Can you tan with an HPS???


Well-Known Member
I know it's kinda a dumb question. But did I hear someone say you can tan with an HPS to tan??? any info would be sweet. thnx guys.


Well-Known Member
hahaha. its the UVB that u tan in. theres more UVB rays in MH than HPS. get some UVB lights from the pet store. they have CFLs that you can use but i mean i still wouldnt recommend it. too much risk in skin cancer and aging. UVB are harmful to all forms of life.


Active Member
I can't say 100% for sure but it sure feels that way when your spend time in your room my face feels burnt if i spend too much time in there.


Active Member
That's weird, I just researched this info like a week ago and couldn't seem to find a really straight answer. The reason I wanted to know this as well is because last year it seemed when I was spending longer periods of time in my HPS room, I would come out and then the next day my skin seemed a tad bit darker after a few days of being in there for a few hours at a time.

I just always thought maybe it did because I know I did see a difference in my skin tone and I know I wasn't just imagining it. I'm a fair skinned person and it took me a long time to get a base tan a few years ago, so any slight tanning now, I actually notice.

But I would say yeah you probably can get a tan from the HPS lamp because of UVB but then again UVB is harmful. You might as well just go sit in a tanning bed if you were that concerned with getting a tan, not saying you are, just saying that'd be the best course of action if you were trying to force a tan on your body.


Well-Known Member
UVA & UVB range from 400nm to around 290nm. It is true MH emit more light in this range than HPS.

HPS has more IR than UV light, it'll more-so 'cook' you than tan you.


New Member
the plants use resin to rpotect themselves from the suns harmful uvb rays...without it,the seeds wont have time to mature enough without being killed......the more intesne the uvb and uva rays,then certaiunloy theylkl produce alot of dripping,stikcy resin!!!

why do you think they say that the landrace equator strains are argubly the best ones in the world????theres a much higher uva uvb spectrum in the sun....


Well-Known Member
i dont know for certain that you can tan with them, but i'm a baldie who spends a fair bit of time with my head in the room as i feed/tie/prune/whack one out over my plants, and i reckon i'm a shade darker..


Active Member
uvb is filtered with indoor growing, uvb light gives u a noticeable sunburn as your skin tries to protect it by secreting melanin. UVA radiation is the culprit linked to cancer, creeps up on you 10 years later but hey radiation from the sun created the jump from apes to man by altering it's genetic code......darwin was almost right! and we have still have apes too. Life is great =)


Active Member
yeah and sun glasses for sure, now adays with uvb lighting, 1k hps in a room you'd be making a lot of hemp oil to cure your skin cancer hahahaha