My Tattoo Idea


Well-Known Member
You know you could always have them draw it up and sketch it where you want it. Just don't make it permanent. This would give you an idea if this is the design you want to go with.
that's a good idea. thanks sunny. ill def keep that in mind b4 i get it done.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Dude listen to Vette.... Ive got tats and im fine with them but when you get older and you wantto go to the beach with your family or something they arent so cool... something you find cool now maybe wont be so cool in 20 years..


Well-Known Member
Dude listen to Vette.... Ive got tats and im fine with them but when you get older and you wantto go to the beach with your family or something they arent so cool... something you find cool now maybe wont be so cool in 20 years..
i think a lot of that has to do of what the tattoo is. im just thinking its my birth year.. not getting a huge tiger on my back or nething that's suppose to be "badass". but then again... this is my 20 year old self thinking. i dont no what ill think in 20 years. might not even be here :roll: who knows

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Im sure youll be here and regret having giant roman numerals inked into your arms.... take it from a guy who knows about tattoo regret... and, I have what people say are very cool tattoos... it doesnt matter how cool they look its like a t-shirt you love that you wear every day... you like it and love wearing it but after a few years you get tired of it and dont wanna wear it much anymore... imagine if it didnt come off


Active Member
Nah never regreted any of my tatts even if i dont like them now... I associated meaning to every tatt i got so if i look at them and think i dont like it, i just remember what that tatt symbolizes.. That might be a good thing to incorperate in your tatt? instead of just getting the numbers, incorperate them into a design that has alot more meaning and goes alil deaper than just your birth date, you'll never regret it that way


Well-Known Member
Nah never regreted any of my tatts even if i dont like them now... I associated meaning to every tatt i got so if i look at them and think i dont like it, i just remember what that tatt symbolizes.. That might be a good thing to incorperate in your tatt? instead of just getting the numbers, incorperate them into a design that has alot more meaning and goes alil deaper than just your birth date, you'll never regret it that way
if i could somehow incorporate my birth year in roman numbers.. and the zodiac.. that would be awesome.


Active Member
Ya, thats totally a great start. Just sit down with your artist and give him some ideas, they will normally work with you until you got what you want bro. and remember to tip your artist too lol results will be alot better and faster


Well-Known Member
Ya, thats totally a great start. Just sit down with your artist and give him some ideas, they will normally work with you until you got what you want bro. and remember to tip your artist too lol results will be alot better and faster
thanks man. you've helped a lot. i have a buddy that is an artist (just on paper) ill sit down with him and work on some stuff

+rep to u


Well-Known Member
i was planning on getting it on the inside of my arm. next to my armpit. so it will be hidden pretty well. aslong as i dont raise my arms ill be fine :bigjoint:. but im going to take atleast a month to think about it. if im iffy about it then.. then ill def not do it
ok, well if u do get it there, just make sure u clean it every day with it being where it is.

when i got my tattoos done all the artists have said i have really good skin and it takes the ink really well. it showed when they all healed really quick. i had a shower every night and cleaned it and then put some baby oil on it to keep the skin moist. i wouldnt use vaseline as thats abit thicker. u want something thin and moist.

hope that helps, and now i want another one,lol. maybe fill my under arm near my pit on my right arm :p


Well-Known Member
ok, well if u do get it there, just make sure u clean it every day with it being where it is.

when i got my tattoos done all the artists have said i have really good skin and it takes the ink really well. it showed when they all healed really quick. i had a shower every night and cleaned it and then put some baby oil on it to keep the skin moist. i wouldnt use vaseline as thats abit thicker. u want something thin and moist.

hope that helps, and now i want another one,lol. maybe fill my under arm near my pit on my right arm :p
thanks for helping man, and ur welcome for making u think about getting another one :mrgreen:... hope it turns out badass if u do get one :blsmoke:


New Member
Don't forget...tattoos are a great way to broadcast your educational background to the world. It will DEFINITELY help you get a high paying job.... for sure.

out. :blsmoke:

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Yeah like now I have a good job and when i go to summer office events at different places where everyone is wearing short sleeve shirts I have to wear a long sleeve because in my line of work tattoos are frowned upon... Im not saying I care one way or another if someone has one but alot of other people dont like them. And, I know a lot of my clients, if they knew i had tattoos, would not want to use me.. So, think about the future... if you get one or two or 8 like me get them in places that can at least be covered with a short sleeve shirt. cause it sucks wearing long sleeves in the summertime.... my 2 cents