Injecting 0xygen in an Aeroponics Root Chamber?

Johnny McChroni

Active Member
Has anyone ever either done it themselves, or heard of anyone who added O2 to an aeroponics system's rooting chamber, or injected it into nutrient solution in hydroponics as opposed to just using the air of the room? I thought that, since roots need oxygen, enhancing the content of it in the root environment might have a surprising effect on growth, in a similar manner to injecting CO2 into the grow environment. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
It seems a little risky pumping pure oxygen around all that electrical wires and what have you... I would just stick to the regular pump an airstone. If you want your roots to get real huge and nice you should get a commercial pump. Those really put out a lot of air

Johnny McChroni

Active Member
It seems a little risky pumping pure oxygen around all that electrical wires and what have you... I would just stick to the regular pump an airstone. If you want your roots to get real huge and nice you should get a commercial pump. Those really put out a lot of air
I'm planning a hybrid system - a combination of ultrasonic fogging-type aeroponics, and flood and drain. What I was thinking - and this is all gonna be theory for now, because I don't have money to spend on an oxygen system anytime soon - was to inject oxygen into the reservoir where the fog was being produced so that as the fog was being pushed into the system by the little PC fan pushing air into the fogger's reservoir, it would carry the oxygen with it into the root chamber. My system is going to work similar to the attached picture (1 is the fog reservoir). I wasn't thinking go hogwild with it and jack the 02 content up to like 80% or anything, just adding some...maybe an extra 10-15%. I'd have to tinker with it to see how quickly it was being absorbed by the plants so I could keep it regulated to a fairly even percetage - and I haven't even thought about how to do that yet; like I said, this is all just theoretical for now - but with it that low, and mostly contained within the system, save leaks around the plant stalks through the neoprene discs at the top of the net pots and whatnot, leakage into the grow room itself wouldn't amount to much I wouldn't think. But you see why an airstone doesn't really apply? Maybe in the flood/drain reservoir with the pump, and yeah I guess I would be doing that there, but in the aero portion of the system it doesn't really apply. Fog passing over the roots leaves plenty of oxygen availability right out of the air without even bothering to aerate the fogger's reservoir at all, since the roots won't be in any medium...I don't think it would even make any difference if I did - because of the way the ultrasonic fogger works, I don't think the particles would carry much or any oxygen even if it was there in the solution to be carried. But anyway, I was thinking about injecting just for enrichment, the same way CO2 is done, but nothing drastic...not making the entire root environment all oxygen or anything. You still think there would be an issue with the electrical stuff, done like that?


Johnny McChroni

Active Member
Nobody? Not one single person out there ever has done this? I realize it may seem a little too much - and definitely if you're not growing commercially but just for your own smoke - but are you all telling me that I'm the first person to think about the possible benefits of this? Or are y'all just not bothering to say anything?


Well-Known Member
I'm using an botanicare microgarden areo system and been using H2O2 in my res to add more O2.I was told that airstones are no good in an areo set-up.