Super Cropping & Topping Question


Well-Known Member
So I've dealt with a lot of bull shit every time I try to do any type of topping to my plant... I have some rooted clones that are about 6 - 9 inches tall. My question is when would it be appropriate for me to supercrop or top the strand that grows taller than the other? I want a more even garden and am bent on growing both strains together. I figure I might yield better using either technique anyway and it might slow down growth so the others will be the same for flowering... Thoughts on the matter are appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I just spent the last 30 minutes reading all through that... It was definitely a lot of help, but it still didn't answer one question I had. When exactly is the best time to super crop... Veg? Right into flowering? Once I see the first signs of flowering? Do you by chance know?


Well-Known Member
after it has 3-5 nodes you're probably ok to top it. Super cropping can be done a couple ways and age only matters depending on which way you want to super crop the plant.

If you want to just supercrop the whole plant doing it relatively young is a good idea.
If you want to wait and super crop individual branches you might wait till the branches have a little length so its actually doing something


Well-Known Member
no problem man. With all the techniques I usually do it relatively young. After the plant has established its self of course. Pretty much use your own discretion you wont kill it unless you really mangle it

To the DOME

Active Member
Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that you do not want to cut anything from your plant 2 weeks before inducing flowering. you should also try to LST your plant if youre gona top or supercrop em. gives all the branches even light and a nice lookin canopy.

To the DOME

Active Member
there are different methods of supercropping thats why. some you cut others you bend or just crush the stem. they say not to do it 2 weeks before because it diminishes the hormones in the plant right before flowering. it will eventually get back to that level but it will slow it for a bit.


Well-Known Member
Well I took a pic of my first Supercropping tonight, basically u just pinch/squish the stem till it's weak then bend it. Now hopefully the plant recovers within a few days and starts growing vertical again.

Best to do in Veg after the plant is 10" tall or so (so it's mature enough that it wont die).

Also do it at least a week or two before you start flowering so it recovers fully from the bend.


Well-Known Member
It's gonna definatly delay flowering for about month, if you want it done properly. You have to wait for it grow the up branches now. Good luck


Well-Known Member
You guys under estimate how fast plants heal themselves. If you have healthy conditions for your plants you can do pretty much anything short of mangling it and it will recover relatively quickly. I have supercropped the shit out of a plant that was about 3.5 feet tall and previously LST'd when it was younger. I came in the next day and the branches were all ready growing up again


Well-Known Member
You guys under estimate how fast plants heal themselves. If you have healthy conditions for your plants you can do pretty much anything short of mangling it and it will recover relatively quickly. I have supercropped the shit out of a plant that was about 3.5 feet tall and previously LST'd when it was younger. I came in the next day and the branches were all ready growing up again
Very true.:clap:


Well-Known Member
You guys under estimate how fast plants heal themselves. If you have healthy conditions for your plants you can do pretty much anything short of mangling it and it will recover relatively quickly. I have supercropped the shit out of a plant that was about 3.5 feet tall and previously LST'd when it was younger. I came in the next day and the branches were all ready growing up again
This is very true, and if your worried about stress use some superthrive or thrive alive.

A good time to top or fim is when your baby has at least 4-7 nodes and super cropping should be done around the same time.

The reason you would not want to fim/top/S C 2 weeks before flowering is you want a full recovery before introducing the plants to 12/12 to lower the risk of stress and hermies.


Well-Known Member
You guys under estimate how fast plants heal themselves. If you have healthy conditions for your plants you can do pretty much anything short of mangling it and it will recover relatively quickly. I have supercropped the shit out of a plant that was about 3.5 feet tall and previously LST'd when it was younger. I came in the next day and the branches were all ready growing up again
plus rep to you

:weed:oh so very true,the plants heal quick and recover quick. they only slow down for max 36hours, i topped my plants tonight,theyre 3-4inches tall and about 7nodes on average. they are super compact and nice...i gave them a nice watering and a heavy foliar bc i did some leaf trimmin too to expose more light to the sides,they should bounce back my midday today. a plant can go through so much and be fine.