250W Envirolite diesel ryder grow


Well-Known Member
Now for the update

Plant A - 19 days
Plant B - 19 days
Plant C - 16 days
Plant D - 13 days
Plant E - 13 days

So all has been going well, the temps are still at a constant 25 with a few degress give or take, maximum has been 28, around 82F. have started feeding some nutes, just something called baby bio, has an NPK rating of 10.4-4.4-1.7.

I have gave plant A a little nute burn now all seems k after feeding with straight water.

now for the pics, i gotta also mention that they smell rather delicious eventhough they aint fully into flowering yet, cannot wait till that final day

first 2 pics are of the flowers and rest are of the plants in alphabetical order.

Let me know what yas think, and thanks again for anyone who has stopped by and pulled up a seat, well its now ten past seven so any one fancy a brew a got the kettle boiling, nothing better than a cuppa and a bitta wake n bake! Love it :joint:>>>>>>>>puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>> :peace:
Plants looking sweet as mate, to late for the cuuppa? :lol:
>>>>>>>>>>> :joint: puff puff pass back >>>>>> :joint:

1st is def a female and not to sure about the second but you can leave it a little while before removing him to make sure its def a male.

mine are about a 10 days behind your oldest ones and i have two at 3 or 4 days old.

that sweet smell will be getting stronger and stronger over the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the commets! yeah i know pic 2 is a male,, i want a male so i can make some seeds, whe abouts would i need to cull it to get some pollen? ta


Well-Known Member
Let it mature in a seperate room then when the balls start opening up put some paper or something under the ball bundles and tap to get the pollen out onto the paper. Or similar


Well-Known Member
a think its 1m high, 40 cm depth, and 60 cm width. unfortuately i aint got a second room to put them in queeny, so i just want to cut the tops off and put them in a paper cup and ket the pollen drop into a paper cup if thats possible.

as for the measurements i will get to you with the exact ones on sunday as i am just about to go out, have a good weekend everyone !

:joint: anyone wants some purple haze? and a jack d on the rocks :joint: >>>>>>>>>Puff >>>>pass >>>>>>



Well-Known Member
Is there a just a regular room you could put the male in where it could maybe sit by a window? I just think you'd need to let it developlong enough for the pollen to be viable but if you do that in the grow room the balls would start popping. If you leave it in there til its got some fairly bulging balls then move it out and in a few more days some of the balls should start to open up and youd have pollen that was properley ready. Your way might be cool Id just be worried the pollen wasnt properley developed before balls start opening


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats what i was going to do queeny, was gonna let the balls bulk up a bit and then chop the top off, so i know i should get at least some of the pollen, might just leave it in there to get a shit load of seeds so i can just kill the males straight away next time i grow.

Also might try and get some female pollen to make some feminized seeds, what you guys think?

Trimming? - when would you advise on trimming leaves, becasue the femal is getting quite bushy and was wandering the best time to trim so more focus is put into make fatter, juicier, succulent buds.

will have pic update the mora!


Nexus Polaris

Well-Known Member
I have been trimming off the large lower fan leaves and my plants are responding fine, as long as you dont trim a bunch of them all at once, I found that out. I trimmed the very bottom first, waited about 2-3 days as it got bigger then I trimmed the next set of fan leaves just trying to expose the inner branches and redirect the nutes to the flower sites. The girl that I trimmed several sets of fan leaves is starting to catch up now. Seemed like it stunted her a bit but her flowers are starting to develope just as quik if not quiker than the others now. I hope I have at least 1 female out of the 3 deisel's I planted. Post pics when you can, since we are on about the same time schedule it's fun to watch yours also. I am still wishing you the best of luck with this grow.


Well-Known Member
Ive read, and I agree, that chopping off the fan leaves will do more harm than good. Even if the big leaves are covering flowering parts that leaf will still be able to make food which it can send to where the plant needs it. If you cut leaves off you are not only reducing its ability to make food and stuff but you are injuring it and then it needs to use energy repairing itself. Surely if the plant worked best without fan leaves it would decide that itself?! It has them for a reason?! Please dont start hacking at your plants!


Well-Known Member
think were pretty much neck & neck with some of the sizes of our lowryders, since we started around the same time mate.

they are looking good man, looking forward to the next update.

Nexus Polaris

Well-Known Member
I recant what I wrote about trimming, that was probably what cause some of mine to herm, that is the only stress they've had, that the only thing I cant think of unless it was genetics. But, I do have 1 deisel female showing now!!! Yours still looking great!!

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
hey dude, yer dont be hacking away like a mad lumberjack lol, when the plant has used up all the usefull energy out of the leaves the leaves will dry up and drop off let it be =-)


Well-Known Member
good job nex followin this all the way out. i got 25 diesels up an sprouted so far under 1000 watts so all well rite now. im also doin hindu and regular kush in a clost sog style also. all diesels have sprouted so far jus waitin on da kushes to cum up.


Well-Known Member
I have two plants under a 150w cfl powerplant u8 and they are growing fast fast fast...
When i start to flower do i need to get the soft white 2700 or could i flower with my 150w daylight?


Well-Known Member
Dude for one you really need those lights closer i have a 150w cfl powerplant and at day 15 my plants looked so much bigger