Making hash, Oil, Tincture, THC Pills and Butter

whats your favourite

  • hash

    Votes: 156 42.6%
  • hash oil

    Votes: 99 27.0%
  • butter

    Votes: 66 18.0%
  • thc pills

    Votes: 40 10.9%
  • ticture

    Votes: 30 8.2%
  • other please list

    Votes: 16 4.4%

  • Total voters
I was thinking about it some more last night and I decided that I should soak two different batches for two weeks. I'll let one soak as I described before. I'll take the other and preheat it in the oven before it soaks. That should help me figure out if the preheat is doing anything for me.

thats a really good idea :) i recko a week to a week and a half should be plenty tho especially if you shake it for a little bit every now and then :)

thanks again for this :)

your a champion howard
Alright, #1 and #2 are ready. I'll try one of them out tomorrow, and the other on Sunday.

I don't know if it means anything, but the two batches look very different. #1 is a bright, clear, emerald green color. #2 is more of an olive green, and kinda cloudy looking.
i have some oppinions but wont be able to say till youve posted results.. dont want any mind tricks (meaning thoughts impacting your real results.. the brains a very powerful thing )

was the bud a bit damp???

but also i kinda expected it your lot that you let sit is gonna be darker still is my guess but it gives it a chance to get everything out of it :)

the reason i ask what the bud was like kinda influences the decision something thats been dried and cured propperly will look more appealing too..

if it is damp seems the oven is a good step for looks but well have to see effects wise. im thinking it should be a pretty clos comptition with these two.. i think the left to sit will be more potent and couchlock like but who knows :)
The bud was still slightly damp. Dry enough that I could smoke a bowl ok, but still a little wetter than I would have liked. I used only what I needed for #1 and #2. I'll let the rest dry a little longer, then give it about a week or so to cure.

I'm going to take my first dose in a couple hours. I have guests staying overnight in my computer room, so I may not be able to update until Sunday.
Batch #1 review: This is the one I preheated @ 200F in the oven for 20 minutes. I have to say I was kind of disappointed with this one. It was just weak. I could feel that I had a little bit of a buzz going, but that was about it. I was very clear headed with no munchies. None of the euphoric feeling a usually get when I smoke. I'd compare it to taking a hit or two off of a bowl of schwag, except that the buzz lasted about 5 or 6 hours. I will not follow this recipe again.
Batch #2 review: Preheated @ 325F in oven for 5 minutes. This was clearly the better of the two. I'd compare it to smoking a small bowl of indica mids. It put me in a good mood for about 8 hours. It wasn't anywhere near a knockout punch, but I was high for quite a while. I was still pretty clearheaded, but I kept VERY slightly slurring my words when I talked. Nothing major, nobody I was with commented on it or knew about my experiment. But I had to speak a little slower the usual to make sure the words all came out right. I can't really say I had the munchies, as I didn't eat until about 6 hours after taking my dose. But once I did start eating, I had a real hard time stopping. Let's just say that there is a local buffet that may be rethinking their all you can eat steak and shrimp night :mrgreen:

I absolutely hate going to crowded places. For whatever reason I get very short tempered and am just miserable in malls and crowded restaurants. I avoid them whenever possible. This is one of my biggest reasons for smoking, as it mellows me out a lot. Prior to this weekend, I have not been to a mall in 3+ years.

I went to a very busy costco and then the mall after taking #1. Within 5 minutes, I was about ready to just go sit in the car and wait for everyone else. I didn't, but I gave it some serious thought.

I only went to a restaurant while taking #2, but I had none of those type thoughts. Even though the restaurant was extremely crowded and noisy, I was very mellow and actually had a very pleasant evening.

In my opinion, the higher oven temps for the preheat were much more effective. I do not yet know if that would change with totally dried and cured bud. I may make another batch or two using the oven step. In my research on the subject, I saw some things that suggested the optimal temps were in the high 200s. I may try to play around with temps and cook times a little to see what works best for me. But the rest of the experiment will continue as before.

also note it was in the oven less time tho.... so maybe the loong wait may surprise ya yet who knows... (maybe even to make it fair soak it for less time maybe a day or two if ya want cos naturally the longer it sits the more it can soak. this mix will prolly get the thickest too

im actually a little surprised by these results... turnin out to be a bit more complicated than first thought but interesting... thanks for this by the way..
im thinking dried and cured buds may be a little different as well

im the same too. dont really like the public places lol
I was real busy last week, so I haven't had much chance to update. I have some bud curing right now for the batches that will get a longer soak. I think this weekend I'll start the soak.

I made a couple batches last week. This was with different, much better bud that I had been using previously. I'd say it's comparable to some good mids. One went in the oven @ 245F for 1 hour. The other was @ 285F for 1/2 hour.

I thought both batches turned out really well. I can't really tell if one is better than the other. It made me a little sleepy, but not too much. It did however, put me in a GREAT mood. I just felt absolutely great for about 6-8 hours. My head was a little foggy though. And going into a crowded restaurant nearly overwhelmed my senses. Not in a paranoid, freak out kinda way though. If anyone has seen "half baked" it was kinda like the scene in the beginning where the guys all get high for the first time then go to the convenience store.

One gram of this bud was more than I needed to take in hindsight. I think next time I'll try out a half gram dose.

I can't wait for my satori to finish, I bet I can make some killer tinctures w/ that.
ehy welcome back....

hmm so ya got some curing yaay cant wait to see.. just realised to make this experiment work we need some oven bud to compare it against tho..

well still get good findings but we need oven buds for perfect results.. sorry man..
i reckon that the oven step will be needed for wet or damp buds dry buds and cured buds not really (moreso cured buds tho) but maybe dried cured and oven the best but i dont think it will be the case
I am gonna do one batch w/ a 10-14 day soak and no oven, the other w/ the same soak and the oven step. If I have enough bud I may do another w/o the soak, just on the stove as all my previous batches have been done.

All of those will be done w/ the bud I have curing right now.
cool those three would wrap it up.

also take into consideration the differance beetween the uncured buds tho..

thqanks for this howard :)
Slightly off topic, but I wanted to share anyway.

I've been wanting to make some special brownies for a while now, and last week I did. I started off by making a batch of cannaoil on the stove. I had about a 1/2oz of trimmings, a few moldy buds, and a couple males. I ground it all up, and boiled it on the stove with some oil and water. I put it on a low boil, and went outside to get a little work done. I've done this before, I figured that if I checked it in a 1/2 hour or so I would be fine. Can anyone guess where this is going...?

I got a little too industrious, and ended up being outside for closer to 90 minutes. I got back in the house, and was just about got knocked down by the smell. The water had all evaporated, and I had a bunch of burnt stems stuck to the bottom of my pot.

I cooled it off, added more water and resumed the boil. Long story short, I managed to save what was left of the oil. I just ate a couple brownies an hour ago, and feel a little bit of a buzz.

But my house STUNK for about 2.5 days. I have never had any odor linger like that did. The only thing I can compare it to is burnt hair. :spew:

Moral of the story? My 7th grade home-ec teacher was right, never leave boiling pot unattended on the stove. :bigjoint:

when i was young i thought id be right making a batch of hash oil and evaporate the metho on the gas stove and directing the airflow away.. needless to say you know what happened.. it caught on fire i took it outside and finished it. dropped some of it on maself and looked like the incredible hulk lol

e all leave it on the stove over night you must be unlucky as man lol
This has been an awesome thread to read up on, GREAT NFo'......I've been interested in finding a new method for consumption and now I have a whole slew of ideas made eazy to try out, Thanks to everyone thats contributed to this thread so far.....:bigjoint:
n/p Brazko. I'm having a good time with this. For small scale extractions it's hard to beat a tincture. For whatever reason it seems to give me higher, with less weed than oil extraction does. Pretty stealthy too. I'm real excited to sample my tinctures that will be getting the longer soak.
i reckon 8 days would be plenty.. thats all i do when im making oil... i also shake it every now and then :)

you can then put the oil in capsules swallow, wait and then get high... some may say slapphappy or they wouldnt do it but i say ive done it heaps and it hasnt bothered me none lol.
Yeah, I'm still trying to Graduate, so this thread is like the Ultimate set of Cliff Notes for alternatives..., everythings been made real easy to understand and explained, Rep bongsmilie