Are Gang Members Using Military Training?


Well-Known Member
Thats crazy. I wouldnt put it past some people. Some kid thinks he's a gangsta, so he joins the army and gets a big gun and gets told to shoot people. Then he comes back and wants to still feel like he has that power and authority. The military is going to take anyone who wants to fight. Definitely seems pretty fucked up.

It's ridiculous what some people are willing to do just for Money.



Well-Known Member
Talk about overblown, this story reeks of sensationlism. Reminds me of reefer madness. I was in the marines for 4 years never did I see or meet any supposed gang members lol I chuckle just saying that


New Member
I was also, and if I were to have to fight in the street, I'd use every bit of my military knowledge. No-one wants to be a sitting duck if he has to engage. Hopefully, it will never come to that, but if it does, I'll use all my skills to stay alive, that and defend my family.


New Member
According to a recently released FBI report, Gang-related activity in the US military is increasing and poses a threat to law enforcement officials and national security. The report, Gang Activity in the U.S. Armed Forces Increasing, dated January 12, states that members of nearly every major street gang have been identified on both domestic and international military installations. Members of nearly every major street gang, including the Bloods, Crips, Black Disciples, Gangster Disciples, Hells Angels, Latin Kings, The 18th Street Gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), Mexican Mafia, Nortenos, Surenos, Vice Lords, and various white supremacist groups, have been documented on military installations.


Well-Known Member
I read something a while ago that the US has dropped a lot of requirements (no criminal records..etc) and things because of troubles enlisting people..... plus everyone knows the criminal element always gets a foot in all doors...


Well-Known Member
i dont know of any pussy gang members who could or be willing to run 25 miles carrying 90 lbs.
when i was in the army you used proper manners .yes sir no sir .yes maam no maam.if you were not using proper manners someone would assist you in that area..LOL
most military men are polite and decent gentlemen .they are not running around robbing A 7 11
or commiting crimes.i find it very insulting that anyone would suggest otherwise.
if you were in the military you SHOULD KNOW what the punishment is for crimes according to the UCMJ.
they are alot harder than civilian law.


stays relevant.
i dont know of any pussy gang members who could or be willing to run 25 miles carrying 90 lbs.
when i was in the army you used proper manners .yes sir no sir .yes maam no maam.if you were not using proper manners someone would assist you in that area..LOL
most military men are polite and decent gentlemen .they are not running around robbing A 7 11
or commiting crimes.i find it very insulting that anyone would suggest otherwise.
if you were in the military you SHOULD KNOW what the punishment is for crimes according to the UCMJ.
they are alot harder than civilian law.

You don't think that soldiers in the US military have been committing crimes? :roll: You act like everyone in the military is fair, logical, and uses excellent judgment- you are very naive.


Well-Known Member
i suppose you seen alot of gang members and criminals in the military?LOL get real
And you were in the military, the US Marines to be specific?

I love how ignorant some people are. No one claimed that theres hundreds or thousands of gangsters in the military. But you can't honestly deny there are a few. Even a few is a problem, it only takes 1 to come out and start teaching some kids how to fight to create some serious issues.



Well-Known Member
i was in the army.
i didnt see any real criminals .and we had something we liked to call the chain of cant up and just shoot people for no reasons.most of these men have wifes and children .and brothers and fathers.normaly they are in no mood to just murder someone.i dont think you understand what could happen to you if you are convicted of murder in the military.and i dont think you understand that the military is just like our normaly society .MOST people in the military are good people.just like the average people you meet in your life.
now.we have ass holes painting them as criminals..are there criminals in the military.yea.but not as many as you have living in your neighborhood as they are screened before entering the military
im not saying the military isnt full of dummys.most of us when we are young were ignorant of alot.
i wonder if you think killing the enemy is criminal? is a soldiers job.
it is nothing sorry if you think a soldier killing the enemy of your country on your behalf is criminal.


Well-Known Member
i was in the army.
i didnt see any real criminals .and we had something we liked to call the chain of cant up and just shoot people for no reasons.most of these men have wifes and children .and brothers and fathers.normaly they are in no mood to just murder someone.i dont think you understand what could happen to you if you are convicted of murder in the military.and i dont think you understand that the military is just like our normaly society .MOST people in the military are good people.just like the average people you meet in your life.
now.we have ass holes painting them as criminals..are there criminals in the military.yea.but not as many as you have living in your neighborhood as they are screened before entering the military
im not saying the military isnt full of dummys.most of us when we are young were ignorant of alot.
i wonder if you think killing the enemy is criminal? is a soldiers job.
it is nothing sorry if you think a soldier killing the enemy of your country on your behalf is criminal.

No one is saying the military is full of criminals or that there's people going around shooting people in the military. No one is perfect, and yes, there is chain of command, that can be a problem when someone who is a criminal or used to live a criminal lifestyle gets into a position of power. The people under him aren't committing crimes themselves, but rather just following orders.

I'm not trying to shit on the US military and say they are all bad. The majority are hard working people with families, and they are willing to give their lives for their country. I totally respect that. But I really wouldn't just turn a blind eye and ignore the reality, there are people who take advantage of their power in the military and do commit crimes.



Well-Known Member
the discipline of a soldier is something a street criminal does not cannot be a soldier or marine or seal without it.
almost anyone could learn ambush techniques and some warfare if they wanted to.being able and capable and motivated to carry it out is another story.street thugs are not capable of this.i wonder how many of them could stand at attention after running 10 miles through the woods in 95 degree heat with one canteen of five miles after his last drop of water was gone.then stand at attention in front of a water truck for thirty miniutes at attention in the heat and humidity.
how about having the discipline and training to run 25 miles up and down hill carrying a full combat the four and a half hours.i dont know exactly what you all think of the military .but i assure you it is a sacrifice and pain you will never understand unless you have served in the military.and i assure you street punks will never be able to compete with a trained US combat unit.the main combat troops in the US military are some bad mother fuckers.that only do what they are ordered to do .within the law and constitutional better thank god the US military as individual soldiers would not turn their guns on the american people.


Well-Known Member
the discipline of a soldier is something a street criminal does not cannot be a soldier or marine or seal without it.
almost anyone could learn ambush techniques and some warfare if they wanted to.being able and capable and motivated to carry it out is another story.street thugs are not capable of this.i wonder how many of them could stand at attention after running 10 miles through the woods in 95 degree heat with one canteen of five miles after his last drop of water was gone.then stand at attention in front of a water truck for thirty miniutes at attention in the heat and humidity.
how about having the discipline and training to run 25 miles up and down hill carrying a full combat the four and a half hours.i dont know exactly what you all think of the military .but i assure you it is a sacrifice and pain you will never understand unless you have served in the military.and i assure you street punks will never be able to compete with a trained US combat unit.the main combat troops in the US military are some bad mother fuckers.that only do what they are ordered to do .within the law and constitutional better thank god the US military as individual soldiers would not turn their guns on the american people.
I think your getting the wrong idea. No one here, at least not me anyway, thinks the US military is going to turn on us or gangs are going to take on the US military.

What makes you think some kid whos a gangster cant make it through basic training? What makes you or anyone else any tougher or more disciplined than some kid who wants to be a gangster?

I doubt it's happening a lot. But Im sure it happens.



New Member
For several years, there have been allegations among law-enforcement officials and in the media of a strong presence of street gangs within the U.S. military. Military officials acknowledge that gang members can be found in the services, particularly the Army, but insist that gang membership does not pose a serious problem.

Stars and Stripes set out to explore the issue. Reporters interviewed dozens of military officers, police officials, military and civilian investigators, former gang members and ordinary servicemembers. This is what they found:


New Member
the discipline of a soldier is something a street criminal does not cannot be a soldier or marine or seal without it.
almost anyone could learn ambush techniques and some warfare if they wanted to.being able and capable and motivated to carry it out is another story.street thugs are not capable of this.i wonder how many of them could stand at attention after running 10 miles through the woods in 95 degree heat with one canteen of five miles after his last drop of water was gone.then stand at attention in front of a water truck for thirty miniutes at attention in the heat and humidity.
how about having the discipline and training to run 25 miles up and down hill carrying a full combat the four and a half hours.i dont know exactly what you all think of the military .but i assure you it is a sacrifice and pain you will never understand unless you have served in the military.and i assure you street punks will never be able to compete with a trained US combat unit.the main combat troops in the US military are some bad mother fuckers.that only do what they are ordered to do .within the law and constitutional better thank god the US military as individual soldiers would not turn their guns on the american people.
are you really that fucking stupid? thats why they join the army get in shape and learn how to handle a weapon.


Well-Known Member
why dont you go take you a little tour in the army then.see how it is..i see you know all about the army.
a very small percentage of the army would have any association with a gang.
and once that gang member gets through basic training he is a member of a new gang.
called the US ARMY.he will do what he is told.exactly what he is told.or be punished severely .
to include not sleeping, or eating.just for example.
you ever have someone tell you .if you fall asleep on post you will receive a article fifteen.
then keep you awake for a week .
some of the smartest men ive ever met in my life were in the military or ex military.
many of them are high achievers.i doubt if you know what that is .


New Member
why dont you go take you a little tour in the army then.see how it is..i see you know all about the army.
a very small percentage of the army would have any association with a gang.
and once that gang member gets through basic training he is a member of a new gang.
called the US ARMY.he will do what he is told.exactly what he is told.or be punished severely .
to include not sleeping, or eating.just for example.
you ever have someone tell you .if you fall asleep on post you will receive a article fifteen.
then keep you awake for a week .
some of the smartest men ive ever met in my life were in the military or ex military.
many of them are high achievers.i doubt if you know what that is .
my experience in the army is obviously different from yours. I spent 2 years years wadind through a jungle, trying to stay alive. I never really came in contact with those smart people you speak of. They didn't hang out in the jungle with us, they were usually hanging out in saigon partying. So, I wasn't really burdened with the yes sir and no sir bullshit, the only thing I had to worry about were those bastards in those black pajamas and ak-47's trying to kill me.:finger: