Hormones /PGR`s/Vitimans - Research Thread Only

Compact Germicidal UV Lamp (15W, 25W, 23W)

Product Description
Compact UV Germicidal lamp, Double H shape / Single H shape
Material: High Purity Quartz Glass
Voltage: 110 to 230V AC
Wattage: 15W, 25W, 23W
Base: E27 / E14
Lamp diameter: 12mm
Peak: 253.7nm / 253.7nm+185nm
Average life time: 8, 000hrs

Feature: Compact and mini size, easy to install, external ballast is not needed
Applications: Easily installed in table lamp as a portable sterilizer for Kitchen, Bed room, Office, Elevator, etc.
Trademark:CnlightModel: 15W, 25W, 23WCompany:Cnlight Co., Ltd.
This makes a lot of sense to me eza,
and I think you might be onto something.
I live in a rented townhouse and space is extremely limited,
not to mention the inspections every 3 months.
So obviously there is only so much I can do here.
Good work mate.:joint::clap:
This makes a lot of sense to me eza,
and I think you might be onto something.
I live in a rented townhouse and space is extremely limited,
not to mention the inspections every 3 months.
So obviously there is only so much I can do here.
Good work mate.:joint::clap:

Thanx, I got goose bumps when I was putting it all together...... If my theroy is correct, Strains like the JAck heres and white widow, could quiet well be stronger with UVA`s, UVB`s applyed in a greenhouse/hydro.:joint:

I truely believe that I am onto something............ this is a highly UNDEVELOPED theory and will be refined with my nxt grow expeiments.:joint:

But I think that there is ALOT of crap out there about how to induce more THC and I recon that I have read them all.:)

THIS MAKES SENSE, Thc has been bullied for along time for it origan with no real sucess, if this is true then we could induce much more drastic changes in levels of CBD,CBN,THC:hump:
My nxt problem the conversion

exposure to the B-band of ultraviolet light (UVB), light at a wavelength of:
270-315 nm is about where coral and reptiles grow the best; and the range Proffessor stoner said was aroun 270 - 300 nm so my range is in there somewhere.............

The light I have suggested a 55w uva/uvb bulb which is around 350nm - at 1 foot so distance will have to be played with...
And a 25w - putting out 253.7nm - so this will be right up close say on the crown.
note:do not look into globe you will burn eyes
this will help:

The Ultraviolet Spectrum

Ultraviolet refers to all electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the range of 10 to 400 nanometers, or frequencies from 7.5E14 to 3E16 Hz.

The UVA range is wavelengths from 315 to 400 nanometers. Wavelengths from about 345 to 400 nM are used for "Blacklight" effects (causing many fluorescent objects to glow) and are usually very slightly visible if isolated from more visible wavelengths. Shorter UVA wavelengths from 315 to 345 nM are used for suntanning.

UVB refers to wavelengths from 280 to 315 nanometers. These wavelengths are more hazardous than UVA wavelengths, and are largely responsible for sunburn. The ozone layer partially blocks these wavelengths.
ref: http://members.misty.com/don/uvbulb.html

what i need is the conversion of nm in respect to the UV output of the sun..... ie: UV of 12 is a NM reading of ??
I have found a breakdown of the light spectrums givin out by uva uvb lights for reptiles....

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The "photobiological activity" of a lamp: measuring the UV Index [/FONT]


the conversion betweenwatts vs UV vs nm
this will be helpfull to figure out what light
UV radiation

Electromagnetic radiation or "light" is the collective name for all forms of energy that move with the speed of light. There are different "types of light" in the spectrum, depending on their energy, which is related to the wavelength (freqency) of the light: the lower the wavelength, the higher the energy.

The human eye is sensitive for only a part of the spectrum, referred to as "visible light": between 400 and 780 nm (1 nm = 10-9 meter). The wavelength of the light determines the colour: 400 nm is blue, 700 nm is red.
The part of the spectrum immediately to the left of blue, between 200 and 400 nm is the ultraviolet light (UV). The UV is usually divided into three components, with increasing energy:
  • UV-A: 320-400 nm
  • UV-B: 280-320 nm
  • UV-C: 200-280 nm
Of these UV-B is the most dangerous form, since part of it reaches ground level, where it can affect human health (e.g. cause certain forms of skin cancer) and damage the DNA of flora and fauna. Note that the wavelength of the division between the UV-A and UV-B bands is sometimes set at 315 nm (see note below).

The UV-C energy is potentially more dangerous, but it decreases dramatically as ozone increases, because of the strong absorption in the 200-280 nm wavelength band. The UV-B is also strongly absorbed, but a small fraction reaches the surface. The UV-A is only weakly absorbed by ozone, with some scattering of radiation near the surface.

The curve shows a typical vertical profile of ozone in the midlatitudes of the northern hemisphere: the concentration of ozone as function of altitude. Superimposed on the figure are plots of UV radiation as a function of altitude for UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. The width of the bar indicates the amount of energy as a function of altitude. UV-C is absorbed completely in the stratosphere. Of the global UV radiation at the ground, 94% is UV-A, 6% is UV-B.
figure adapted from Stratospheric Ozone, An Electronic Textbook
Atmospheric ozone thus shields life at the surface from most of the harmful components of the solar UV radiation. Chemical processes in the atmosphere can effect the level of protection provided by the ozone in the upper atmosphere.
Ozone decline in the stratosphere can be caused by:
  • Chemical processes resulting from the breakdown of CFCs and other ozone depleting gases.
  • Changes in the stratospheric meteorology, e.g. due to changes in the climate and in trace gases such as nitrous oxide (N2O), water (H2O) and methane (CH4).
Thinning of the atmospheric ozone in the stratosphere leads to elevated levels of UV-B at ground level and increases the risks of DNA damage in living organisms. A 1% decrease in ozone, for example, will lead to an estimated increase of UV-B of about 2%.

It is therefore important to monitor the UV radiation that reaches the ground. One of the tools for this is the UV index.

Note on the UV-A & UV-B wavelength ranges

The wavelength of the devision between UV-A and UV-B varies in the literature and this may lead to some confusion.

The Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (International Commission on Illumination) uses 280-315 nm as UV-B and 315-400 nm as UV-A.
Other sources put the devision point at 320 nm, as in the above given definition. In particular this is done in medical (dermatological) applications, as well as in cosmetics. Also several text books on UV use 320 as devision point.
To avoid confusion, one could use the following short-hand notation: dUVB for 290-320 nm and dUVA for 320-400 nm, where "d" stands for dermatological, and use UVA and UVB for the 315-nm devision quantities. The use of the prefix "d" is not very common, though.
Within the TEMIS project, the data supplied are the UV index and UV dose, which cover (parts of) both UV-A and UV-B. The precise wavelength range that is relevant for these quantities depends on the action spectrum applied:
  • UV range relevant for erythema: 280 - 400 nm
  • UV range relevant for general DNA damage: 256 - 370 nm
ref: http://www.temis.nl/uvradiation/info/index.html
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]REPTILE TEST FOR UVB - this is good for an understanding what ligt puts out what.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We tested samples of fluorescent lamps from each brand which has been alleged to have caused photo-kerato-conjunctivitis in reptiles, and compared the test results with those from other brands. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Broadband UVB meters did not prove very helpful in determining the cause of the problem; they indicated that at the distances at which problems occurred, the total UVB (in microwatts per square centimetre) from these lamps was no higher than that found in natural sunlight. However, total UVB measurements give little indication of the photobiological activity of the lamp. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Measurements of the UV Index (which does provide a measure of this) revealed that whereas 100 µW/cm² total UVB from sunlight was recorded as yielding a UV Index of 1.6 – 2.0, these lamps were producing emissions in which 100µW/cm² total UVB yielded a UV Index of between 8.9 and 14.2. Light from these lamps would therefore appear to be between four and eight times as photobiologically active as light from the sun. At close range these lamps were all producing hazardous levels of UVB. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Spectrograms indicated that all these lamps utilise a distinctive phosphor of a type used in lamps for testing the deterioration under UVB of resistant materials such as roofing and car bodywork, and in older-style human clinical phototherapy lamps (so-called "FS" lamps). The lamps we tested from three different brands generate low wavelength UVB, some from as low as 275 - 280nm, whereas the lower limit of UVB in natural sunlight is 290-295nm. (The phosphor used in many other brands of reptile UVB lamps is of a type used in some human tanning lamps, which mimics the UV in sunlight and produces no UVB at wavelengths below 290nm.) [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As well as a much higher proportion of more damaging non-solar UV energy at wavelengths below 295 nm, the lamps with the problem phosphor proved to have a higher total UVB output than most other brands of fluorescent reptile UVB lamps. Because much of this is in the more photobiologically active wavelengths, the risk of reaching a threshold dose for photo-kerato-conjunctivitis, and possibly other forms of UV radiation damage, is much greater than with other lamps. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A combination of other factors apparently increased the risk of photo-kerato-conjunctivitis with these lamps even further: [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In some cases, product literature did not give adequate information. It is essential that lamps are not sold without clear recommendations regarding suitable basking distances and the hazards of over-exposure. Many reptile keepers are unaware that there are any risks associated with close contact with a fluorescent UVB source. The history of fluorescent UVB lamps is such that they are often perceived as "weak" sources of UVB and keepers are often advised to position them close to the reptile. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]When placed in aluminium reflectors, in some cases UVB beneath compact lamps was increased by more than 700%. The extreme increase in UVB underneath aluminium reflector domes has not been widely known, or the hazard recognised, either by manufacturers or hobbyists. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Most of the lamps have a low visible light output. They are therefore less likely to induce an aversive reaction, or pupillary constriction, when in the reptiles' line of sight. They do not "look like" very intense, direct tropical sunlight.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Most of the UVA output of these lamps is not in the visible UVA range for reptiles, since the threshold for vision is about 350nm. This reduces even further the visual impact of the lamp to the reptile. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Fluorescent lamps produce a small amount of heat. This is insufficient to deter a reptile from a close approach, and in fact the gentle warmth may even prove an attraction. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Broadband UVB meters such as the Solarmeter 6.2 provide only readings of the total UVB in microwatts per square centimetre. This gives little indication of the photobiological activity of the UVB radiation from this type of lamp. Misleading comparisons of lamp and solar readings taken with these meters may be made, possibly leading to incorrect placement of the lamp, if this is not understood. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We believe the use of a “phototherapy” phosphor in these lamps is a cause for concern. The effects of long-term exposure to non-solar wavelengths on reptiles is unknown, but these wavelengths are far more damaging to living cells than solar wavelengths.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] FS lamps have been used widely in research upon cell damage and immunosuppression, and to induce skin tumours in laboratory animals. FS lamps have been used in at least two studies with reptiles which suffered unexpected detrimental effects apparently related to their UV exposure, including photo-kerato-conjunctivitis, depression and death, and skin tumours. Although the compact lamps we tested from ZooMed, and the T5 and T8 tube we tested from R-Zilla are not FS lamps, they do appear to contain the same phosphor. The Big Apple Herpetological Mystic tube and compact lamp we tested, however, have spectra very similar indeed to FS lamps. [/FONT]​

Spiked we chatting about this on other thread bro come over say hello....... Hormones Vs co2 in sig

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URL: http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/newton/askasci/1993/chem/CHEM007.HTM
ummmm nah i just want phosphorous i can mix with some potasium and feed it to the plants during flower.

im thinking maybe just getting some tomato pellets and crushing it in a can and watering ma plants fuck it....

i really was hoping there was an easy way of getting phos as something like urea is for nitrogen ya know :)

ummmm nah i just want phosphorous i can mix with some potasium and feed it to the plants during flower.

im thinking maybe just getting some tomato pellets and crushing it in a can and watering ma plants fuck it....

i really was hoping there was an easy way of getting phos as something like urea is for nitrogen ya know :)

This shit is cheap on line bro ! it is RED PHOS....... just the water soluable version................. the shit you will find in fertz will be a form of this..
Normal red phos will not break down !
OK, I dosed my seedlings at 3 weeks and again at 4 weeks (27 days actually)
I have 10 White Queen seedlings which I'm using for this experiment.
I chose to dose them at the 3 and 4 week mark because I've read that this is the period in which they decide their sex.
I also plan on vegging for at least another 4 weeks, depending on their growth.


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Oops, forgot to mention I'm using La Femme at the manufacturers recommended dosage.
After getting 20 females from 21 with the Auto Flowering plants
I thought this would be worth a try.
I will also dose them 1 week before 12/12
and again the day I go 12/12.
Dosing at 5ml per litre foliar sprayed with penetrator
and watering at 2ml per litre.
Keep posted for more news.:weed:
Oops, forgot to mention I'm using La Femme at the manufacturers recommended dosage.
After getting 20 females from 21 with the Auto Flowering plants
I thought this would be worth a try.
I will also dose them 1 week before 12/12
and again the day I go 12/12.
Dosing at 5ml per litre foliar sprayed with penetrator
and watering at 2ml per litre.
Keep posted for more news.:weed:

so you both spray and water with lafemme?
i thought you were supposed to do one or the other .
maybe thats the secret ??
If you go hunting for phosphorous acid then you'll end up on a DEA watch list!. Where the hell can you get that stuff, or red phosphorus online?
matchbook striker pads lol... get like a million i know there phosphorous leart that in school lol...

i know its a watched thing.

but i like being able to add nitrogen and potassium to my baby i juyst thought being able to give it phosporous would be good too. im trying to find a legal phosphorous that is effective and the plants find usefull....

dont worry we dont got the dea in australia its AFP (Australian Federal Police) but yes theyll come bust ya door down and put a cap in your ass if need be lol...

just as good i only grow the odd marijuana plant then and not make meth lol.
yess i know what red phos is used for so does everyone else thats y im trying to find a viable legal option. i want to be able to make my own ratios for the plant like maybe ezas value of

123 ie 5.10.15 during flower. ya know make a shitty fertilizers stats what i want them to be ie MG (ive found that you can grow dyno weed with a few alterations during veg and flower. ie. during veg maybe add some extra nitrigen to it or some fish fert concentrate then in start adding pot ash and less of the others :)

some ferts just lack ya know and i wanna be able to add whats missing :) meaning i want to be able to give the plant what its needs as needed anyways.

So its a dud idea then huh???? dammit i thought i was on to somethig lol oh well