u have so much glass.... why dont u do a contest with 4 prizes... bigest glass... medium glass... small glass.. tiny glass...
oh i just spoke about prizes
ok an idea... brainstorming atm.... emmm...
jesters idea was cool...... but i am sure that will take some time to complete ... i know for sure that i will be crossing in the next few weeks.... so maybe i might have some new strain in about 3 months... or two... i dont know.
Do a Contest between people with 250W Lights.. they get tiny glass
400W Lights Contests.. small glass..
600W Growers Contests... MEdium Glass..
600+ Growers Contests .... Big Glass ...
They idea behind it is, they all start on the same day, day 1 with seeds has to be photographed with a paper of your username on it, or rollitup.. wich ever.. so we know u just started fresh...
lets say... 3 months contest of growing.. who ever yields the most out of each catagory wins...