My Budget Grow. What do I get next?

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
the soil mix is key. i use a mix of peat vermiculite and perlite. and i keep it very moist untill the seed shell falls off


Well-Known Member
thanks kid.
I let you know when I get enough money to start my grow.
I have a question about germinating though.
I've tried starting in moist paper towel and water. I got between just cracked and 1" roots.
every time I go to plant them the roots shrivel and die.
know what I am doing wrong?
Make sure you are handling the roots with care. Just put them 1 inch into the soil with a pre-made pencil hole and water them at that time and don't water again until the soil is dry. It’s a weed this stuff will grow in spite of what you do to it.

Put your moist paper towel into a zip lock bag and check it once a day until your happy with the root. I’ve seen them get over 2" long I usually just plant them at 1"

I know it's not a popular nute but Schultz 10-15-10 plant food plus is at every store. (Every store). Its very user friendly so you don't burn your plants it has a dropper so you can just put 7 drops in a quart of water every time you water them. I grew some sick green with it. It won't affect the taste if you flush the plant properly before harvest. That means only water 30days to drying it. Your ash will be a light grey, the taste will shine through, and your lungs won't hurt. Fertilizer salts make for a horrible smoke no matter what kind they are. :peace:



Well-Known Member
Make sure you are handling the roots with care. Just put them 1 inch into the soil with a pre-made pencil hole and water them at that time and don't water again until the soil is dry. It’s a weed this stuff will grow in spite of what you do to it.

Put your moist paper towel into a zip lock bag and check it once a day until your happy with the root. I’ve seen them get over 2" long I usually just plant them at 1"

I know it's not a popular nute but Schultz 10-15-10 plant food plus is at every store. (Every store). Its very user friendly so you don't burn your plants it has a dropper so you can just put 7 drops in a quart of water every time you water them. I grew some sick green with it. It won't affect the taste if you flush the plant properly before harvest. That means only water 30days to drying it. Your ash will be a light grey, the taste will shine through, and your lungs won't hurt. Fertilizer salts make for a horrible smoke no matter what kind they are. :peace:

Thanks man.
I'll definetly be on the look out for the Schultz.


Well-Known Member
I got most of my supplies together and I'm germinating.
All I need to do is pick up some soil, nutes, pots, and a thermo/hydrometer.
Here are some pics of what I have so far.
I made a Ghetto EZ walmart carbon filter I found on this site.
Ask if you have any questions.
(sorry for poor pic quality)



Well-Known Member
Are those cups clear if so cover them up with tape or something. Roots and lights are a no no. And from what i can tell it looks decent to start with. Also you will need to get all your lights nice and close within a couple of inches from the plant.


Well-Known Member
1. bring lights closer
2. DO NOT USE CLEAR CUPS, roots hate light, cover them up or transplant

Good luck,,


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!
I haven't planted them yet. I am waiting for 1gal pots and new soil.
and I'll be moving the lights down and maybe adding a new fan if it's too hot in there.