is it wrong to be a proud white male

Not to get myself in hot water with ANYONE. This is a e-mail that i was forwarded and i think it may encompass the thoughts of what the post started off asking or wondering. I am not going to fight with anyone about it. Just posting this forward.

Some of you pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.

Some of you call me "Whiteboy", "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey" and you think it's OK.
But if I were to call you, Nigger, Kike, Towelhead, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink you would call me a racist.
Some of you say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.
If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day some of you would call us racists.
If we had white history month, we'd be racists.
If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be racists.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships, you know we'd be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US, yet if there were "White colleges" that would be a racist college.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, some of you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, some of you call us racists.
Some of you rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, some of you will call him a racist.
I am proud.
But, some of you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
Forward, if you agree.

Not saying if its right or wrong but in my 38 years I have seen more of this than the other. I will smoke out, help anyone here and never make a judgement call based on color looks or gender. Just asking for the same. Loz..

You know whats funny Ive learned most of what was said above back when i was a teenager.... I (like most white people) basically ignore other races (or should i say racists) because of the Oppression that is subliminally (often times advertently) inflicted upon us at an early age and throughtout our lives.

We choose to ignore what really doesnt affect our lives, But in return everyone is given a false sense of identity because of it. It really is sad when commen sense, turns into common ignorance. :roll:
wow !!! how in the fuck did we get here. i thought that AZ-GROWER was just asking if it was anything wrong with him being a proud white man. now people are qouting huey newton, talking about killing people and shit, WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!!!!look we all know racism is out there, but guess what? it aint a thing that we can do about it. look man if someone doesn't like me cause i'm black i could give a fuck, ok. that shit doesn't make me or break me. it doesn't wake me up in the morning, or put me to sleep at night. so why even sweat that shit . if you don't like me, or you don't like him or her because of a color, SO WHAT. man this world is too big and life is too short to let what another person feels about you, or your particular race, have you angered, depressed, feeling like an outcast, or even feeling like you have to defend the fact that you, or anyone else is proud to be whatever. look if you are proud to be proud, white proud, proud, asian, austrailian, german, italian, african, brazilian, canadian, scotish, swedish, indian or whatever the fuck you are, BE PROUD OF THAT SHIT!! because guess what, there's only one you, so be the best motherfucking you that you can be. understand it shouldn't be about the color, because in my life it is a couple of white people i can't stand, mexican, and black too. but that doesn't mean i hate WHITE people alltogether, or mexicans, or blacks(not african americans, cause i'm from texas). no i just don't like those" TWO" white people, or that "ONE" mexican guy, or that black lady over there. not the whole group in general because i truly understand that everybody is not the same on the inside. so hey can we tone things down a little on this thread, because it is just too much negative feedback given to a question that only needed one simple answer.

Is it wrong to be a proud white male?
And my answer is: As long as the sense of pride that you feel is not so closed-minded to the fact
that you may be "better" than someone at certian "things",
but we are all no better than the next human being.
and that you understand this; we all were born, and we are all gonna die.
we all eat, drink, breathe, and bleed the same red blood.

so if you feeling that shit and you can identify with this,
then all i have to say to you or anybody else is ......
BE PROUD!!!!!!!
BE PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm a proud brunette, We brunettes have accomplished so many things in history. Did you know alexander the great was brunettebongsmilie
I'm a proud brunette, We brunettes have accomplished so many things in history. Did you know alexander the great was brunettebongsmilie

Oh no he wasn't! Besides, brunette is a feminine case and can only be applied to women.

You brunettes are always trying to steal celebrated blondes for your crew. It must stop!
wow !!! how in the fuck did we get here. i thought that AZ-GROWER was just asking if it was anything wrong with him being a proud white man. now people are qouting huey newton, talking about killing people and shit, WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!!!!look we all know racism is out there, but guess what? it aint a thing that we can do about it. look man if someone doesn't like me cause i'm black i could give a fuck, ok. that shit doesn't make me or break me. it doesn't wake me up in the morning, or put me to sleep at night. so why even sweat that shit . if you don't like me, or you don't like him or her because of a color, SO WHAT. man this world is too big and life is too short to let what another person feels about you, or your particular race, have you angered, depressed, feeling like an outcast, or even feeling like you have to defend the fact that you, or anyone else is proud to be whatever. look if you are proud to be proud, white proud, proud, asian, austrailian, german, italian, african, brazilian, canadian, scotish, swedish, indian or whatever the fuck you are, BE PROUD OF THAT SHIT!! because guess what, there's only one you, so be the best motherfucking you that you can be.

Is it wrong to be a proud white male?
And my answer is: As long as the sense of pride that you feel is not so closed-minded to the fact
that you may be "better" than someone at certian "things",
but we are all no better than the next human being.
and that you understand this; we all were born, and we are all gonna die.
we all eat, drink, breathe, and bleed the same red blood.

so if you feeling that shit and you can identify with this,
then all i have to say to you or anybody else is ......
BE PROUD!!!!!!!
BE PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your post echo's very many of my thoughts,this is how alot of people feel,as long as a persons self pride is not centered around, or based on them being in some way superior to others than it's a good thing.

Being white is part of who i am,being lebaneese is part of who my wife is,just like being mexican,chineese,black, or a mixed race like my children are is part of who/what they are,none of us asked for the color our skin turned out & none of us asked to be part of the race we are from,these are the cards we are dealt & to be told that any of us should keep a part of ourselves hidden, or be told by others who have no idea how we lead our lives that were racist because we take pride in who we are is an ignorant & self serving act.

I was speaking of its theoretical roots because that is the template of the organization; it was how the organization was set up and how it operated IN REAL LIFE. I was stressing this because if you knew anything of political theory you would understand that a revolutionary leftist organization based in Socialist theory could in no way be compared to the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood and other such racist/fascist groups. I mean I can’t think of any with half a brain that would make such comparison unless you are totally ignorant of both political theory and of history.

I’m not refusing shit, which is a fiction you created and are trying so desperately to prove but sadly for you I’m not. I didn’t ignore shit and I addressed the modern group who is using the title “black panthers,” and stated that they are entirely separate group that has no connections whatsoever with the real black panthers and are only using the name black panthers because of what they think (which is a fucked up and wrong view) they represented. They are not the same ideological, they do not have the same organizational structure, they do not share the same goals, etc. etc.

First I wasn’t making Newton to be the “shining example of brotherhood,” or other such horseshit, I quoted him to demonstrate a little bit what they panthers ACTUALLY believed and to show what were there actual goals and what they were trying to accomplish. The original black panthers were more class oriented and were focused on ending racism which they saw as a by-product of capitalism whereas the black panthers today have no coherent ideaology and are concerned with black power.

Secondly, no one’s a saint, so he fell into addiction and happen to die because of it but what I want to ask is, what the fuck does that have to with anything? Did you just wiki him and think that would be good to throw in there? That has absolutely nothing to do with what we were discussing which is whether or not the original black panthers could be compared to racist groups such as the KKK.

No, I haven’t ignored anything you’ve said and you would realize this if you weren’t so obtuse. I have stated that yes, the people who are today calling themselves the black panthers are saying some pretty racist shit, and yes they are blatant racist. However for the millionth fucking time they are not related to the original panthers. In fact I remember reading an article where one of the daughters of the black panthers talked about the new black panthers and she herself said her that the new black panthers had nothing to do with what the original black panthers and didn’t share the same ideals.

I’m not ignoring shit, I’m not dwelling on anything and that’s obvious to anyone reading this.

You base your views on what’s convenient for your argument and your views.

You don’t know shit about the black panthers.

I have scroll up and read and then stop and think about what the fuck I’m talking about. I’ve already explained my views on both groups and why they are completely different and separate and why the original black panthers can’t be compared to the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, etc. and if you can’t see that then I’m done with it, I’m hangin it up because your obviously not comprehending what I’m saying.

Before you flip out & end up hurting yourself stop for a minute & re read what you wrote in this post,also re read every interaction you & i had in this thread,take a look at your posting methods,you remained calm & cool through most of this thread,until i called you a racist (on no he didnt ! :o )then you lost your mind :cuss:.

Based on the very little i know about you from the actions you've showed me in this thread i based my determination of you being a racist & it pissed you off to no end,say what you will but your posts show this anger,you do not enjoy being called a racist & you wont stand for it.

Now imagine how the rest of us feel when you throw around the label of being a racist simply because a persons views do not match your views, imagine how many people you've made angry while you loosely throw around one of the most henious accusations that could be made against another person,you've been put in the shoe's of the one on the end of the racist stick & it's plain to see that you did not like it one bit.

Most likely you pride yourself on not being a racist & would have never dreamed somebody could use simple & innocent words from your mouth to brand you a racist,you say to yourself (how can this be,i know im not a racist,this guy is full of shit) now you see how easy it is to use anything a person say's to stamp them with the racist label,now you see how it feels when you know your not a racist & somebody uses innocent comments from your own mouth to twist & distort reality,leaving you branded as a bad person,it sucks,it's not fair,it's not a moral act & it hurts & now you know.

I call this a success on my part,hopefully next time you have a discussion like this you'll think before you accuse, or make accusatory comments of racism, based on such limited information as a person taking pride in their race.

Judge others as you'd like to be judged,by the whole picture of the person you are.
Nah... racism is a hard topic to talk about, and i feel we here on RIU have handled it quite well.

I agree,just the fact that the thread has retained enough civility in posts where its not needed to be closed tells much.

Discussions on racism get heated at times but that makes them no less valueable.
Before you flip out & end up hurting yourself stop for a minute & re read what you wrote in this post,also re read every interaction you & i had in this thread,take a look at your posting methods,you remained calm & cool through most of this thread,until i called you a racist (on no he didnt ! )then you lost your mind .

Honestly I find it funny that you and another member said I was pissed when I wasn't at all, like at all. I curse all the time. Also I had no idea you called me a racist, I was irritated about the whole subject and the whole deal over the black panthers because I’m very politically active, I go to protests and get into fights with skinheads, racists, etc. so issues such as racism are hot topics because it’s shit I deal with face to face and am actively trying to stop but I wasn’t pissed or enraged or flipping my wig or anything.

Honestly I find it funny that you and another member said I was pissed when I wasn't at all, like at all. I curse all the time. Also I had no idea you called me a racist, I was irritated about the whole subject and the whole deal over the black panthers because I’m very politically active, I go to protests and get into fights with skinheads, racists, etc. so issues such as racism are hot topics because it’s shit I deal with face to face and am actively trying to stop but I wasn’t pissed or enraged or flipping my wig or anything.


Dude if your fighting people that solves nothing. You cant fight fire with fire. You gotta use what god/nature gave you...YOUR BRAIN NOT YOUR FIST
yo puffpuff this is joe from philly i hear ya you are so right! so many of my clients would ask if i was a racist be because i wasnt voting for obama?? i didnt vote for any of them you are so right about double standards hear go brother question "is it wrong to be a proud white male" isn't "wrong", it's impossible. How can one be "proud" of something you have no control over? Don't you have to accomplish something or achieve something to be "proud" of it? We have no control over our ancestry or skin pigmentation, so there's nothing to be proud or ashamed of. question "is it wrong to be a proud white male" isn't "wrong", it's impossible. How can one be "proud" of something you have no control over? Don't you have to accomplish something or achieve something to be "proud" of it? We have no control over our ancestry or skin pigmentation, so there's nothing to be proud or ashamed of.
:clap: well put. if only the rest of the world thought that way question "is it wrong to be a proud white male" isn't "wrong", it's impossible. How can one be "proud" of something you have no control over? Don't you have to accomplish something or achieve something to be "proud" of it? We have no control over our ancestry or skin pigmentation, so there's nothing to be proud or ashamed of.

Oh but i disagree.

Do you agree with the theory of evolution? ...Do you see where im going with this? I dont really want to divulge such info and offend anyone who might take it the wrong way.

We can lie to ourselves and say the past has nothing to do with the present, but thats only because we are truly ignorant of life before our time. Its immpossible to understand what it was like before we were born.

People like to dismiss the past because they thought in a more primitive fashion... When in reality things may have been better than they are now, or ever were.

Protection of ones heritage is key to survival. You have to look at the big picture. :blsmoke:

EDIT: i believe history is lop-sided. I mean look at the bible. Christians destroyed books becuase they offended or possibly criticized it. That means some history is lost. So how much other stuff was ruined? ...It makes you wonder who is really running the show. Gov't? (i think so) ...possibly Wealth. Wealth definitly has protected other wealth over the centuries. So im sure they have their foot in the door also. Its all just one big circle of fucking the little guy. Someone a long long time ago (probably egyptians) realized that humans fuck like jack rabbits and the population will always grow. Not only that, they should capitalize on the misfortune of others, which turned into currency, and in return began a system of greed that will never be destroyed. Greed will always prosper. ...And greed creates personal wealth (if you have materialistic Ideals) They go hand in hand.
Oh but i disagree.

Do you agree with the theory of evolution? ...Do you see where im going with this? I dont really want to divulge such info and offend anyone who might take it the wrong way.

We can lie to ourselves and say the past has nothing to do with the present, but thats only because we are truly ignorant of life before our time. Its immpossible to understand what it was like before we were born.

People like to dismiss the past because they thought in a more primitive fashion... When in reality things may have been better than they are now, or ever were.

Protection of ones heritage is key to survival. You have to look at the big picture. :blsmoke:

EDIT: i believe history is lop-sided. I mean look at the bible. Christians destroyed books becuase they offended or possibly criticized it. That means some history is lost. So how much other stuff was ruined? ...It makes you wonder who is really running the show. Gov't? (i think so) ...possibly Wealth. Wealth definitly has protected other wealth over the centuries. So im sure they have their foot in the door also. Its all just one big circle of fucking the little guy. Someone a long long time ago (probably egyptians) realized that humans fuck like jack rabbits and the population will always grow. Not only that, they should capitalize on the misfortune of others, which turned into currency, and in return began a system of greed that will never be destroyed. Greed will always prosper. ...And greed creates personal wealth (if you have materialistic Ideals) They go hand in hand.

I do agree with evolution, but I have no idea where you're going with it...we've been interfering with natural evolution for hundreds of years now by committing genocide, wiping out or oppressing entire tribes, cultures, plants, animals, upsetting the natural balance of everything, and creating unnatural barriers in nature. Look at some of the slow, fat, clueless people you see in a walmart, would they be able to survive for a week in the wild? Noooooo.

You can't pick where you'll pop out in world, or what color eyes, skin, or hair you'll be born with, so why worry about it or make a big deal?

What you can control is how stupid the media and government try to make you become. Like, wow, let's point out how different everyone is so we can divide them up into little groups and make them fight among each other over things that don't matter while a small group of people take everyone's money, oppress them, and make them suffer and bend over every day of their lives. Pure distraction.
its not the person. its how they are raised. different cultures and races are generally different and thats why they judge each other.
I joined this forum to respond to this thread. I'm black and I don't believe in black pride, white pride, jewish pride, homo pride or any other pride that makes your race more important than any other race. And quite honestly, I see alot of blacks and jews that do that and it's sickening. I don't like people singling out other races or making it seem as if their rae is better than another.