No Growth After Transplant!


Active Member
Ok so heres the deal, my buddy gave me two plants and i transplanted them. they were in fox farm potting soil under a 150 hps. now they are in miracle grow (organic) under a 250 hps. i transplanted them about two weeks ago and after the first week the leaves yellowed from top to bottom, and there are tiny yellow/brown dots on the top leaves...there hasnt been any growth for about 2 weeks, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
i had this same problem. someone told me it was shock but i dont think it is. someone help!


Active Member
Your plant looks burnt. Do you have it in a soil that has fertilizer as well as giving it fertilizer with its water? These things if matched up wrong can do this. I use an organic soil with no fertilizer in it at all (sungro #1). Its expensive but worth it. The other thing id look for is bugs. Get a magnifing glass and look at underside of the damaged leaves for little black dots that move.


Active Member
i check for bugs on a regular basis, and i just checked again with a mag. glass and didnt see any...the soil does have some nutes...the soil seems to be staying pretty moist for a long period of time...i havent watered in ab 5 days, and is still moist, mainly the area of rot ball that was transferred is stayin moist...any help?

i also read that it may be a Mn (Manganese) def....


Active Member
If your soil is still wet after 5 days you need more heat or more light. The soil needs periods of dryness to let the roots breath. Even in 5 gallon pots I water about every 3 to 4 days.


Active Member
Good air circulation might help. Do you have a fan blowing on it about half the time or so. My fan runs in 3hour cycles. 3 on 3 off... Ive had this problem in veg room when there are to many plants, not enough light or proper circulation.


Well-Known Member
That's a sign of a choking plant, indeed. Too wet. Get some highly oxygenated water and flush the soil with it, then break up the soil a bit more and try to add some sand or something to help with a bit more even drainage and breathing space.


Well-Known Member
Plant is hurt, needs triage.

DO NOT water until soil dries out much more.
Make sure there are breather holes in the bottom or lower sides of the container.
Keep it in a LOW LIGHT area of your grow room.
Let the leaves go yellow and gently remove them as they die if they don't fall on their own.
You will be trying to save the newer growth you see coming off the stem above where the leaf attaches.
You are now a MJ EMT and your patient is counting on you.


New Member
Plant is hurt, needs triage.

DO NOT water until soil dries out much more.
Make sure there are breather holes in the bottom or lower sides of the container.
Keep it in a LOW LIGHT area of your grow room.
Let the leaves go yellow and gently remove them as they die if they don't fall on their own.
You will be trying to save the newer growth you see coming off the stem above where the leaf attaches.
You are now a MJ EMT and your patient is counting on you.
dont let that patient die doctor!!!


Active Member
i have great circulation...this is crazy...ill try lettin them do their thing i guess...please keep the ideas comin, anything and everything helps! i appreciate yall


Active Member
i have great circulation...this is crazy...ill try lettin them do their thing i guess...please keep the ideas comin, anything and everything helps! i appreciate yall
lumbo, i appreiate ur suggestion...what do u mean by low light area? ive been told they need more light, and to me, low light means less light?


Well-Known Member
side light would be like partially shading it under ur existing light as to not shock it anymore. i agree w/ upper posts, let that fucker dry out and put in in indirect lighting , maybe adding some sand or vermiculite to ur mix. i stay away from mg products, not to say there bad, just not for begginers.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Why keep the plant in a low light area?

That light is what provides the plant with energy to repair itself. No doctor would deprive a patient of blood if they were sick.


Active Member
not looking good, the soil doesnt seem to be getting any dryer...this really sux man...the lower fan leaves have been removed and the growth is still stunted...its like cancer man, i cant find a cure!