• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!


Well-Known Member
well if he doesnt legalize it all that means it we continue to do what we are all currently doing if it does change great! but there are a ton more things on his agenda, Im not going to knock A guy who has the responsibility of a whole country and has barely gotten his feet wet, couldnt pay me enough to take on that stress. He still can do many positive things in office aside from this... maybe like education, seeing that the future generations one day have to run this country and honestly that looks pretty scarey right now.


Well-Known Member
maybe like education, seeing that the future generations one day have to run this country and honestly that looks pretty scarey right now.

this is what we need ... all the old currupt fart bags OUT of government.
and bring in the new generation(US) that knows the TRUTH about HEMP :clap:

dirt mahgirt

Active Member
fuck obama and all politicians dont u guys realize they just lie to get into office then when their in office they dont do anything they say their going to


Well-Known Member
fuck obama and all politicians dont u guys realize they just lie to get into office then when their in office they dont do anything they say their going to
Actually, Pres. Obama is following thru on just about everything he promised -- focus on economy, tax cuts for lower and middle income folks, health care reform, green energy, stem cell research, suspension of torture and sabre-rattling with other countries. He may fail 'cause of the Congress and all the other corrupt assholes he has to smooth over, but his record of addressing his promises is impeccable so far. What he needs is for the citizens of the country to realize he really IS trying to implement the agenda of the common folks.

And largely.. we're still mostly sitting back and letting the corporatists and lobbyist pull the levers and control the news cycle.


Active Member
I believe what Obama said what he did about marijuana was controlled more so by people and corporations more powerful than he. When one reads the benefits of at least legalizing industrial hemp and sees how it can help the Earth it is just craziness to not act NOW and allow it to happen.Why the frick are we allowed to buy and sell hemp products in America, but we can't even grow it? Craziness. At least there is always California, my new home, and the other 12 medical marijuana friendly states!


Well-Known Member
Travel pro Steves to challenge futile U.S. drug war

AS HE TROOPS about Europe, with notebook and camera crew, guidebook author Rick Steves witnesses what the late historian Barbara Tuchman called "The March of Folly," the sites of wars and witch hunts waged by feckless rulers.
Steves has come home with a mind to take on our leaders' folly, the federal government's enduring, woefully unsuccessful War on Drugs, and the battle front against marijuana.
He would replace a strategy of locking people up with a policy designed to lessen harm. It's a lot like the "Four Pillars" approach to drug use adopted by Vancouver, B.C.: treatment, harm reduction, prevention and -- for profiteers of the business -- enforcement.
"I'm just tired of watching people embrace lies because they think it is dangerous to do otherwise," Steves explained.
The futility of the drug war, started by the Nixon administration, can be seen in sweeping statistics as well as individual cases of human hurt.
The Drug Enforcement Administration estimates that 97.8 million Americans, age 12 and older, have used marijuana at least once. The ranks of semi-regular smokers total more than 25 million.
If 39.8 percent of those over 12 have taken a toke, the number of young people getting high is higher. The DEA says that totals 41.8 percent of 12th-graders -- 31.7 percent have smoked in the past year -- 46.9 percent of college students and 56.7 percent of young adults.
Can our drug warriors claim success given these figures?
Steves says officials abroad shake their head at the ham-handed tactics of America's drug bureaucracy. "Europe has had a 15-year track record dealing with drugs as a health problem, not a crime problem," he said.
Or drive 144 miles north and talk with Canadian Sen. Larry Campbell, a former police officer, coroner and Vancouver mayor. "They're still in 'Reefer Madness,' " Campbell said in an interview, referring to a laughable anti-drug movie of the 1930s.
The drug warriors' tactics, of late, have been to attack civil liberties and stomp on privacy.
An example is requiring random drug tests for those involved in high school athletics. In a case from tiny Wahkiakum County, the state Supreme Court ruled unanimously last week against the school district's policy of pee-to-participate.
Bill Clinton quibbled, waffled and evaded the have-you-ever-smoked-pot question far into the 1992 campaign. He finally put the country in stitches with his "I didn't inhale" line.
But our first baby-boomer president signed a punitive law passed in 1995 by the Republican-controlled Congress. The law denies federal student loan assistance to convicted marijuana "offenders."
What's the effect? In 2006, 696,074 Americans were arrested for marijuana "offenses." Of this number, 88 percent were charged only with possession. The number charged with sale and/or manufacture totaled just over 90,000.
Hence, thousands of college students have been denied aid, and thousands of other worthy citizens endure petty penalties.
A friend of mine works summers for the National Park Service, and wants to make a career with the agency. He is a) an Eagle Scout, b) an Olympic Peninsula native, c) a trained climbing guide and rescue technician who d) has earned two master's degrees, and e) presents research at scholarly gatherings on how to minimize human effects on fragile natural systems.
One step remains: He must take a law enforcement course. Because he took a toke on a joint two years ago -- and answered the question honestly -- the guy must wait an additional year to learn how to shoot straight.
The have-you-ever question has not intruded into the 2008 presidential campaign. A Hillary Clinton enforcer tried to gin up attention into Barack Obama's confession of youthful marijuana use, but was forced to leave the campaign.
Still, as Hendrik Hertzberg wrote recently in The New Yorker, neither Obama, Clinton nor John McCain seems willing to rescue the country "from the larger disgrace of the drug war -- the billions wasted, the millions harmed, the utter futility of it."
As usual, the initiative must come from the bottom up. As with global warming, Seattle is a test market for change.
It's appropriate. In 2003, Seattle voters adopted Initiative 75, making pot possession our city's lowest law enforcement priority. Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske cites, with a hint of pride, the low number of stand-alone marijuana smoking arrests.
The American Civil Liberties Union has put together a multimedia public education campaign, "Marijuana: It's Time for a Conversation," which includes a Web site (MarijuanaConversation.org), a booklet and a 30-minute video. Steves is host.
Comcast is offering the video free to subscribers through its On Demand service. Comcast subscribers can watch the program by entering 888 on their cable remote, going to Community, and looking for the program.
It's a modest beginning. Steves jokes about hosting because a politician would run the risk of being "Swift-boated."
One hopes, however, that the ACLU will get bolder.
The marijuana front consumes $8 billion in taxpayer dollars each year. To what end? What does society gain from all those possession arrests?
Sensible Americans look out today and see a country that needs to be extracted from its failing wars.

P-I columnist Joel Connelly can be reached at 206-448-8160 or [email protected]. Follow politics on the P-I's blog at blog.seattlepi.com/seattlepolit


Active Member
If Obama intends to legalize Marijuana it won't happen in these 4 years. Over 60% of the actions of a newly elected president are done completely for the purposes of 'solidifying' their base to guarantee re-election.

So for has has put forward an economic plan the middle class liberals generally like, defunded Guantanamo Bay, attacked pork spending, and taken action against the corrupt CEO establishment in this economy. That alone is enough to REALLY piss off the right wing and 'unsettle' his chances for a second term.

I think that CrackerJax is right and that there will be a mass sweep of republicans in the House and Senate at Mid-term elections. I also think that this will do good things for the country. Right now we have a legislative body no different than Bush's first term. There's no checks and balances. The far left is just as moronic and insane as the far right and without a body to oppose the left some good things will happen some bad things will happen. With a rep house and/or senate many of the bad things will simply not happen. The down side is that some good things will also not happen. It's kind of crazy but that's the nature of checks and balanaces and the two party system.

Don't ever dilute yourself into thinking that ANY president will do what the people want. The office is a position of power and once attained they don't want to lose that power. Ladies and gentlemen what your seeing out of Obama right now is the beginning of the campaign for his second term. He will do nothing that will unsettle 'too much' of either side.

Legalizing marijuana will not happen this term, it MIGHT next term, but that's just as unlikely as the second term is 'campaign for democrats' instead of 'campaign for me.'

This is the inherent flaw in politics and it always will be. I've said MANY times to MANY people that if we want change in this country we the people have to stand up against the government as a whole and say, 'We've had it!' It might be able to be done peacefully but I doubt it, I think we'll need a civil war to remove our governemnt from power and extinguish all these draconian laws.

you just put it into perspective RT


New Member

Rodney King got the shit kicked out of him by the LAPD after he got caught racing away from the cops. The protest and riot was because all the cops were acquitted. That had nothing AT ALL to do with weed.
so again, NO

who the fuck cares what mexico thinks if we legalize weed. They will have an equal chance to become legitimate and sell their mj on the market like everyone else.
AHHHHH so naive, you must live in a small town, MEXICAN MAFIA doesnt want to compete with any market, they want to control it, hence the current war in mexico, maybe you would like to be the one to tell them they can try to sell that brown brick shit and compete in an open market.... moron, do you know that they control our prisons, they can cause mass riots in an instant, mass killings, you underestimate the ms 13, mexican mafia and really all of the cartels power!!

im just saying if we protested rodney king imagine the revolution if you devastate mexico by stealing one of their biggest cash crops, you are too closed minded to talk to, small town thinking


Well-Known Member
There's no frickin' way he can stick his neck out for that right now. The Republicans would absolutely hang him with it, and what traction he has on everything else would go right down the tubes. Don't know the age of the original poster here, but Pres. Clinton put his neck out on gays in the military and it completely derailed his administration for two years. It's politics... yes, it's bullshit, but that's where it is..

I agree legalization would be very healthy for our economy, but it would be a small boost relative to the huge problems we have right now. And as another poster rightly pointed out, corporatized MJ is not necessarily what we want. And, there's still enough corporatism alive and well that I am sure that's what we'd up with (so, we'd all still be "black market" yet again, and in violation of some stupid seed patent or whatever and still subject to recrimination).

Let's get back to work, and just grow them all into submission...
Exactly. I feel he believes in it and he doesn't agree at all with the war on drugs + prohibition, but he'd get so much shit right now in total. The American people in whole know it's not harmful and it should be legalized, but they aren't ready for that step at a whole.

Did you hear though? MA just had a bill introduced to legalize marijuana completely for the state!


New Member
Power corrupts and corrupts absolutely, no matter what political slant.... POWAH!!

22 months and counting!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I just think its a shame that even after he has been elected most people still fight him on every issue. Its almost as if everyone is just sitting back wishing and praying he fails, I dont think white America wants to see a black man come in and clean up the mess left by a white man! Just my opinion . You can clearly see his intentions are there and that he is cleary trying to fix this mess that US greedy Americans has gotten ourselves into. Its Greed that has ruined this country every Millionaire wants to be a billionaire every billionaire wants to be a multi- billionaire.. Sucking the country dry!!!


Active Member
No you are missing the small picture, we have a border with a country that we have to protect, we are underfunded and out gunned, i am saying ASS, is if we put a bunch of mexican pot farmers and their families out of business along with the networks they supply, there will be a spike in OTHER more violent crimes against agents, MORE illegal immagrants, and yes MORE innocent people being killed in a drug war..
Am i saying that people in Ohio would be at war, NO but the war thats going on would escalate, but i could be wrong, i mean, we only burned down have of Los angeles over the Rodney King verdict!!!

I think the mexican mafia might have a little something to say if the USA
decided to
I think its the first time i have ever heard of america being underfunded, LOL....you think we are outgunned by mexican drug cartels at the border...wow comparing 3rd world guerilla drug dealers to a conventional fully armed military....i think we'd be ok


New Member
he wouldn't be meeting such resistance if his new policies made any sense. 4 trillion dollars is not chump change. recession numbers are already starting to show promise without any effect from his policies which have not been enacted. We will be left with a debt bill for many many years for a passing recession. Explain that to your grand kids in thirty years when they wonder why their taxes are so high. Heck his budget estimates are off by 33%. 33%!! Reagans was off by 1.2%.
He's not being resisted because nobody likes him... but his actions are not following his words.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I think its the first time i have ever heard of america being underfunded, LOL....you think we are outgunned by mexican drug cartels at the border...wow comparing 3rd world guerilla drug dealers to a conventional fully armed military....i think we'd be ok
the border patrol still carries revolvers, watch the news man, yes we are underfunded and outgunned at the border, i dont think you realize the scope of how much money these cartels have, there would be hell if we legalize it, answer my question,, small town right??? you havent seen first hand what even street gangs can do let alone the sydicate and the mexican mafia, you are naive!


New Member
I think its the first time i have ever heard of america being underfunded, LOL....you think we are outgunned by mexican drug cartels at the border...wow comparing 3rd world guerilla drug dealers to a conventional fully armed military....i think we'd be ok
3rd world with full body armor, rpgs, night vision goggles, access to any and all weapons on the black market, read how many agents and guns and men it took to take down Pablo Escobar, and he was a backwards ass born in the jungle uneducated idiot, now you had the technology to the cache of wweapons and unlimited funds yes, they are a force to be reckoned with, PS if we are not underfunded why does CHINA practacly own us and we are trillions in debt, thats underfunded DOOSH


Well-Known Member
I just think its a shame that even after he has been elected most people still fight him on every issue. Its almost as if everyone is just sitting back wishing and praying he fails, I dont think white America wants to see a black man come in and clean up the mess left by a white man! Just my opinion . You can clearly see his intentions are there and that he is cleary trying to fix this mess that US greedy Americans has gotten ourselves into. Its Greed that has ruined this country every Millionaire wants to be a billionaire every billionaire wants to be a multi- billionaire.. Sucking the country dry!!!
It's not a white and black thing, it's a green thing.

Most people who say he doesn't stick to his word, are the same people who followed him since 2006, when he proposed a whole new outlook on the war on drugs and marijuana prohibition.


New Member
It's not a white and black thing, it's a green thing.

Most people who say he doesn't stick to his word, are the same people who followed him since 2006, when he proposed a whole new outlook on the war on drugs and marijuana prohibition.
its more than just saying yes its legal, they would have to decide who would deserve to be let out of jail, whos record they would have to go back and clear, people in the system now and people recently arrested would try to sue for false arrest, court systems would be janned with appeals, theres logistics beyond comprehension that keep them from legalizing!!!

we need to focus on DECRIMINALIZATION, not legalization.
joing NORML if you want to make a difference, make it out to a rally, vote the right people into office, potsmokers would be the largest lobbyist group ever it we just organized!!


Well-Known Member
its more than just saying yes its legal, they would have to decide who would deserve to be let out of jail, whos record they would have to go back and clear, people in the system now and people recently arrested would try to sue for false arrest, court systems would be janned with appeals, theres logistics beyond comprehension that keep them from legalizing!!!

we need to focus on DECRIMINALIZATION, not legalization.
joing NORML if you want to make a difference, make it out to a rally, vote the right people into office, potsmokers would be the largest lobbyist group ever it we just organized!!
hrm yea i apologize, didn't take that into account.

they could actually get people out of jail for something that was made legal while in jail?