Making hash, Oil, Tincture, THC Pills and Butter

whats your favourite

  • hash

    Votes: 156 42.6%
  • hash oil

    Votes: 99 27.0%
  • butter

    Votes: 66 18.0%
  • thc pills

    Votes: 40 10.9%
  • ticture

    Votes: 30 8.2%
  • other please list

    Votes: 16 4.4%

  • Total voters
I spent 4 hours trapped between a persian carpet and infinite space once. That was the last time. Windowpane.:wall:
Great info on the tincture Jester, I think a small bottle of 151 may be in my future.

Quick question for anyone that's ever tried it. Would boiling off some of the alcohol after straining the ground bud out leave me with a higher thc% tincture? I don't drink much liquor, so using fewer drops would be a plus to me.

A couple weeks ago I made a small batch of coconut oil with some sativa trimmings. After eating it, I fell asleep for about an hour, and when I woke up it almost felt like I was tripping. I can only describe it as the kind of high speed, deep thinking I always did about 2-3 hours after the peak of a good LSD trip. I don't do drugs anymore, but to get that high off a little pot is amazing to me. I'm hoping I can get that feeling again from either a tincture or pills. I kind of like the idea of a little eye dropper bottle full of a tincture...seems like it would be easy to control your dosages.

Anyway, great thread. Lots of excellent contributions. +rep for many.
hey howard i was recently pondering the same thing,

like what if you made a heated alcohol tinciture but then u let all the alcohol evaperate so what your left with is a some super potent edible mash

then I wanted to take this super potent mash and maybe compress it in some sort of pill press, making super duper potent pills you can swallow

what do you guys think, can you let the alcohol evaporte after you make the alc tinc?
Yes...Ive done it it is quite easy grind up ur buds, put the matter in a mason jar and soak it with 91% alcohol. Shake it up good and strain pour the whole thing into a coffee filter and strain it into a clean wide piece of glass (helps the evaporation process. Usually within a day or two, you will have a black goo. Then if you want to save the grinded up stuff and remix back into the oil to get a putty. You can fill capsules with this.


out. :blsmoke:
Great info on the tincture Jester, I think a small bottle of 151 may be in my future.

Quick question for anyone that's ever tried it. Would boiling off some of the alcohol after straining the ground bud out leave me with a higher thc% tincture? I don't drink much liquor, so using fewer drops would be a plus to me.

A couple weeks ago I made a small batch of coconut oil with some sativa trimmings. After eating it, I fell asleep for about an hour, and when I woke up it almost felt like I was tripping. I can only describe it as the kind of high speed, deep thinking I always did about 2-3 hours after the peak of a good LSD trip. I don't do drugs anymore, but to get that high off a little pot is amazing to me. I'm hoping I can get that feeling again from either a tincture or pills. I kind of like the idea of a little eye dropper bottle full of a tincture...seems like it would be easy to control your dosages.

Anyway, great thread. Lots of excellent contributions. +rep for many.

yes it will the alcohol and water will evaporate out leaving thc behind (alcohol will evaporate out faster than the water) especially in things like vodka and what not... in doing so it leaves the thc behind and leaves a higher thc to alcohol ratio..... meaning more thc per shot, squirt, sip etc. = more stoned less pissed lol

you could let could even let it evaporate right down and have a version of isophoryl hash oil but with whatever you used (id use the propper things if i was going to do this especialy not flavoured essences and what not)
The reason i mentioned it is cos you asked what will happen if you let it sit. and if you let it sit itd evaporate down till thres only a little water left evaporate that out and get oil.. untill it was..

im not a big drinker anymore either thats y tinctures not really for me too.
Yes...Ive done it it is quite easy grind up ur buds, put the matter in a mason jar and soak it with 91% alcohol. Shake it up good and strain pour the whole thing into a coffee filter and strain it into a clean wide piece of glass (helps the evaporation process. Usually within a day or two, you will have a black goo. Then if you want to save the grinded up stuff and remix back into the oil to get a putty. You can fill capsules with this.


out. :blsmoke:

yeah thats one way i make y caps.

and kinda like one way i makeoil workable, but i use dry powder fine fresh material....

and i only put the goo in the caps i dont mix it back with the mash i used to make it kinda defeatis the purpose id sa... youve just stripped it of most goodness use fresh stuff if you do thi id say... but like i said i dont do this for caps just put the goo in em..... only mix the dry poeder fine fresh material when i dont put it in caps to make it more workable and a hash like texture

glad to hear some people think along the same lines tho. thanks crackerjacks lol
yeah thats one way i make y caps.

and kinda like one way i makeoil workable, but i use dry powder fine fresh material....

and i only put the goo in the caps i dont mix it back with the mash i used to make it kinda defeatis the purpose id sa... youve just stripped it of most goodness use fresh stuff if you do thi id say... but like i said i dont do this for caps just put the goo in em..... only mix the dry poeder fine fresh material when i dont put it in caps to make it more workable and a hash like texture

glad to hear some people think along the same lines tho. thanks crackerjacks lol

I agree Jester, I put the mix back in so it is easier to work with. The last time I just used oil, I looked like a kid after his first session with finger painting....:lol:

Essence? Makes me think of bodily fluids and Dr. Strangelove.....

out. :blsmoke:
things like lemmon and vanila essence are high in alcohol% :) they have good flavours and make good flavours for tincture.

to crackerjacks ext time try leaving a little to the side and getting it as powder fine as you can get it. then once done work it through till its a hash consistensy i find it better for the reason stated it hasent been sstripped of thc and what not :)

lol as for that you looked like a kid finger painting..... ive looked like the incredible hulk before doing alcohol extraction hash oil lol when i was like 14. dropped it all over maself when i tripped up.
things like lemmon and vanila essence are high in alcohol% :) they have good flavours and make good flavours for tincture.

to crackerjacks ext time try leaving a little to the side and getting it as powder fine as you can get it. then once done work it through till its a hash consistensy i find it better for the reason stated it hasent been sstripped of thc and what not :)

lol as for that you looked like a kid finger painting..... ive looked like the incredible hulk before doing alcohol extraction hash oil lol when i was like 14. dropped it all over maself when i tripped up.

I had used up all of my alcohol by then too, so I was STICKY!!! :lol:

No, that's a good idea of using fresh material, it would be better. Maybe even use some kief..

out. :blsmoke:
things like lemmon and vanila essence are high in alcohol% :) they have good flavours and make good flavours for tincture.

Thanks, I think I'll try that. I live in a "dry" county, so that should save me a 1hr trip to the liquor store. Probably taste better too. I'd +rep ya again if the RIU gods would let me.
I once stopped in Brunswick Ga. after a four hour drive and I pulled in to a nice looking fancy restaurant for dinner. I look at the menu and order a stuffed flounder with crab meat and tell the waitress to give me a dry martini while I wait. She frowns and tells me "this is a dry county". I'm like "what the heck does that mean"? She responds that they aren't allowed to sell me alcohol. I ask if it is illegal for me to have alcohol and she replies no, we just can't sell it to you. I pick up the water glass and excuse myself, walk out to the car, pop the trunk and make myself a martini with some bottles of booze i had. I walked back in and drank my martini while I waited....they got super pissed.... my flounder came out half frozen..:lol: I told them I wasn't going to pay for that. They relented and told me on the way out i was going to hell. I turned around and quipped, "funny I thought i was just leaving it". They were not amused.

out. :blsmoke:
its cool man lol. they should have the alcohol percentage on them :)

i dunno i think it may be cheaper and bertter if ya got a high percentage alcohol ie vodka and add the flavouring and just evaporate some alcohol out that could be good havent tried it tho flavour may be too weak.... absinth has flavouring and is strong :) its just i dont imagine id like to take a shot of lemmon essence lol. if you made it strong enough for drops on your toung to work, i spose that could be good.... but again thats just my oppinion loads of people woulld prolly like to disagree and thats cool too too :)
My goal is to get high off a 5-10 drop dose. Mixed into some tea or fruit juice I don't think the flavor would be noticeable, but I've never tried it. I'm really just experimenting with all kinds of thc extraction methods to see what works best for me.

In my head I'm picturing a small bottle of eye drops, emptied, cleaned, and refilled with a potent tincture. A few drops with my morning coffee, maybe a few more at lunch, and that should make for a pretty good day. If I can find the right sativa, I may even stay functional. :eyesmoke:

It may not work out the way I plan, but I figure I can have some fun trying to figure it out. Anyone see any flaws in my idea?
seems viable to me but id do a bigger batch and evaporate off till it was tailored to suit my needs :)
I've been looking into making a 'cannmist'.
This seems like a practical way to consume weed when ever and where ever.
I found this recipe which says to use 40% Vodka, would that be strong enough to extract the THC?
This recipe uses 2 batches of weed to increase the potency.
Also ,does anyone know a way to speed up the process?
Could you heat the mix in a water bath so it doesn't take so damn long to extract?

VICS Cannamist/Tincture Recipe

Converted cannabis
Alcohol (50% is preferred, but 40% vodka works just fine)
Organic mint
Organic honey
Large mason jar, x 2
Cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve
Dry heat conversion of THCA into THC:
Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C) exactly (use an oven thermometer to be sure).
Spread cannabis leaf or bud in a thin, 1 inch (2.5 cm) layer on a clean cookie sheet.
Put in the oven until the first of smoke or 5 minutes, whichever is first, remove, and transfer to glass or ceramic container to cool.
Tincture/Cannamist Recipe:
Pack a mason jar loosely but completely with converted cannabis product.
Add alcohol until the jar is full.
Seal, shake and put in a dark, cool place.
After week 1, strain mixture through cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve and add to another mason jar packed with converted cannabis and a few sprigs of fresh organic mint.
After week 2, strain mixture through cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve into mason jar.
Add organic honey to taste.
Shake/mix and then decant into bottles fitted with fine mist spray tops.
Initial Dosage: Spray two times on the inside of the cheek, and wait 30 seconds before swallowing. Wait ten minutes and if desired effect has not been reached, repeat on the opposite cheek. Wait ten minutes, and repeat until desired effect is achieved. Dosage will vary between users, but should remain fairly constant once established.
Effect will last for between 1-2 hours. Repeat use as needed.
Jester, what sort of effect does absinthe have on you? Just curious, I don't know anyone that has tried it.

not much.... we used to do the whole mic sugar set on fire then drink thing.... for me it was generally an up sorta drunk when drank this way... although not always :spew:. no hallucinations lol. that talks all a hype lol.

havent used it maself but its a strong alcohol and thats all were doing here is an alcohol extraction..... you could use anything that was a form of pure alcohol or thing of the sort to do it... were using vodka and what not because theyre pollitically correct to be consumed lol...
and wont kill us or leave nasties behind that arent so safe.

to mammath

a water rinse never heard that one before making the stuff. i wouldnt try it especially when making oil.. remember i dont even bother with doing the heqating up thing i just dont see a point in wasting my time lol..

nice recipie by the way thanks for that
If I can find some sort of extract tomorrow, I'm going to give this a try friday. I'm going to use this method because it's quick:

I'll use the oven instead of the microwave for the decarb process, and use 1g of bud, other than that I'll follow the directions exactly. Any reason I can't use wet bud if I'm going to heat it in the oven anyway? Maybe 3 or 4g wet? I'm kind of short on dry bud right now, but I have a plant about ready for harvest.
to mammath

a water rinse never heard that one before making the stuff. i wouldnt try it especially when making oil.. remember i dont even bother with doing the heqating up thing i just dont see a point in wasting my time lol..

nice recipie by the way thanks for that

Think you misunderstood Jester. I probably didn't explain it that well.

What I meant about the water bath is if you placed the 'Jar of mix' in a pan of simmering water, not the mix, but the 'whole jar filled with the weed and alcohol' and let it simmer for a while, with the lid off, would this speed up the extraction or help with a better quality extraction?