No Growth After Transplant!

Ya i agree with the above.

Plant is choking. Not enough perlite in the soil mix & was maybe packed down to tight. & the brown spots don't look like bugs, more like plant burn. Plant was sprayed during lights on, Water beaded and burned the plant.

Made that mistake before some die some come back.
Your problem is that the soil at the bottom of your pot has gone sour due to overwatering, or possibly because the soil mix is to heavy. Cannabis has a very lazy root, the easier it can get through the soil the better. The only thing you can do to save these is to repot them - discarding the sour soil at the bottom. Do not feed them for a couple of days, then start a regime of quarter strength foliar feeds for a period of two weeks, spraying them every third day. Obviously do this just before you turn the lights off - and don,t forget to spray them with pure water the following day at lights of so that the nutes are absorbed and light and gas exchange are not hampered. Whenever you see rust spots on your leaves it is a preety good indicator that the root is under stress. Hope this helps you and anyone else suffering the same problem.
I know you've got too much water already - but what about using H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) to get the need oxygen to the roots? I'm just brainstorming here.

You should probably re-pot it out of that Miracle Grow crap.
I wouldn't add Hydrogen peroxide, the roots can't absorb enough oxygen as it is - increasing it may well even have the opposite effect and kill the plant almost immedietly. You have to treat the leaf as the plants root now until it fully recovers.
ok, i just transplanted her into sphagnum peat moss w/ lots of perlite...the roots were developed to the bottom of the the roots were growing but the plant wasnt???! how does this happen?
Roots growing but no top growth - stunted growth is usually a calcium deficiency. Betting your soil was depleted of calcium and the roots went looking for it, until they hit the bottom of the pot.
was the transplant into the peat moss a good move or no? i think its good as a fungal preventative (if that makes sense...just what i heard)?? but i also think it may retain too much moisture for this situation...she doesnt seem to be improving or getting worse, just stuntin hard core...
here is the progress of my lady

You transplanted them into miracle grow soil. Even the organic soil has times release nutrients in it which are too much for cannabis plants. They quickly become nitrogen toxic followed by other toxicities. Miracle Grow soil is one of the worst brands of soil for cannabis plants. I personally would use fox farm happy frog but anything without time release nutrients would surely do better than what you have. Fox farm happy frog I garunteed would bring back the green, healthy look in the leaves, at least in any new growth.
You transplanted them into miracle grow soil. Even the organic soil has times release nutrients in it which are too much for cannabis plants. They quickly become nitrogen toxic followed by other toxicities. Miracle Grow soil is one of the worst brands of soil for cannabis plants. I personally would use fox farm happy frog but anything without time release nutrients would surely do better than what you have. Fox farm happy frog I garunteed would bring back the green, healthy look in the leaves, at least in any new growth.
Bro this thread is from 2009 wtf are you doing here :D:D:D:D:D
You transplanted them into miracle grow soil. Even the organic soil has times release nutrients in it which are too much for cannabis plants. They quickly become nitrogen toxic followed by other toxicities. Miracle Grow soil is one of the worst brands of soil for cannabis plants. I personally would use fox farm happy frog but anything without time release nutrients would surely do better than what you have. Fox farm happy frog I garunteed would bring back the green, healthy look in the leaves, at least in any new growth.
Also, don't follow the advice of most "growers." Most have done little to no research themselves and rely solely on their experience. The best growers rely on their experience, but also research and try to innovate upon tried and true methods. In my experience forums are not always reliable sources of information