we need a new contest - ideas please


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking of trying something personally just for fun that could be run as a contest...

Pick some kind of bottle. 2 litre soda bottle was my original thought.

Imagine a ship in the bottle grow, where you somehow cram your cutting into the bottle when it's small and then run full term inside the bottle.

Prizes can be for anything from largest yield to best presentation to originality or whatever.


New Member
:clap: I grow clones in the green soda bottles. I leave the labels on them to protect the root growth from the light, when the roots get to the bottom I take them out and put them in pots.

I cut the tops of my bottles though.

I've been thinking of trying something personally just for fun that could be run as a contest...

Pick some kind of bottle. 2 litre soda bottle was my original thought.

Imagine a ship in the bottle grow, where you somehow cram your cutting into the bottle when it's small and then run full term inside the bottle.

Prizes can be for anything from largest yield to best presentation to originality or whatever.


New Member
I've got a few around :lol:

I go sailing from time to time in the british virgin isles (great wind and lobster there). One of my little quirks is to only wear outrageous underwear when I'm ripping the sheets :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

Big P

Well-Known Member
How about a best home made bong or pipe contest

best 3 get prizes

bongs or pipes would have to be made from household / non headshop items

and must be safe to smoke out of

contestents could even make it also a build tutorial of the bong or pipe so its informative and that way we can be sure it was you who made it and you didnt just get a pic of one on the net


Well-Known Member
i have pipes to give away. your ideas better not be lame or i will just close this thread and smoke hash instead.

let's here what you got, ...............................

you will love this one fdd how about the best pic of something using windows paint.that would be one every one could enter. even those with out a camera.


Well-Known Member
my mind is blank....

hopefully the comp is open to every1... by that i mean, somethin that we all can do, not who can grow the most weed because smaller growers dont have a chance.

heres an idea...

any1 remember Quake 3 arena? they have quake live now, so every1 can play it web based.... most wins / frags gets a prize.


design a bong / pipe and then FDD will make the best 1 :p

anyway, FDD will u be starting a new thread once you pick the comps? i really wanna have 1 last chance of winning a glass piece.