Well-Known Member
Ok so I dont really keep a close watch on the news, but it seems a load of politicians are coming out about smoking weed 'once or twice' (yeah right) at uni, now the scottish drugs minister is calling for gordon brown and the ACMD (Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs) to review the declassification on cannabis on the grounds that skunk is much stronger these days.
Id put up a poll, but I dont think there's a point, im sure everyone here agrees that skunk being class B will not stop people smoking or growing it. Everyone who I have talked to about this has come to the same conclusion, that legalising and regulating is the only way to 'win the war on drugs'. But politicians cant just legalise drugs, most people would be outraged, and whoever it was that did it would have their career ruined.
I was under the impression they would just lax up with the rules so that it became a little more like amsterdam, not neccesarily coffee shops but at least more tollerance. I would disagree with reclassification on the grounds that weed cant kill you, and to put it in the same class as anphetamines is a bit ridiculous.
Personally I cant see it happening unless its just a big plan to justify sending people to jail for possession.
Id put up a poll, but I dont think there's a point, im sure everyone here agrees that skunk being class B will not stop people smoking or growing it. Everyone who I have talked to about this has come to the same conclusion, that legalising and regulating is the only way to 'win the war on drugs'. But politicians cant just legalise drugs, most people would be outraged, and whoever it was that did it would have their career ruined.
I was under the impression they would just lax up with the rules so that it became a little more like amsterdam, not neccesarily coffee shops but at least more tollerance. I would disagree with reclassification on the grounds that weed cant kill you, and to put it in the same class as anphetamines is a bit ridiculous.
Personally I cant see it happening unless its just a big plan to justify sending people to jail for possession.