Can you tan with an HPS???


Active Member
Yes, you can tan under those lamps! Just did some research. We all know the wavelenghts on a HPS are perfect for flowering, still, even if the peaks are at those colours. It still puts out light below 400nm wavelength. Under 400nm is when dangerous light starts to emit. Therefore, i am now covering my growroom up entierly. I actually got the HPS light constantly shining on my face x)


Lets be honest though. You need alot of wattage and big sunshades to be able to see much difference on your skin. 150-250-400w is probably not bulbs with alot of issue. As are allready weaker then the sun, still the sun provides alot of UV and UVA. The bulb of the HPS is coated. Here in the EU regulations might be different then those in USA, therefore, chances you can tan is probably bigger. Its just a plausible scenario :P