• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

is it wrong to be a proud white male


Well-Known Member
does ne one have an opinion on afermative action...personally the counter racism in this law sickins me...all laws like these only further the fact that we as a people are different....it should be about the better person not the quata of minirties you need to fill...
Ok, time for me to chime in and further polarize the folks watching this thread.

I think that regardless of what has happened in the past ( slavery , unfair
treatment to the native American Indians, etc.) " the white man " is now
the one being persecuted for the color of their skin. Of course not to quite
the same extent, but still persecuted for nothing more than being white.

Affirmative action? Complete B.S. at this point.Forcing businesses to hire
minorities regardless of whether or not they are the most qualified?That is
downright criminal. If minorities want to be treated as equals, then fine-
contact your local elected officials and tell them you want to be equal,
not catered to in an unfair manner that continues to mark you as someone
who is " less than equal " who needs a handout to find a job in this country.

I think what causes many white people to develop complexes about their own
identities and pride is the shift in American culture that had gone far beyond
saying everyone is equal, but has actually gone to the point of saying
" the white man is terrible, has done terrible things, and must be punished
forevor, even though the people alive now ( and for the last several hundred
years ) are not guilty of anything including slavery.

Along the same lines, minorities in this country are not slaves.Neither were their
parents-or their grandparents-actually it has been 15-20 generations
since these folks were slaves, or forced off their land and onto reservations.
Yet many of them are still holding themselves back, wasting their lives ,
blaming " 400 years of oppression " for their own apathy and laziness.

So now in our present day America, we have affirmative action , the united
negro college fund ( can you imagine the uproar if there were a United caucasian
college fund?There would be violence in the streets.We have folks
rioting and looting because of the Rodney King verdicts.We have Katrina victims
crying racism because it took the rescue workers some time to reach
and help them ( while being shot at by the very people they are there trying
to rescue )We have Al Sharpton who tells black girls to lie and say they were
raped by a white group of students ( it was proven the whole thing was a lie,
yet sharpton and his hooligans were never charged with so much as purgery.)
We have many more scholarships available to minorities simply because they are minorities.
The immigration Dept. cannot even do their jobs in keeping illegal aliens out of our
country because if they attempt to ask a person of color for some ID they are labeled
as rascist and a lawsuit is filed in record time...The list goes on and on and on and on.

I do not own slaves.I never have.I have not killed an Indian and taken his land.I am a
citizen of the modern day U.S.A.- and I am sick of being PERSECUTED for being white,
and for things I have never done nor woud ever do.So if you want to be equal, great
let's be equal, and put an end to all this political correctness and anti-white bullshit.
Then we can all sit down and smoke one and begin to heal these old wounds a bit.

Peace to all, regardless of color.


New Member
preach on brother shamegame....that was the excat point i was making in not so many words...i thought this thread had died out ago but good to see people are still interested to see what the thread is about..i hope anyout there who has seen this thread an lives in the states,gives you a little something to think about the next time you leave your house..to all the nay-sayers out there who believe white pride is racist then fuck off..to all those who think race doesn't matter an we are all humen it just doesn't work like..people need other people to hate,its just humen nature to war an fight..people have been doing it for thousands of years take a look at the orient an far east..most of those countries hate each others people ..wecall m all oriental but know there own specific race an say fuck the rest...an it has been like this for many many years not just recently...in the old ages your right people didn't see race they just say religion an nationnalty...you could be there same color but from a different nation an they would say fuck you...so nowadays when we signifiy color it's just the point that we have gotten to in life..


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Ok, time for me to chime in and further polarize the folks watching this thread.

I think that regardless of what has happened in the past ( slavery , unfair
treatment to the native American Indians, etc.) " the white man " is now
the one being persecuted for the color of their skin. Of course not to quite
the same extent, but still persecuted for nothing more than being white.

Affirmative action? Complete B.S. at this point.Forcing businesses to hire
minorities regardless of whether or not they are the most qualified?That is
downright criminal. If minorities want to be treated as equals, then fine-
contact your local elected officials and tell them you want to be equal,
not catered to in an unfair manner that continues to mark you as someone
who is " less than equal " who needs a handout to find a job in this country.

I think what causes many white people to develop complexes about their own
identities and pride is the shift in American culture that had gone far beyond
saying everyone is equal, but has actually gone to the point of saying
" the white man is terrible, has done terrible things, and must be punished
forevor, even though the people alive now ( and for the last several hundred
years ) are not guilty of anything including slavery.

Along the same lines, minorities in this country are not slaves.Neither were their
parents-or their grandparents-actually it has been 15-20 generations
since these folks were slaves, or forced off their land and onto reservations.
Yet many of them are still holding themselves back, wasting their lives ,
blaming " 400 years of oppression " for their own apathy and laziness.

So now in our present day America, we have affirmative action , the united
negro college fund ( can you imagine the uproar if there were a United caucasian
college fund?There would be violence in the streets.We have folks
rioting and looting because of the Rodney King verdicts.We have Katrina victims
crying racism because it took the rescue workers some time to reach
and help them ( while being shot at by the very people they are there trying
to rescue )We have Al Sharpton who tells black girls to lie and say they were
raped by a white group of students ( it was proven the whole thing was a lie,
yet sharpton and his hooligans were never charged with so much as purgery.)
We have many more scholarships available to minorities simply because they are minorities.
The immigration Dept. cannot even do their jobs in keeping illegal aliens out of our
country because if they attempt to ask a person of color for some ID they are labeled
as rascist and a lawsuit is filed in record time...The list goes on and on and on and on.

I do not own slaves.I never have.I have not killed an Indian and taken his land.I am a
citizen of the modern day U.S.A.- and I am sick of being PERSECUTED for being white,
and for things I have never done nor woud ever do.So if you want to be equal, great
let's be equal, and put an end to all this political correctness and anti-white bullshit.
Then we can all sit down and smoke one and begin to heal these old wounds a bit.

Peace to all, regardless of color.

Couldn't have put it better myself.
Thanks shamegame, you rock!


Well-Known Member
Be happy you have your health, Be happy you have a roof over your head. Be happy you have enough to eat. Be happy you have more then enough clothes. We have more then we need yet still find things to bitch about. Too much time on our hands. LOL


New Member
The education curriculum is easier when you're a minority in my country. I have witnessed this 1st hand when I got expelled from a school that was mostly white and ended up in a school that was mostly asian. The asian school was easily 2 years behind the white school. I was so far ahead that the teachers told me I didn't need to turn up for lessons. In fact even by the end of school the curriculum had not caught up to where I was in the white school 2 years before. So in my country if you're a minority they even make it easier for you to pass your exams.

In my country it starts at school.

This is a fact.


Active Member
okay, so i know i'm new, but this topic really fires me up... big time. race isn't real. it's constructed. and the fact that people still feel that race is real, and necessary? that's just the way it is? wow. i'm not naive and 'green' (hehe) but i don't feel that putting so much emphasis on race is healthy. it's devisive. we're all humans. has anyone ever read 1984? (don't kill me, i'm sure you have, but ... give it a thought. we're almost there people...wake up!)

and now the affirmitive action, reverse racism speech. yes, i suppose it's fine if you're proud of your 'whiteness' and i understand you don't own slaves. racism comes in many shapes and forms, and it's a matter of fact that many people in this country (usa that is) have been institutionally shit upon by 'the man.' (and i say that with the straightest of faces.) yes, you don't own slaves, but the fact is that people of color constistently receive poorer treatment across the board. you haven't experienced reverse racism (think: aff. action) b/c you don't adequately understand the layers of discrimination that ... honestly i'm afraid are almost impossible to reverse... especially with the common capitalist american attitude today.

like i said... i'm new, and very passionate about this subject. would love to debate it further... i have looked for somewhere to discuss such issues for awhile... if nothing else it's good to see people actually CARE! gives me a twinge of hope. :)

p.s. don't hate me.


Well-Known Member
okay, so i know i'm new, but this topic really fires me up... big time. race isn't real. it's constructed. and the fact that people still feel that race is real, and necessary? that's just the way it is? wow. i'm not naive and 'green' (hehe) but i don't feel that putting so much emphasis on race is healthy. it's devisive. we're all humans. has anyone ever read 1984? (don't kill me, i'm sure you have, but ... give it a thought. we're almost there people...wake up!)

and now the affirmitive action, reverse racism speech. yes, i suppose it's fine if you're proud of your 'whiteness' and i understand you don't own slaves. racism comes in many shapes and forms, and it's a matter of fact that many people in this country (usa that is) have been institutionally shit upon by 'the man.' (and i say that with the straightest of faces.) yes, you don't own slaves, but the fact is that people of color constistently receive poorer treatment across the board. you haven't experienced reverse racism (think: aff. action) b/c you don't adequately understand the layers of discrimination that ... honestly i'm afraid are almost impossible to reverse... especially with the common capitalist american attitude today.

like i said... i'm new, and very passionate about this subject. would love to debate it further... i have looked for somewhere to discuss such issues for awhile... if nothing else it's good to see people actually CARE! gives me a twinge of hope. :)

p.s. don't hate me.
I find no fault in persons who speak their opinion, even if it differs from my own.I understand where you are comming from.The only point I would argue is when you say that ppl of color " consistantly receive poorer treatment across the board "- I have to disagree there. I live in Southern California and there is as much diversity here as you will ever find. And all I can say is that anyone, of any color, can accomplish anything they want if they put their mind to it. If you build your own walls in your mind that keep you from trying, you WILL fail no matter what color you are. I see winners and losers of all colors here. This perceived " hardship " is part of the problem.

For example: You look at a poor urban, mostly black community such as Compton. The folks that really want to get out of there an make something of themselves do just that- they actually work hard in school, which allows them access to more colleges and scholarships.They leave the " ghetto " , go to school, see more of the world, and are in control of their lives. They get a great career , and live the dream. The ones that think that they are doomed right off the bat due to the color of their skin, will be just that- doomed. They will create a self-fulfilling prophecy of poverty and poor quality of life. The same goes for White folks in Norco or Brown kids in Santa Ana.

The biggest enemy of success is ourselves.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what people are talking about white, black, etc. To me, my whole life everyone on this planet has the same grey skin color.


Well-Known Member
I find this whole discussion pretty amusing, and a little disturbing. Why disturbing? Because most of the people here seem to be buying into lies. There is no such thing as race. It only exists so far as we allow it to continue to exist. Skin colour is simply a biological adaptation to environment; those with darker skin developed it as a defense to sun, and those with lighter skin developed it as a defense against cold (specifically, as a resistance to frostbite, apparently. They discovered this only within the last forty years). Race is a sociological classification that's steeped in the ignorance of the past, specifically stemming from the 1600's from people like Linnaeus. Race has no biological or genetic foundation- people of the same "race" may have more genetic variation between themselves than two people of a different "race". In the ancient world, there was no such concept as race, and people simply didn't care about skin colour. Hell, a few Roman emperor were from Africa. Race is a relatively recent invention in history, and one that's been proven to have no scientific basis. Unfortunately, it was used as a justification for a lot of wretched things, and because of this, we continue to perpetuate the lie because we simply don't know any better. It's only continues because we make it "real" in our heads.

I understand being proud of heritage. There's no reason not to be. But that is a cultural thing; being "proud" of a biological adaptation like skin colour is the equivalent of being proud of resistance to sickle cell annemia. It's rather ridiculous. That's being proud of your ancestor contracting a disease so that you won't, like being proud of race is being proud of your ancestors living in a sunny spot or where winters get colder. It does nothing but reinforce ignorance about the way the world actually works, and keep people mentally and sociologically segregated from each other. As long as people continue to believe in the fallacy of race, they'll continue to make it a problem.

So no, I don't see race, and skin colour and the like affect me about as much as seeing people with curly hair as straight hair. I'm forced to use such a classification because of history, and because people like to hoist artificial divisions on each other. And it pisses me off a bit, to be honest, that I unwillingly play a part in perpetuating this cycle of ignorance because people don't understand since they've been raised to believe that concepts like race and gender are manifestly accurate, they can't accept thinking outside of this artificial box. In Brazil, there are different concrete division of "races" based on skin colour, eye colour, hair texture, and so on. So there is no such thing as "black" or "white", but several divisions that lay in between. Ethnicity is a reality; biological sex is a reality. Depending on where you go, people have very different ideas about things such as "race" and "gender". And the amusing part? Scientifically, logically, and anthropologically, they're all wrong. Good luck trying to convince them, though.

I understand that the concept of race has affected history, and still affects us today, but being educated about the way the world truly is outside of our cultural niche would help to elevate us above such things.

Great Post.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with Ethno "race" is nothing more than a word, invented to describe our different patterns of adaptation. The first "men" were all one "race" and due to changes in environment have forked down different paths of evolution to become many different "races" but we are still all the same. Many Types of dogs appear different but we still call it a damn dog. I maybe white but I'm still just a damn man.
Rep for Ethno


New Member
Everything on this planet is related. In the beginning there was just a single strand of protein. This is god, this is where all life adapted to different environments, becoming different creatures. We are even related to the dinosaurs.


Well-Known Member
Everything on this planet is related. In the beginning there was just a single strand of protein. This is god, this is where all life adapted to different environments, becoming different creatures. We are even related to the dinosaurs.

Very True but does that mean I cant hate roaches now?:-(


Well-Known Member
anyone who says that race is not an issue..that when you look at someone you see a person not a color..anyone who says shit like this is a big fuckin lier..when you look at getting a new pet,or a new car your looking at..whats one if not the first thing you notice?its color..so its the same with people..that doesnt make anyone a racist but saying you see only a person and not a black person,a white person,asian,latin whatever is total bullshit.yea were all people and were all different people which makes the world more interesting,saying you dont recognize someones color in my mind is offensive..like the title says"is it wrong to be a proud white male"no its not..but its also not wrong to be a proud black person,or a proud Jew..alot of people take pride in their skin tone.


Well-Known Member
anyone who says that race is not an issue..that when you look at someone you see a person not a color..anyone who says shit like this is a big fuckin lier..when you look at getting a new pet,or a new car your looking at..whats one if not the first thing you notice?its color..so its the same with people..that doesnt make anyone a racist but saying you see only a person and not a black person,a white person,asian,latin whatever is total bullshit.yea were all people and were all different people which makes the world more interesting,saying you dont recognize someones color in my mind is offensive..like the title says"is it wrong to be a proud white male"no its not..but its also not wrong to be a proud black person,or a proud Jew..alot of people take pride in their skin tone.

perhaps you are unable to look past skin color, but just because you can't it is a bit naive to assume that no one else can.