Cannabis should be licensed and sold in shops, expert says

but not let it be monopolised by big business.
i should be able to be self sufficient without being profited and leeched upon by greedy businesses, and or governments.
a grower needs electricity, water, soil (or not) and seed... not a card, taxes, by-laws, semi legality and strong interests from the money hungry.

if the grower pays their bills for the above, the companies they pay too will pay tax and that is how the government makes their money...its just another money making tactic from governments in the financial crisis, who are finding it hard to stay above board, in more ways than one.

im not saying i disagree with dispensaries, but i disagree with a majority rules situation where the home grower still gets bent over while the big guy wins out...

imagine only being able to buy a 3-5 % THC 'cigarette'...whilst not being able to grow your own stash of a fine sativa, or another type of high THC content strain... for me, that way of life would suck and i wouldnt enjoy that weed. i couldnt imagine having no control of the quality/strain of what i smoke, and i know i get tolerant of smoking the same stuff all the time, i need variety.