Thats because a higher IQ means you have a higher ability to reason and cope with things.I;m amazed that 42 percent of people believe in God. I though it would be more like 3. You know research shows that people with a higher IQ tend not to believe in Religion...
lol... roflmao... hahahahahahahahahahahahahah
right buddy... you dont know my mom... that was a 3 year battle i have yet to make progress in. she tried to keep me and my gf (now together for 5 years) apart because she is athiest. but she was a strait A student and one of the top of my class. not even a missed day on her record... guess still too much of a bad influence...
...Spirit the head of the book as a husband over the wife.
Oh, shit. Another Jehovah's Witness. Man is to understand and approach God through the bible and the Kingdom Hall. Woman is suppose to understand/approach God through her husband. The man makes all the decisions and the woman is to defer to her husband in every way. Only men should be speaking in church and giving sermons. A woman is treated basically like a child, she is allowed to do only what the husband gives her permission to do. She even cooks and raises the children the way that the man tells her to do so.
Don't get me wrong, wouldn't be too bad having a slave / servant. Hell, you can even beat your wife and she is obligated to stick around in a bad marriage in her 'service to God'. But having an equal partner is just too fuggin scary for someone like yourself i would imagine. You need to try to have some small bit of control over the scary little world that you live in.
A shag carpet!!! Now thats a religion I want to be part of...
The woman is the church which is the book...God is the husband and you need none to teach you...seeing God is able to bring to birth.
Im wondering what the fuck this even means.....The woman is the church which is the book...God is the husband and you need none to teach you...seeing God is able to bring to birth.
there is quite a difference between religion and spirituality in my book.isn't there a spirituality section?
we have created earth as we see it, if the entire human race was to up and vanish, the earth would go on, improove even. without the human race, nature can take the course it was set on befor we came along and took over everything.If you're that concerned about god and all that, just repent on your death bed.
Pretty much what every monarch has done since monarchy began.
I cannot remember who said the following, or how it was written but it's something along the lines of :
If you are walking down the street and you find a pocket watch laying on the ground, and you've never seen a pocket watch though they had never existed, you would look inside and see all the cogs turning, see all the intricate worksmanship and begin to wonder if any such man could create something like this, surely it must be made by something greater than man itself?
I believe the same principal goes for God.
Look around you.
Cars, bikes, computers, telephones, emails, faxes, planes, trains, speakers.. fuck we've created a lot.
What's to say WE didn't create the earth?
The human race evolved, created Amazing things but did not go down the path we chose, instead they looked at renewable energy etc.
They advanced so quickly, no wars, peace and prosperity. Until one day everything had been completed on earth.
They had literally solved every equation, defied the laws of physics, learned of time travel etc etc etc..
So they left, and went into the unknown (space)
The earth renewed itself as it does from time to time (and yes it does, it's a cycle..)
They came back!
Sowed the seeds of life once again and left it to grow, an experiment if you will.
They are up there now, watching, taking notes, listening in on our every word..
Perhaps they debate regularly if they should interrupt again (like they did for the Mayans and the Egyptians) and help push us further in our development.
We are but infants learning to walk compared to them.
Oh sorry.. I seemed to have allowed myself to blab on a bit.
Maybe I should write a book..ahaha.
yah man, if someone is just spiritual. Then they should "no God" as there answerthere is quite a difference between religion and spirituality in my book.
Theres only one guys are carnal.
Only if your in the Spirit of God is it spiritual.
so does that mean god goes to hell more than heaven? remember, christianity isnt the biggest religion in the world, and they believe that everyone else besides christians will go to hell for believing in false godsTheres only one guys are carnal.
Only if your in the Spirit of God is it spiritual.