My CFL Closet Journal, AK47, Ice, and Fem. Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
Glad to see another great looking cfl grow!

temp: 23.8
rh: 31%

i have another large group of photos for everyone watching. I also have a question i'd like to throw at all of you. I want to begin lst but my plants all have very short outward stems and i dont know how to go about securing ties to them. I think i would greatly benefit from lst right now but need to get this issue solved. I tried raising the lights to promote a little stretch but all that seems to have done is stretch them vertically while remaining just as dense. Any suggestions on how i could begin lst?


Well-Known Member
I dont have an exact growing length. I planted most of the seeds January 30th and February first. They started to break through the soil within that week. As of February ninth they were all above ground. I have been using feb 9 as my reference date for counting days.

Thanks for the LST reference I use this link though as my LST bible

Keep checking in I will continue to post on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
I have figured out how I would like to do my LST and decided to go for it. While browsing my local dollar store (I try to get as many of my supplies as possible there for obvious reasons) I stumbled across a spool of plastic twist tie. It came with a pretty good length of tie and will be more than enough for my needs.

I don't own a drill so unfortunately for me I was forced to make my holes the old fashioned way. The twist ties worked out great because I can cut it to whatever length I need and can adjust how tight it pulls on the plant simple by adding more twists or removing some twists. They are great for customization, but take a little bit of effort to get into place initially when you are working in densely packed foliage.

I was able to begin the LST training on almost all of the plants. I applied a counter tie to all of the plants before I started to bend them. After the counter tie I bent the tops down by adding another twist tie a full node down from the top of the stem. Leaving a bit of space should allow the plant to bend back towards the light and also prevent the tie from slipping.



Active Member
Wow those beauts are looking great.

Question though, why did you choose LST over SCROG??

The idea of doing LST with the ties was very innovating i was going to have to buy a crap load of those tiny metal stakes on my next grow but now i can save some serious mula.


Well-Known Member
The plants had apparently been doing just that all night. When I got up in the morning for school everyone had already reoriented themselves and begun reaching upward again. As a result I tightened up the ties on all of them. This was to try and knock them over a little farther and approach a completely horizontal top. I can already also see some new growth that looks as if it will fill up the newly opening space. This shit is exciting :)

Wow those beauts are looking great.

Question though, why did you choose LST over SCROG??

The idea of doing LST with the ties was very innovating i was going to have to buy a crap load of those tiny metal stakes on my next grow but now i can save some serious mula.
I decided to use LST because that closet is not the final home for these plants. Had that been where I intended to flower I would have without a doubt used a SCROG technique. I will be transplanting into larger pots when it comes time to get into the flowering room. The flowering box is still in the design stages right now. I have 2 400W HPS and roughly 4'x6' to work with. I have seen many different and intriguing setups recently and am still debating what I would like to do.

I have my eye on a handful of branches that are readying themselves to become my first go round at cloning.



Well-Known Member
Dont be scurred! In vegg you can bend and twist the shit out of those babies:) they recover in the lights out time:)


Well-Known Member
Dont be scurred! In vegg you can bend and twist the shit out of those babies:) they recover in the lights out time:)
I'm not scared at all. It is quite clear the plants can handle the training. They are doing a great job with it. I am interested to see what they will look like tomorrow night when I can get in to check on them.


Well-Known Member
I wasnt kidding about the "lights off " part most bends i made the plants straighten out in the dark! People always say they strech for the lights but i think they just go against gravity when the lights are out...otherwise they would still be bent over in the morning...does this make sense??,,,,,,stoned


Well-Known Member
I think I understand what you are trying to say, but I don't understand why they would go against gravity. Nothing that I know of is able to work against gravity. I believe it was Modest Mouse that said Gravity rides everything. All I know is that it forces the plant to redistribute growth hormones and exposes more of the plant to the light.


Well-Known Member
Its hard to say what i mean ...not really fighting gravity but you know how roots go down and plants go up ...its like that even with the lights out the plant still grows up ,oposite i said im stoned just over thinkin it i guess i just remember tieing plants down at lghts out and when lights went back on she was already straight again....i hate typing:(


Well-Known Member
I have so many unhealthy looking plants and I have no idea what to do. I think the nutrients I am using are probably no good for cannabis cultivation. I am using Dutch Nutrient Formula 2 part solution. I also think that maybe my issue are a result of improper PH within my water, but I do not own a meter so I can't test it to be sure. From what I can gather the majority of the plants seem to be showing Nitrogen deficiencies. I could be wrong in my diagnosis though. I am thinking that perhaps my best plan of action is to flush out the plants and start over. I am afraid though that if I am to flush a plant that is already possibly deficient I may cause even more of an issue. All the of the tops of the plants look healthy it is only the bottom leaves that are showing signs of issues. Should I trim the leaves off or allow them to stay. Please anyone who has input I 'd like to know what you are thinking. I have read all I can find to read but to read is one thing. To know how to act upon everything you've read without any of the actual experience is a whole other game.




Well-Known Member
Before we can help straighten things out you gotta get to a pet store for ph drops ! Prob 12 bux for the test strips and the up-down drops...then you can get a baseline to start from ya know.. To me without checking the ph i would say nute burn! Water down the ferts alot when the babies are young..if you followed the directions on the bottle they are prob too strong water down the nute water and let the plants get really dry(almost sagging) then give them distilled water and half strength nutes($1.50 gal distilled water/supermarket/walmart/pharmacy) if they get happy slowly start using tap water again then if they get worse again you know your tap water is bad ...also stop any folier feeding till we figurew this out!


Well-Known Member
Plants usually nute burn from the bottom up because the strong nutes get watered down by the time they get to the top:) AND OH YEAH YOU CAN TRIM OFF THE UGLY LEAVES THEY WONT TURN BACK TO GREEN:) PLUS THE PLANT WASTES FUEL TRYING TO FIX THEM...


Well-Known Member
hey man, my plants are doing the same thing, but that was just after i gave them their first nutes, so i figure its nute burn, do ya have to flush if u have over fertilized or do u just need to leave em alone and just give em regulaer water?


Well-Known Member
oh yea and like the guy above me said, its ok to take the yellow leaves off they wont come back... and it just is a waste of energy. PIck that shit off! haha good luck with that


Well-Known Member
I just thought I'd share a recipe I was given today. My mom mentioned that her friend at work bragged about cooking the BEST butter brownies, and so I had her get me that recipe. Here is what I was given:


1/2 cup butter (not margarine)
Melt in a saucepan and bring to a bubbling roll. Add a couple of handfulls of plant matter and let simmer x 1/2hour (Watch it, it can burn easily) *Very Fragrant*
[Unfortunately that is not very specific on exactly how much weed is required. I'm going to ask for clarification.]
Mash plant matter into butter & then remove. (You could strain it if you want.)

Choose a brownie or muffin mix that requires oil in the mixture but add what it calls for from your butter[instead.] (Maybe an extra Tablespoon for good measure!)
*The effects take about 1 Hour to be felt!*

Enjoy!!! "1" is enough to start