know, i have an abundance of circulation for the area i am using, fresh air intake and exhaust that runs the entire time the lights do, all three areas also have oscilatting fans, i think i am gonna be pleasantly surprised with results, i know its not gonna cost 100 bucks a quarter, thats pleasant enough LOL
getting antsy to use my scissors.........
the nice thing about a setup like you and i have with the air flow being freash is great and thats why i can handle higher heat then most growers. same with you to.bet. :blsmoke:


New Member
ya i put alot into making sure it was a functional setup, funny story, we were shopping for a new big screen tv last week and my wife asked if it was for the plants too!!! lol , i said sorta, im gonna smoke the plants while watching and playing video games on the new tV,, honestly, sad to say it took this long to realize but if i dont have to BUY smoke i could trade the buick in on a porsche!! an extra 400 a month savings can do wonders for MY economy~~~!!!


New Member
the nice thing about a setup like you and i have with the air flow being freash is great and thats why i can handle higher heat then most growers. same with you to.bet. :blsmoke:
thanks again mygirls, and all who posted plus rep~~~ i am just learning the rep system and i just vaped so killa so im plus reppin all you bastids LOL


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ya i put alot into making sure it was a functional setup, funny story, we were shopping for a new big screen tv last week and my wife asked if it was for the plants too!!! lol , i said sorta, im gonna smoke the plants while watching and playing video games on the new tV,, honestly, sad to say it took this long to realize but if i dont have to BUY smoke i could trade the buick in on a porsche!! an extra 400 a month savings can do wonders for MY economy~~~!!!
i hear you bro. i save myself 12k to 15k a year. fuck i smoke like a oz a week dam near these day just siting at home. :blsmoke: