IM IGNORANT CUZ I USE THE WORD RETARDED??...WOW like a mentally challenged person really crossed my mind when i use that word, go fuck yourself, and you can say im ignorant for saying that too. and dont say im being tough either, you are being the forum police when you say dont use the word retarded.
You do not know the definition of ignorant.....
The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.
I was educating you about how you sounded when you used the word retarded...... my friend Karen called me out about it too. I was uninformed on how it made her feel when I used the word... even though I used it with no ill intent. I guess I just don't want you to run into the same situation and hurt someones feelings..... even if unintentional....
My comments were not an attack.... I wanted you to know how you sounded. I am glad you had no thoughts about the mentally challenged.....that shows you were just ignorant (see def. above) to how you were coming across.
And as for you using the word"retarded".... hey... go for it. Make an ass out of yourself and show everyone how immature you really are.
And by the way.... PC is politically correct. I, in no way have pushed my ideas on you.
Not once did I even say you were tough.... where did that come from too?
By the way.... thanks for the "f&%k you. Really shows you maturity again.... talk to me when you turn 18.
Sorry to everyone else...... I need to go now.... Vette needs his birthday massage.... and the day has been far to good to end it on this note.
Sweet dreams everyone!
Stoney...... glad you're back sweetie... I missed reading your posts!!!