Quit yer bitchin' and just read it.


New Member
by Ann Coulter
July 18, 2007

For six years, the Bush administration has kept America safe from another terrorist attack, allowing the Democrats to claim that the war on terrorism is a fraud, a "bumper sticker," a sneaky ploy by a power-mad president to create an apocryphal enemy so he could spy on innocent librarians in Wisconsin. And that's the view of the moderate Democrats. The rest of them think Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks.

But now with the U.S. government — as well as the British and German governments — warning of major terrorist attacks this summer, the Treason Lobby is facing the possibility that the "bumper sticker" could blow up in their faces.

The Democrats' entire national security calculus is based on the premise that "we have no important enemies," as stated by former senator Mike Gravel. He's one of the Democratic presidential candidates who doesn't know he's supposed to lie when speaking to the American people.

Ironically, the Democrats' ability to sneer at President Bush hinges on Bush's successful prosecution of the war on terrorism, despite the Democrats. It's going to be harder to persuade Americans that the "war on terrorism" is George Bush's imaginary enemy — the Reichstag fire, to quote our first openly Muslim congressman Keith Ellison — if there is another terrorist attack.

So naturally, they are blaming any future terrorist attacks on the war in Iraq.

The Democrats blame everything on Iraq, but their insane argument that we are merely annoying the enemy by fighting back has been neurotically repeated since the failed terrorist bombing in London a few weeks ago. The venue of the terrorists' latest attempt, a hot London nightclub, might even shake up the young progressive crowd. Apparently their soirees are not off-limits, notwithstanding their dutiful anti-imperialism.

In anticipation of their surrender strategy becoming substantially less popular in the wake of another terrorist attack, the Democrats are all claiming that the threat of terrorism was nonexistent — notwithstanding 9/11, the Cole bombing, the bombing of our embassies, the bombing of the World Trade Center, the Achille Lauro, etc. etc. — until George Bush invaded Iraq.

In the past week, B. Hussein Obama said the war in Iraq has made us more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Americans are "more at risk," he said, "and less safe than we should have been at this point." We would be safer with "better polices" — such as, presumably, Bill Clinton's policy of pretending Islamic terrorists don't exist and leaving the problem for the next president.

Hillary Clinton said we need to start "reversing our priorities. Let's stop sending troops to Iraq and let's start insuring every single child." Yes, that should put a good healthy scare into the insurgents. "Run for your life, Ahmed! All American children are getting regular checkups!"

Sen. Chris Dodd miraculously straddled both arguments — that the threat of terrorism is a fraud and that the Iraq war had increased its danger. He said "al-Qaida is insurgent again" because we've "turned Iraq into an incubator" for jihadists. But simultaneously with warning of a terrorist attack, Dodd also said he was "more skeptical than I'd like to be" of the Bush administration's warning of a terrorist attack. Damn that Bush! He's inflamed an imaginary enemy!

As with the Democrats' claim that the greatest military in the world is "losing" a war with camel-riding nomads, the claim that the war in Iraq is what created our terrorist problem — a terrorist problem that began about 30 years ago — has entered the media and is now stated as fact by the entire Treason Lobby.

CNN correspondent Suzanne Malveaux matter-of-factly reported this week: "President Bush says the central front in the war on terror is Iraq. But when the U.S. first invaded the country almost five years ago, al-Qaida had very little presence. But the intelligence report says that has changed. Al-Qaida not only has become a dangerous threat, the intelligence community expects the terrorist group will use its contacts and capabilities there to mount an attack on U.S. soil."

Say, wasn't the attack of 9/11 an "attack on U.S. soil"? How could that have happened since we hadn't invaded Iraq yet? What a weird aberration. How about the attacks on our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania? How about the 1993 World Trade Center bombing? The taking of our embassy in Tehran?

Another CNN correspondent, Ed Henry, followed up Malveaux's report with the somber news that "the president was warned before the war in Iraq that if you go in and invade Iraq, you're going to give al-Qaida more opportunities to expand its influence."

Similarly, Hitler and Goebbels never had much to say about the United States — not, that is, until we started fighting them!

But as soon as we entered the war — taking the bait of Hitler's declaration of war against us, which Democrats are urging us to avoid falling for in the case of al-Qaida — Hitler began portraying FDR as a pawn of the Jews. Soon posters started appearing in Germany showing the United States as a country run by Jews and Negroes. Fake dollar bills with the Star of David were air-dropped over Paris.

According to the Democrats' logic, FDR's policies made the United States less safe. Had Germany attacked us at Pearl Harbor? No. Was Hitler able to use America entering the war as a recruiting tool? Yes. Fighting the enemy always seems to make them mad. It's as plain as the nose on your face.

Democrats think they have concocted a brilliant argument by saying that jihadists have been able to recruit based on the war in Iraq. Yes, I assume so. Everything the United States has done since 9/11 has galvanized the evil people of the world to fight the U.S. In World War II, some Frenchmen joined the Waffen SS, too. And the good people of the world have been galvanized to fight on the side of the U.S. The question is: Which side are the Democrats on?

4520 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64111


Well-Known Member
Hi Dank...specifics please.....I know from experience that med will simply call me an idiot, you may be able to fulfill my request.....where is the distortion?
What is erroneous about the piece?
Just because you do not like what she has to say does not mean that it is not true.


Well-Known Member
The whole thing is a distortion, half truths and out right lies. But Conservatives have been spewing this bullshit so long they actually believe it's true now.

For six years, the Bush administration has kept America safe from another terrorist attack
Really? why are the borders wide open?
We are not any more or less safer than before. The opening statement that Ann Coulter said in this peice is utter bullshit.
We are not engaged in a war on terrorism, We are engaged in a war for profit. The gutted the Military and privatized parts of it, such as security details, quartermaster corps just to name a few. If we were really serious about Terrorism, we would have gotten Bin Ladin when we had the chance.

But now with the U.S. government — as well as the British and German governments — warning of major terrorist attacks this summer, the Treason Lobby is facing the possibility that the "bumper sticker" could blow up in their faces.
Did your parents ever tell you not to poke a dog with a stick?
If you keep fucking with a people they will attack just like the dog will.

The Democrats' entire national security calculus is based on the premise that "we have no important enemies," as stated by former senator Mike Gravel. He's one of the Democratic presidential candidates who doesn't know he's supposed to lie when speaking to the American people.
Like Republicans don't Lie? Please.
This is a complete distortion as far as the National Security is concerned.

In the past week, B. Hussein Obama said the war in Iraq has made us more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Americans are "more at risk," he said, "and less safe than we should have been at this point." We would be safer with "better polices" — such as, presumably, Bill Clinton's policy of pretending Islamic terrorists don't exist and leaving the problem for the next president.
Yes we are more vonerable to a terrorist attack in the US because our military is over in Iraq in a needless, Illegal war instead of protecting this country. And Obama never said that terrorist don't exist nor does he act like they don't. Complete fabrication.

The Democrats blame everything on Iraq, but their insane argument that we are merely annoying the enemy by fighting back has been neurotically repeated since the failed terrorist bombing in London a few weeks ago. The venue of the terrorists' latest attempt, a hot London nightclub, might even shake up the young progressive crowd. Apparently their soirees are not off-limits, notwithstanding their dutiful anti-imperialism.
Democrats blame the Bush Administration's failed policies and the republican corruption over the past 12 years. Again about england... Poke a dog with a stick and they will attack.

Also al-Qaida was never in Iraq before the Americans went over there, Saddam did not tolerate them.
I could go on and on debunking Ann Coulter point for point but I'll stop here. I have to go to work in the morning ( I have 6 yards of concrete to pour tomarrow) and would like to get in some TV time before I go to bed.


Well-Known Member
hmm very intresting
"evil people" im sure
there's another way to
put that, but really
that is really really intresting.


Well-Known Member
Iraqi people dont like
bush. Democrats blame Bush.
Bush needs to get out.
Im not so sure of every democrat
pointing fingers at Iraq making
everything so intense. Most
democrats point fngers at bush.
I mean the guy couldn't even pronounce
the words he chose to use, but we won't
go into that.


Active Member
So when you read articles authored by a person who supports creationist "science" as a suitable, if not superior alternative to evolutionary biology does your brain actually shrink all at once or is it a slow process?


New Member
So when you read articles authored by a person who supports creationist "science" as a suitable, if not superior alternative to evolutionary biology does your brain actually shrink all at once or is it a slow process?
Well, my brain wouldn't be shrinking so fast if only the evolutionary "scientists" would produce some fossil evidence to prove their claims. Without that proof, the evolutionary "scientists" are basing their claims upon what ... faith? *lol*



New Member
The whole thing is a distortion, half truths and out right lies. But Conservatives have been spewing this bullshit so long they actually believe it's true now.

Really? why are the borders wide open?
We are not any more or less safer than before. The opening statement that Ann Coulter said in this peice is utter bullshit.
We are not engaged in a war on terrorism, We are engaged in a war for profit. The gutted the Military and privatized parts of it, such as security details, quartermaster corps just to name a few. If we were really serious about Terrorism, we would have gotten Bin Ladin when we had the chance.

But now with the U.S. government — as well as the British and German governments — warning of major terrorist attacks this summer, the Treason Lobby is facing the possibility that the "bumper sticker" could blow up in their faces.
Did your parents ever tell you not to poke a dog with a stick?
If you keep fucking with a people they will attack just like the dog will.

Like Republicans don't Lie? Please.
This is a complete distortion as far as the National Security is concerned.

Yes we are more vonerable to a terrorist attack in the US because our military is over in Iraq in a needless, Illegal war instead of protecting this country. And Obama never said that terrorist don't exist nor does he act like they don't. Complete fabrication.

Democrats blame the Bush Administration's failed policies and the republican corruption over the past 12 years. Again about england... Poke a dog with a stick and they will attack.

Also al-Qaida was never in Iraq before the Americans went over there, Saddam did not tolerate them.
I could go on and on debunking Ann Coulter point for point but I'll stop here. I have to go to work in the morning ( I have 6 yards of concrete to pour tomarrow) and would like to get in some TV time before I go to bed.
Only 6 yards, wow, I did concrete for 10 years. I could have done 6 yards in my sleep. I used to do 50-500 yards. I had a little help ~LOL~, like 10 guys on pour day for flat work, But I've poured 300 yards of footings by myself, Just me and 30 trucks, of course they were mighty big footings and the trucks just backed up and poured out as fast as the drums would turn, but I've done side jobs of 10-15 yards of flat by myself. I guess they just don't make them as tough as I was anymore,~LOL~, Hey, just ribbing you a little dank, 6 yards of flat on a hot day will work your ass off. At least it will go fast. Better you than me, I've hung up my trowels, actually, I still have them out in the shed, but they won't be seeing anymore use by me if I can help it.


Well-Known Member
The whole thing is a distortion, half truths and out right lies. But Conservatives have been spewing this bullshit so long they actually believe it\'s true now.****************************************************************************************************************Maybe you just see the world through a cloud of Liberalism. Prove it! Prove there lies and don\'t link some left wing bullshit.***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Really? why are the borders wide open? We are not any more or less safer than before. The opening statement that Ann Coulter said in this peice is utter bullshit. We are not engaged in a war on terrorism, We are engaged in a war for profit. The gutted the Military and privatized parts of it, such as security details, quartermaster corps just to name a few. If we were really serious about Terrorism, we would have gotten Bin Ladin when we had the chance***************************************************************************************************************The Border thing your right on for a change. We are engaged in a war, that\'s the problem with your whole argument. You don\'t see what is going on in the world? Look around, come out of your hole. \"War for Profit\" More Liberal \"Parrot Talking Points\". This War On Terror goes beyond just Bin Ladin. But that is all the *LEFT* can see.****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Did your parents ever tell you not to poke a dog with a stick?If you keep fucking with a people they will attack just like the dog will.****************************************************************************************************************** Did your Parents ever tell you it is OK to defend yourself? Kill the dog and be done! When do you stand up and fight, or do you?*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Democrats blame the Bush Administration\'s failed policies and the republican corruption over the past 12 years. Again about england... Poke a dog with a stick and they will attack.***************************************************************************************************************Democrats blame Bush for everything, kinda like yourself.**************************************************************************************************************Also al-Qaida was never in Iraq before the Americans went over there, Saddam did not tolerate them.****************************************************************************************************************Talking out your ass again! No proof, and no idea. You are full of lies and misinformation. Go get some new \"Parrot Talking Points\".


Well-Known Member
Hey Vi, seriously , do you get paid for posting stuff like this? Honestly, do you even belive it your self?


New Member
The whole thing is a distortion, half truths and out right lies. But Conservatives have been spewing this bullshit so long they actually believe it\'s true now.****************************************************************************************************************Maybe you just see the world through a cloud of Liberalism. Prove it! Prove there lies and don\'t link some left wing bullshit.***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Really? why are the borders wide open? We are not any more or less safer than before. The opening statement that Ann Coulter said in this peice is utter bullshit. We are not engaged in a war on terrorism, We are engaged in a war for profit. The gutted the Military and privatized parts of it, such as security details, quartermaster corps just to name a few. If we were really serious about Terrorism, we would have gotten Bin Ladin when we had the chance***************************************************************************************************************The Border thing your right on for a change. We are engaged in a war, that\'s the problem with your whole argument. You don\'t see what is going on in the world? Look around, come out of your hole. \"War for Profit\" More Liberal \"Parrot Talking Points\". This War On Terror goes beyond just Bin Ladin. But that is all the *LEFT* can see.****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Did your parents ever tell you not to poke a dog with a stick?If you keep fucking with a people they will attack just like the dog will.****************************************************************************************************************** Did your Parents ever tell you it is OK to defend yourself? Kill the dog and be done! When do you stand up and fight, or do you?*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Democrats blame the Bush Administration\'s failed policies and the republican corruption over the past 12 years. Again about england... Poke a dog with a stick and they will attack.***************************************************************************************************************Democrats blame Bush for everything, kinda like yourself.**************************************************************************************************************Also al-Qaida was never in Iraq before the Americans went over there, Saddam did not tolerate them.****************************************************************************************************************Talking out your ass again! No proof, and no idea. You are full of lies and misinformation. Go get some new \"Parrot Talking Points\".
Indie, I cant figure out your position on politics. In one sentence you question both sides of the arguements. Here's the deal. Arguing on this site will not solve anything. Action speaks and bullshit walks. Instead of arguing we should be figuring out a way to grasp the power from the Elites that have captured our country and are fucking the commoners to tears. What do anyone of us commoners have to gain with a victory in Iraq. Fuck Iraq and the Iraqi people. Their war is centuries old, we are just in the way and getting killed because the Elites want the profit. and we are just pawns. I say, Stand up and be counted. Unless you have a monetary interest in this war, it is not your war, If you do have a monetary interest then fuck you, you should be there instead of my nephew and my neighbors son.


Well-Known Member
Indie, I cant figure out your position on politics. In one sentence you question both sides of the arguements. Here's the deal. Arguing on this site will not solve anything. Action speaks and bullshit walks. Instead of arguing we should be figuring out a way to grasp the power from the Elites that have captured our country and are fucking the commoners to tears. What do anyone of us commoners have to gain with a victory in Iraq. Fuck Iraq and the Iraqi people. Their war is centuries old, we are just in the way and getting killed because the Elites want the profit. and we are just pawns. I say, Stand up and be counted. Unless you have a monetary interest in this war, it is not your war, If you do have a monetary interest then fuck you, you should be there instead of my nephew and my neighbors son.

dam you said the perfectly just like in wwtwo they supplied the germans and the russians all just to make money ho and what about pearl harbor they new about it but they also new that if that happened they would have to go to war and that would make them allot of money so fuck iraq and fuck there people medicineman i hop your neqhew and your neighbors son come home safe



New Member
Hey Vi, seriously , do you get paid for posting stuff like this? Honestly, do you even belive it your self?
Seriously, krime13, no I don't get paid for posting viewpoints opposing sthe Left-Wing-Dingers. There are two sides to every coin. Ann Coulter and her ilk present one side, Moveon.org and their ilk presents the other.

This is a forum for political disscussion, is it not? What would you do, suppress the speech of others who have opinions that differ from your's? If you don't agree with some of my posts, that's entirely OK with me as that is your right. All I ask is that you rebut my ideas with intellegent dialoge like Dankdude did above. But to just call opposing opinions "drivel" or "bullshit" without said rebuttal does nothing constructive, nor does it promote education in the forum.

Now then, lets all be friends and discuss politics in a rational, sane and respectful manner.



Well-Known Member
Med, Indie is a minor irritation, kind of like a gnat that buzzes around a horse's ass.. the More the horse swishes it's tail at it, the more it tries to fly up the horse's asshole.


Well-Known Member
Vi I don't go to Moveon.org, your just too blind to realize that the Republicans have duped us for years.