FLoJo's Vertical Round 3: Grand Daddy Purps + CO2 = Good Times!


Well-Known Member
josh, i have 65 in the vert, and will have another 32 or so in the ebb, so about 97 total.

and ya it does kinda suck, i usually just let it dry out then either toss it or take it to the homeless garden and let them tear it down and till it into the soil


Well-Known Member
your in cali though arent you? RW in my trash would raise eyebrows here in the midwest.

i think thats awesome that you would take it to the homeless garden. never heard of one of those but it sounds like a good idea.


Well-Known Member
true, or you could tear it up yourself and till it into your soil.. really helps hold moisture so you water less..

ya there is a few gardens around where i live that is run and maintained by homeless people.. they grow flowers to sell, and crops to eat. its really a beautiful thing


Well-Known Member
you scare me sometimes oregon.. your not the guy in the bushes outside my house are you? LOL


Well-Known Member
I deleted my last post, was just going to post a new one instead but your reply beat me to it.

What do you mean I scare you I don't get it. What did I do?


Well-Known Member
true, or you could tear it up yourself and till it into your soil.. really helps hold moisture so you water less..

ya there is a few gardens around where i live that is run and maintained by homeless people.. they grow flowers to sell, and crops to eat. its really a beautiful thing
yea you can till/tear it up ...but eff that

that shit never breaks down.

im already knownin some weed baron is gonna spot out the RW...lol

i love my coco cuz what you do with your RW, i do the same with my coco...its a great soil conditioner.....and most people dont know the the difference between coco and dirt/soil


Well-Known Member
true that but the homeless guys dont give a fuck, and they are the most resourceful mofos on the planet, they prolly make rockwool houses or something

just L

Active Member
another one lookin awesome bro! im in again. i just bought another house so im going mega vert. hopefully 2 months and i should be up and going.


Well-Known Member
thanks fellas.. nothing new to report, still waiting for these bitches to get big enuff to flip em.

has anyone here grown grand daddy purp? anyone know what the stretch is like? if they only stretch 60 percent i still got at least a week of veg left, but if they end up tripling in size ima be fucked LOL

toker 10

Active Member
This looks like its gohna be a sick grow Flo
vert growin is so nuts it blows my mind away.
Cant wait to see how its done !
ill be watchin the whole way for sure


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, wanted to give ya an update.. been veggin a couple weeks now, not really sure (i should probably keep track huh LOL) but figured id give ya a little update.

well most of em are getting big n thick.. loving it. i do have like 4 little stunters, not sure why. i may sub em out for some of the kiddos in the ebb n flo once i get em rooted, just depends on growth.


most of em are pretty uniform other than that, i do have this one crazy ass sativa lol i donno what its thinking, but i will probably end up putting it dead center in the ebb n flo and see what she does. who knows maybe she will give me a pound lol

crazy sativa.jpg

anyways, this GDP is vegging sloooooooow as hell i feel like, they are still on average about 8-10 inches tall, and feeding at 800 ppms, but i am bumping it up to 900 ppms today.

top side.jpg
agent orange soil.jpg

its crazy cuz they dont grow really tall very fast,, but they branch out like a motherfucker. im going to have to get in there and give em another trim job here pretty soon and try to spur the vertical growth.

they are looking super healthy tho, all the new growth is pointing straight up, and the fan leaves are big n green with perfect coloration.. not a burnt tip in the house.

just gorgeous.jpg
lovely fan.jpg
lovely ladies.jpg
lovely lady.jpg
purple dragon.jpg

i wanted to show you guys who are interested in the H&G line to see just how clean this shit is..

Clean Res.jpg
Clean Res 2.jpg

so i was doing my res change today, and snapped a couple pics so you can see not only the color of the solution, but just how clean my res is after NO CLEANING, NO SCRUBBING or anything!! there isnt a film residue, or anything around the corners or sides.. just clean as a whistle is nuts!! and keep in mind this is after lets see, like 3 and a half weeks or something like that? i usually have to scrub after every res change, and i usually have to change it more often, but with this shit i dont gotta do nadda, I LOVE IT!!

anyways, still waiting for these bitches to reach for the sky so i can pull the big flip.. i will probably start them on the 20th if they are ready or not, gotta get this shit rolling ya digg!!
