PC grow case


Well-Known Member
i cehcked them today and it wasnt loooking good i only kept the decent green looking one but i moved the bagseed up


Well-Known Member
If you look after the remaining one as well as the bagseed it will be just fine.
Now you've given them up, get them out of the bin and try what I said anyway. A lot of seed husks stick to the plant and cause problems. At least they seem to for me. Like I said, it's a skill worth developing and now you have nothing to lose.


Well-Known Member
wow i had a seedling that looked exactly like that with the white tips on the leaves and it did fine. it was in the same soil getting the same water as 3 other plants (all different strains) and the other 3 looked normal. the one i had that looked like that just took longer to get started. and the bagseed looks happy.


Well-Known Member
yeah i tried with the other too they were do brittle they like broke appart i tried to open the one left and im gonna keep it in the box for 2 more days if it doesn't get better ill toss it. hows the bagseed lookin its gettin bigger please be female! lol but im germinating 2 blues right now ill keep u posted on those. to tell u the truth idk if u guys can tell but the seed from the bagseed might be regs, can u guys tell anything by the plant weather it is or not?


Well-Known Member
i dont think you can tell untill its full grown.

but regs can grow out to be pretty good, check out my regs plant...



Well-Known Member
Understand now. Thanks.
We get low calibre hash that sounds much the same. I threw that in the garden last time I got some too!


Well-Known Member
what... any hash down here is better than regs. when i say compressed brick i dont mean that in a good hash kind of way. what is the name for regs in the UK?


Well-Known Member
Compressed weed is pretty rare and is usually better quality than a lot of the hash available. It doesn't really have a name. The hash is old and low grade these days, it also often has stuff mixed in it that ruins the taste.
The latest scene is Far Eastern gangs renting out big houses and turning them into huge grow ops. The weed is ok but harvested early and cured quickly. They use huge amounts of power so they are rumbled pretty quick but there's usually some of this available.
I'll try to find you a link as they are pretty wild setups. They pay a minder to look after things and he usually has to sleep in the hall cos all the rooms are full.


Well-Known Member
thats funny its like the opposite here, our hash is never cut with anything, its usually better than good bud and the brick weed is the worst you can get. i think the brick comes from south america thats probly why you dont see any.

is that like terrorist groups that do that? i guess thats a good way for them to make money.


Well-Known Member
that was a fuckin huge grow and those plants looked soo healthy. i dont have sound though so i couldent hear anything. but those people know what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
couple questions guys ok so ive been thinking since i have very limited space to grow but want the most yeild possibile is there any trick you guys suggest? i know im gonna want to LST the plant but thats later on and ill need some help with that but i herd something about brown sugar increases yeild..? also i was thinking about the yellowing leaves with brown tips do u guys think its a possible nutrient deficiency??? or is it just from the ph uncertainty ?? and also about how long do you think the bagseed will take until its time to harvest?

thanks guys