Mind blowing question


Well-Known Member
So get this. If you go into a long time cigarette smokers house you will notice things. Disgusting things. White walls now stained dingy yellow. Funky ass smell in the air. White plastics turning dingy yellow.

So I smoke weed alot. Retarded amounts. Every day. My question is: Will my place look like that? Smell like that? Or is weed smoke different from cigarette smoke? Is my bong filtering out the nasty shit that would be getting on my walls? What is the deal?


Well-Known Member
Everything in the house is porous. So If you don't clean it will take the smell of whatever is there. Your house will smell like ass if you don't wash your ass.


Well-Known Member
You should be good. I think the reason the walls turn yellow and whatnot is the chemicals in the smoke/tobacco. That's why cigarette smoke stains teeth and weed smoke doesn't...or does it?


Well-Known Member
blow a lungfull of your next hit into a pillow. itll leave a brown mark. i guess that means itll resin up the walls a lil bit over some years


Well-Known Member
your bong filters out a tiny amount, i hope you dont smoke as much weed as most smokers smoke tobbacco, and unless your still 14 and trying to get your bedroom as cloudy as possible i dont think it will be nasty like a heavy smoker.

that said it is smoke and it does stink, so eventually it will get grimey.


Well-Known Member
Your room or house will smell like weed. Chances are it will look like that of a cig smokers too. Yellow walls etc... I think the tar in the cigs and weed is what makes the white things turn yellow. Also i believe weed has 4 times as much tar as tabacco.


Well-Known Member
Your room or house will smell like weed. Chances are it will look like that of a cig smokers too. Yellow walls etc... I think the tar in the cigs and weed is what makes the white things turn yellow. Also i believe weed has 4 times as much tar as tabacco.
Blasphemy. No way weed has four times the amount of tar or else it would do a lot more damage to your lungs.


Well-Known Member
I vape in my house, not smoke.

If I want to smoke I go to the garage, open it up and light up, or just sit outside my porch, or out in my backyard. I never smoke in my house. It will stain your walls, its freaking smoke ;)


Well-Known Member
haha, imagine resin sticking to your walls. let it build up over a few years, then scrape it off and smoke it before you re-decorate.


New Member
think thats bad? try looking at the inside of a smokers PC.. I have to clean mine out once a mnth or else it gets caked w/ this sticky ass dust from the cigs. its disgusting.


think thats bad? try looking at the inside of a smokers PC.. I have to clean mine out once a mnth or else it gets caked w/ this sticky ass dust from the cigs. its disgusting.

or the inside of a smoker's car windows/windshield.... you can literally scrape this yellow film off... its horrible:spew:.... almost enough to make me quit:-|


Well-Known Member
or the inside of a smoker's car windows/windshield.... you can literally scrape this yellow film off... its horrible.... almost enough to make me quit
haha, almost enough?

what will it take for you to give it up?

would looking inside your lungs and trying to scrape it off there be enough?



New Member
If cigs get much more expensive I think im gonna quit anyway.. Fuck paying 5.00 a pack.. I def will quit.. Or better yet growm my own tobacco!!! HELLS YEA!!


Active Member
or the inside of a smoker's car windows/windshield.... you can literally scrape this yellow film off... its horrible:spew:.... almost enough to make me quit:-|
I hate that shit never seen out the fucking window when the sune shines through like driving blind (crack a damn window):wall:

Peace and 1love,


haha, almost enough?

what will it take for you to give it up?

would looking inside your lungs and trying to scrape it off there be enough?


that would scare the shit out of me bro.... would probably have to go have a smoke afterward to calm my nerves:wall::wall:.... i swear these things are horrid...

and justatoker; they just went up $1 per pack on taxes here in louisiana.... just waiting to get the money together to pay for the doctor visit and the prescription... gonna give the Chantix a shot... cant hurt right?:-?


Well-Known Member
that would scare the shit out of me bro.... would probably have to go have a smoke afterward to calm my nerves:wall::wall:.... i swear these things are horrid...
i know what you mean, personally i hate them, however i am guilty of smoking the odd cigarette now and then. i do enjoy them, but i hate the thought of what it's doing to me. I really don't know why i do it.


i know what you mean, personally i hate them, however i am guilty of smoking the odd cigarette now and then. i do enjoy them, but i hate the thought of what it's doing to me. I really don't know why i do it.

i only do it now because it is a horrible addiction/habit to try to break.... hate thinking of what it is doing to me as well:cry:


Well-Known Member
ive never seen the need for cigs. they dont taste good, they kill you, and worst of all they dont even get you high. im the only person besides my gf that i know who doesnt smoke