Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...


Well-Known Member
Dude, thanks for the fuckin' link!!! I am stoked!

So much cheaper than bubble bags, and I don't really have enough trim for bubble anyway. This looks so much easier, anyway..

Your plants are lookin' great, BTW.
thanks alot dudes, and no problem for the link!
i didn't wanna spend all that cash on bubble bags either, maybe one day, but too broke's super easy! this will be my last post for about a week, i'm goin up to the mtns to lady will be watching the babies and she's done it before so i'm not worried....have a great week everyone and i'll talk to ya'll when i return, peace..



Well-Known Member
yeah really nice list, and attitude fucking rocks...that's where i get all my gear!! the fem purple lady, and fem white widow freebies i have goin are doin suprisingly well...dewey, you should forsure try the hash oil, for the first time just use some stems and a couple grams of bud...i have bout 7 white rhino's goin, all super strong, i'm sooo excited for these little babies to make me proud...appreciate it..peace

Hell yeah I can't wait to see the Purple Lady, looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I have the Free Super Skunk and one of my White Berrys goin now. Just got my other order today, I started germin 2 of my autos. They are a mixed batch of Strains, tere is Lowryder, Lowryder #2, Diesel Ryder, and Purple Ryder. It says on the package they cam in the are reg seeds, i am hopin they are female. Didn't relize this when I ordered, I am hopein that bein autos maybe they will be more towards the fem side!!!!! Also what would cause the leaves on my babies to turn light green? Is it just cause they are young and have no nutes, growin in coco.


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute!!! Did you say in that mixed p, ack one of those strains says PURPLE RYDER??? Where the hell did u get that??? Do Tell!! I have been wondering for a while if anyone has ever made a purple auto flowering strain!!! 1 more question in that pack u got, are they all separated so u know which one is which??!! Thanks...:mrgreen:

Hell yeah I can't wait to see the Purple Lady, looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I have the Free Super Skunk and one of my White Berrys goin now. Just got my other order today, I started germin 2 of my autos. They are a mixed batch of Strains, tere is Lowryder, Lowryder #2, Diesel Ryder, and Purple Ryder. It says on the package they cam in the are reg seeds, i am hopin they are female. Didn't relize this when I ordered, I am hopein that bein autos maybe they will be more towards the fem side!!!!! Also what would cause the leaves on my babies to turn light green? Is it just cause they are young and have no nutes, growin in coco.


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute!!! Did you say in that mixed p, ack one of those strains says PURPLE RYDER??? Where the hell did u get that??? Do Tell!! I have been wondering for a while if anyone has ever made a purple auto flowering strain!!! 1 more question in that pack u got, are they all separated so u know which one is which??!! Thanks...:mrgreen:

Yeah dats wut I said...I bought em from attitude, the come in a tube mixed together. They are prepackage by the company attitude buys their seeds from. All 4 strains finish in 8-10 weeks, and are mixed indica/sativa genetics. Here is the link for the mix I bought, dunno if u can buy da purple by itself tho.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dats wut I said...I bought em from attitude, the come in a tube mixed together. They are prepackage by the company attitude buys their seeds from. All 4 strains finish in 8-10 weeks, and are mixed indica/sativa genetics. Here is the link for the mix I bought, dunno if u can buy da purple by itself tho.
i'm leaving in the morning...and that's awesome MJ, should be a nice my experience, i've found that auto's actually have a worse male/female ratio, i think more males show up! i had only 4 females out of 10, and 2 of those were retarted and never grew huge like their 2 sisters!


Well-Known Member
i'm leaving in the morning...and that's awesome MJ, should be a nice my experience, i've found that auto's actually have a worse male/female ratio, i think more males show up! i had only 4 females out of 10, and 2 of those were retarted and never grew huge like their 2 sisters!

That kinda sux in a way, I wouldn't mind getting a few males outta the autos. Would like to cross em with my other strains and see if I can make my own autoflowring strain. Would be awesome to have an auto White Berry, will find out soon enough I guess. I am considering getting another tent and light so I can have a flowring chamber and a grow chamber, not 100% yet dunno if I can really afford it after wut I put into what I have now. May juat haveta live with it for awhile.


Well-Known Member
if you cross an auto with a regular strain your gonna have to cross your new seeds with another auto plant to get a stable autoflower. Im pretty sure that how it is. Could be wrong though.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Looking great GKN,
Just something to look foward to on your 12/12 quest.
Good luck and dont be a stranger, we both need to strive for 1 oz plants. Looks like Randy started a lot of 12/12 growers.



Well-Known Member
Looking great GKN,
Just something to look foward to on your 12/12 quest.
Good luck and dont be a stranger, we both need to strive for 1 oz plants. Looks like Randy started a lot of 12/12 growers.

I can't take creadit for all the 12/12 growers. I copyed what some one else did. Then I tweeked it to my strains with the nutes I like.


Well-Known Member
thanks dudes, and camel, i'm praying for oz plants, haha! and rocket def had sumpin to do with me goin to 12/12 from seed...another was that huge thread at icmag, it's super helpful if ya'll havent read it ,check it out...i made it to the mnts today and im bout to leave the electronics behind for the week, peace brothas..



Well-Known Member
if you cross an auto with a regular strain your gonna have to cross your new seeds with another auto plant to get a stable autoflower. Im pretty sure that how it is. Could be wrong though.
Stabilizing a strain is a complex time and space consuming matter made and even more so with an autoflower.

If you were to breed bluemystic with lowryder2 the resulting seeds wont nessesarly all autoflower. If you were to breed those resulting seeds with a lowryder2 again you will have a larger % of autoflowers because the resulting breed has more of the lowryder genitics in it. Seeds from this may be more apt to autoflower however they may also not contain alot of the traits you wanted from the bluemystic. A stabilized auto strain would contain the autoflowering pheneotype so that it autoflowers and also contain the desired qualitys of the other breed and do this continuesly.

I have played arround with this for a couple of years and still wasnt able to stabilize the pheno's I wanted, came close but the resulting plants still wernt all exactly the same and still had what I would consider substansial differances.

If you want to screw with something like this on your own my advice would be dont get discouraged by a room full or more so multiple harvests of plants without the desired traits your looking for. I think I would also try to avoid doing that 2nd cross of my new strain and the autoflower. Do the 1st cross then grow that crop and do yourself a favor by keeping good records including every noticable/desiriable trait your looking for. This crop should then hopefully but wont nessesarly contain plants that autoflower. The autoflowering plants of this breed (hopefully you get a male and female in that bunch) I would breed together and grow. This group may again have some that dont autoflower but you should have more than the 1st time. From here its a matter of continuing to breed these new seeds over and while doing it selectivly for the desired traits. Here is where that record keeping will help, you will have a multitude of differant "breeds" and you will have seeds from each of these and some will be have a more dominate gene for the desired trait(s) your looking for.


Well-Known Member
Stabilizing a strain is a complex time and space consuming matter made and even more so with an autoflower.

If you were to breed bluemystic with lowryder2 the resulting seeds wont nessesarly all autoflower. If you were to breed those resulting seeds with a lowryder2 again you will have a larger % of autoflowers because the resulting breed has more of the lowryder genitics in it. Seeds from this may be more apt to autoflower however they may also not contain alot of the traits you wanted from the bluemystic. A stabilized auto strain would contain the autoflowering pheneotype so that it autoflowers and also contain the desired qualitys of the other breed and do this continuesly.

I have played arround with this for a couple of years and still wasnt able to stabilize the pheno's I wanted, came close but the resulting plants still wernt all exactly the same and still had what I would consider substansial differances.

If you want to screw with something like this on your own my advice would be dont get discouraged by a room full or more so multiple harvests of plants without the desired traits your looking for. I think I would also try to avoid doing that 2nd cross of my new strain and the autoflower. Do the 1st cross then grow that crop and do yourself a favor by keeping good records including every noticable/desiriable trait your looking for. This crop should then hopefully but wont nessesarly contain plants that autoflower. The autoflowering plants of this breed (hopefully you get a male and female in that bunch) I would breed together and grow. This group may again have some that dont autoflower but you should have more than the 1st time. From here its a matter of continuing to breed these new seeds over and while doing it selectivly for the desired traits. Here is where that record keeping will help, you will have a multitude of differant "breeds" and you will have seeds from each of these and some will be have a more dominate gene for the desired trait(s) your looking for.

Wow I guess I never thought about how much work it would really be, perhaps something to think about later on when I don't have such a high risk. Hopefully it wont be long!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
syrious, great post man. I believe i have the basic idea and I know its harder than i make it seem lol. Im not about to go out and try and breed autoflowers haha but i do wanna try and breed other strains soon!



Well-Known Member
syrious, great post man. I believe i have the basic idea and I know its harder than i make it seem lol. Im not about to go out and try and breed autoflowers haha but i do wanna try and breed other strains soon!

The "other strains" would be good practice and the thing to mess with first. With clonable strains you can keep daddy and momey under constant veg light. Then your able to clone those to make your seeds. Then being able to cross back to both mom and dad back with there children while trying to bring out whatever traits you want could become easier. I cant stress how much not only time but space this sort of thing requires and my hats off to anyone that can devote this effort. Multiple strains from multiple breeds all growing as well as there parrents including the dads who pretty much need there own bloom room.

After you have a few grows under your belt. Start by crossing 2 quality strains from a seedbank. Now for the first time arround I wouldnt nessesarly go crazy and save both of the parrents so you could back cross. Just do your cross and grow all those seeds out and you will see a varity of phenotypes if something happens to stand out from the rest there is a new mother and you have created a "clone only" strain. Honestly if your growing for your head or even if your going to off a bag or 2 for a few bucks then its probabally not worth the effort to go past making a clone only unless your someplace where its more legit and you were breeding strains for a living.

Dont get me wrong I would love to play with it more, its totally fun and rewarding but in most of the medical states it would be hard to stay under the legal limit of plants. I hope that those laws will change with in my lifetime and the sooner the better!


Well-Known Member
This still doesnt mean you all shouldnt take a shot at it. Theres nothing wrong with breeding this male with that female or screwing arround with pollen from a hermie on another breed your farting with. Hell some of todays top strains have there roots back to John Doe grower someplace growing in there basement. Its sort of like gambeling, except if you dont get lucky with some new super fantastic strain you still atleast get some kind weed to smoke, how bad is that?


Well-Known Member
not bad at all. Ill be getting some male pollen from one of my friends BEST Chronics. Ive seen it and its a damn shame its not a female. Ill be storing it for that perfect female i come across one day. Hopefully soon. After this next grow (after the current) i will most likely have the female im looking for. I have alot of strains at my hands right now. Some of them would be Lemon Skunk, Cheese, LA Confedential, Chronic, Strawberry Haze Diesel and prob more by that time. Ill be doing my research:D


Well-Known Member
Well if your going to breed you will either have to grow a bigger appreciation for males or your going to have to force females to hermie with hormone treatment(gibberellic acid) or stress and if you use stress those children could also be apt to hermie from that sort of stress. Some folks will agrue that hermie children have a high % chance of being hermie, others express there opinion of how and why hermies suck. However I personally have had much better luck with hermie seeds than others have I guess. (I am sure someone will quote me then discribe how hermie plants suck, go ahead if you must but there are a shitload of other threads you could agrue that on)

Some people will say not to smoke weed treated with gibberellic acid and other people will say its fine because its gone before harvest. However when your doing this sort of thing you take a cutting from mom then a week after it roots its treated/bloomed and pretty much kept as small as ya can, then disposed of as soon as you have the pollen you want. Done on the small scale with a young plant its not going to yield much anyways, get your pollen and trash the little hermie clone who gives a crap. You should wait and allready have a good female crop 1/2 way to harvest before that "soon to be hermie" clone enters the room anyways and if done like this and not done in its own room you could still be seeding plants you dont want to no matter how well timed or carefull you think you were. So building a small little box with CFL's to do that in is a good idea.

LOL this should be some good reading for GKN when he gets back from his holiday..


Well-Known Member
hey hey everyone, I'M BACK!!!! and you're right, that was some great reading on breeding, i'm def gonna try my hand at that soon...the mountains were beautiful, i got some fishing and camping in and its sooo nice to escape humanity from time to girlfriend did an outstanding job taking care of the garden...all of my ladies are just booming, they seem to be really loving life...i lost a couple of the power skunk freebies that were in small cups due to lack of water, but it's all good!! this morning I killed 3 males, with another 5 that haven't showed sex yet...there's already more females than i thought i was gonna have, 13!! i gave them their first small feeding of big bloom and tiger bloom this morning as well... i also switched over to my hps bulb....this 12/12 from seed method seems to be working perfectly so far and if i get anything close to an oz per plant i may never switch back, haha...:mrgreen:
i got a few pics of the progress, enjoy dudes




Well-Known Member
Hell Yeah man!!!!! Lookin nice as hell. I am also goin on vacation in a couple weeks, I am gonna turn back the light on my White Berry and Super Skunk before I leave. I started 2 autos, both of which died. I think one reason for this was cause I germed em too long and let the taproot get too long, the other reason I think was from me messin with em. Lesson learned I suppose, just gonna stick with the two I have for now see how thay do.


Well-Known Member
haha, thanks alot dude...i hope those go great for ya! those pics earlier are today, day 22...and these i just wanted to show everybody, from bout 5 days ago when i was outta town, my girlfriend took em and emailed them to me, i fucking loved it, haha, thats when you know you got a great bitch!! peace.
