Skybikes' First Grow (Stealth):2x AK47, 2x Fem. Trainwreck.


Well-Known Member
watt wattage are those cfl's in that pic
As Hemp4Victory said, all 6 (2 hidden) CFL's are 42w 6500 Kelvin 2600 Lumen output. We might be considering swapping the 2 middle ones for some 2700k's. The heat from all 6 is too much atm, so we will have to make heat vents at the top of the box, hopefully that will exhaust some unwanted heat.

As for the moss, its about 99% gone, I can just see one small speck of it where the soil is still a bit damp. The plants were completely unaffected by it and it was shortlived. If it ever comes back I will take measures to eliminate it because it just doesn't look good. :S

Thanks for stopping by fellas.


Active Member
Find the reciept for 2 of the lights, we'll exchange them tomorrow

PUT IN THE AQUA GLOBES NOW DO IT NOWWWWWWWWWWWW i can't wait to see the babbies


Well-Known Member
Looks like a cool grow man, i'll keep an eye on this grow our plants look like they are at the same stage


Well-Known Member
Hey all, thanks for posting in this thread! Questions and comments are always welcome here.

Here's a quick update: (*cameras date is messed up*)

Received 2 Aqua Globes today courtesy of my girlfriend. (Anniversary present). I'm excited to see how they will work, so I will be conducting a detailed experiment involving them, hopefully getting some good results in the process.

Some size comparison :P

They're actually not that big! maybe 750ml or so, each one is slightly different size so I'll have to check.

Installation was a breeze. Hard to say if they're working, only time will tell I guess.

Filled with room temp water and added some Schultz nutes for good measure. Close up:


Well-Known Member
Was wondering when the globes would be put into action. This could be my flowering water solution. Hope they work for you. Is that a little yellowing I detect going on down there?


Well-Known Member
Was wondering when the globes would be put into action. This could be my flowering water solution. Hope they work for you. Is that a little yellowing I detect going on down there?
Yes, one of the fan leaves are starting to look on the sick side, was going to to trim it but figured I might as well wait for a feed first, i'll give it a few more days to bounce back.. if not, it's history. :(


Well-Known Member
I wondered if they had smaller globes, too. As a PC grower, those would block an assload of light. :)
I'm sure they could go in deeper (that's what she said) and under the canopy, but when I transplanted I used peat pots which are still under the soil. When I went to peirce them with the globes they kinda jerked the stem around, so I left them sticking out more than they have to.

Angel B Smooth

Active Member
So how is your temp looking?

Friend with same setup has 84 with closet door open during day. at night its cooler so door closed temp goes to 86ish

your looking good though


Well-Known Member
So how is your temp looking?

Friend with same setup has 84 with closet door open during day. at night its cooler so door closed temp goes to 86ish

your looking good though
Hey, thanks for stopping by, the temps aren't doing so great (idling at at 29) with 4/6 lights operating. We're hoping to jerryrig some filters and cut some heat vents to kill some of the heat. Will make an update on heat tomorrow night, tune in!


Well-Known Member
Just got home from a long day and what d'ya know? One of my plants grew into the hanging CFL!! I like to see this, cold hard evidence they are growing. Overall they've all shown some pretty good growth in a last couple days, some new nodes starting to unfurl and what not. Good stuff. Still experiencing some deficiency with a lower fan leaf. All the new growth looks nice and healthy so it may just be an isolated issue with that particular plant. Feel free to give advice and your thoughts about it!

thats tight but those globes might not ever let the soil get dry but hella nice gro
I see what your saying, but I mean if its supposed to work for other plants I don't see why it wont for these. I might wait a while after they go empty to fill them up again, but so far so good, if it ain't broke, don't fix it :P

Now on with the pics!

Overall view of the box:

New growth:

Regular feed plant that grew into CFL:

Regular feed plant:

Fan leaf getting worse :( :

Aqua Globes seem to be working:


New Member
dont worry about the fan leave some leaves just die it happens all through growth and as long as it isnt alot of them its not rlly a bigiie and dood sexy ass plant in my opinion how old from seed??????????????


Well-Known Member
dont worry about the fan leave some leaves just die it happens all through growth and as long as it isnt alot of them its not rlly a bigiie and dood sexy ass plant in my opinion how old from seed??????????????
Thanks for swinging by! What do you think, should I cut the leaf off? I've given it like 3 days to spring back but it won't, should I just leave it be? But yeah, not really sure how old they actually are since they were handed down to me from a friend, but I would guestimate about 1 month, since there was a period of stunted growth that I don't include.. those dark grey times :( :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey its looking good in here sky, i like the globes someone else used them for his grow and it lasted him 10 days he was gone... keep it up