• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

is it wrong to be a proud white male


Well-Known Member
if ur a proud white male ur a proud white male, but if u go around saying we're better than this race because we did this, or we owned ur people then ur racist, if u say ur proud white male and u've researched ur heritage or specific people then go ahead and say it but if ur just one dude who wants to say it to piss other people off then ur a fucktard, an asshole and a racist

im black and understand specifically where i am from, the customs, the culture, i also understand black american culture bcuz i live it everyday, i also understand black english culture because i used to live it, so i can say i'm a proud black male and explain why i am (infact i'm a prince back in nigeria lol)

if ur proud and white explain to me why ur proud spit ur knoledge of ur people (and don't jump all over the map if u talk about conquisterdors and then vikings i'll call u out on it) that's all there is to it


Well-Known Member
"is it wrong to be a proud white male"

NO! it's perfectly right to be proud of who you are!


Well-Known Member
im usually proud of things ive earned not things that are givin to me such as color of my skin. thats like saying your proud of having 2 eyes a nose and a mouth. imo


Well-Known Member
lol...good read. props to all...shit. imma have to go back and hit some rep...

Props to America and all the free lands where you're not too persecuted by the local government...cause really, I feel I'm just lucky to be born in a 'free' land, to halfway competent, responsible, and nuturing parents...

race? It's all a frikking crap shoot, holmes! Who Cares? :roll:

Okay, so people look at one another and see 'difference'. Ah...what keen eyes for the obvious, have we. So at what point exactly does the person begin to feel somehow, a little twinge of, yeah...pride? At the color of your skin? But...you didn't have any control over the color of you skin, short of tanning to darken or psycho steps to lighten ala mike jackson...so how could you feel, proud of that?

Like, I'm proud to be tall...but I don't control my anatomy, so where does my pride stem from? It seems like there's a superior/inferior inference in pride...like there's reason to be proud, but there's also reason to be not proud... I just don't see how race and pride are related.

Perhaps people get confused between culture and race...I'm proud to be of a culture that is tolorant of retarded people, cause they really can't help themselves...and i'm not just talking about mentally or developmentally disabled folk...

All these color names we use to describe a dood's skin tone...it's kinda silly. We could be so much more AS A PEOPLE... if we could just get over ourselves and our 'pride' about our perceived differences...our perceived, color?

I mean, if we're into classifying and categorizing people into colors, this isn't new science...we need to keep it going and at some point, just get the color wheel involved...

I never did know primary colors, oh, computers right? RGB? But that's emitting and not absorbing light where all colors together makes white and not black?...ah shit. Confused... lol. Stoned. :mrgreen:

Who knows?...but I do know that the 'whites' are going to have to sort out a lotta shit around their color...pure 'white' is a pretty tough (rare) animal to find, these days. So that's going to be a damn good show!

I mean, are Jews white? I got bad eyes...but they seem mostly white to me...I know the egyptians have no record of them in egypt...but they've been in the middle east for awhile, at least since we made them a state...er, country...no, state. Wait...how'd that little ass state get nukes? Well if they got em, how come the iranians can't have one?

And...when ol Jesus H. comes back, what the fuck is he going to say to the Jews? Hell, what are they going to say to him? Will the grand poobah rabbi apologize for the crucifixion? He didn't order it... maybe he'll offer Jesus a drink from a gobblet made of all the gold from the hills of the north and south america (who do you think think does the books and has keys to the vatican treasury?)...becrusted with jewels glistening and dewy with sweat and blood of little kids...black looking kids, mostly...they've spent hundreds of generations in the sun...as if that mattered to a mother's eyes.

and yes, i digress...

Divide and conquer. Others said it in this post in various ways...but the essence is simple and l learned it in prison. As long as you're fighting amongst yourselves, you'll never overcome your common opressor...if you even perceive an opressor.

You're concerned about which color the guy was who got your job...when the mostly white looking guys (in the US) are looting, pillaging, lying and stealing...all while smiling and telling you to vote for piles of paper you have nor the time nor the legalese to grasp...yet it is your responsibility...NO...your DUTY to pay attention and get that shit... what a classic hoodwink.

Isn't there some reality TV to watch? Oh yeah...almost every channel! Reality TV...with a loose script...(it's REAL...just not IMPROV like REAL LIFE...) reality TV on 420 channels...one or two government channels. But uh...don't the government have a bigger budget? And fuckin, wait...isn't that like, OUR money they're fucking off?!

WTF is going on with people vs. government? Or are we not at odds any longer? If so...shit, I guess we should turn over our guns...

But you want to be proud of some shit you 1. didn't have any control over and 2. doesn't really benefit you, for the most part... socially - it'll help if others are biased toward your skin tone if you be amidst bigots...geographically, it will help if your skin tone is appropriate to deal with the relative exposure to sun... but beyond that...?

Proud people of all colors...get some fucking perspective and elevate yourself beyond a category...as a worthwhile human.

:peace: :blsmoke:

I'm really being cynical...but I can't wait till we get to the non-propegation of 'bad seed', DNA pre-qualifying stage of our race toward Orwellianism...it may not be as interesting, or as humorous in a not so funny way...but at least we'll be able to start culling out the retards...

...and I'm not just talking about mentally or developmentally disabled folk...


Well-Known Member
im a massive racist, fuk all u cunts, white cunts black cunts mexican cunts christian cunts muslim cunts.
if u say your proud to be white, that means u would rather be white then any other colour, right? cos im proud that im white, but i still hate tons of white people. but im glad im not black, get me? me neither hahaha, but i bet if i was black id say im glad i aint white. i geuss im tryna say if u think thats racist, then everyone in the world is racist, not just for that reason, but heaps of reasons like that.
anyway, fuk all u fuks, have a great day. laters, im gonna go get blazed with this black cunt i know hahaha


Well-Known Member
I am proud most of the time ... proud of how i raise my children, proud of the fact that while im not rich, i manage to keep my family happy and healthy.
proud of the fact that i live in a slum ... not because its a slum.. but that i OWN it out right. no house payment for me EVER.
my heritage .. my grandmother and grandfather on moms side came over from Sicily.
and grandma and grandpa on dads side came over from ireland. so am i Irish italian or am i italian irish ? neither i am a human being and proud of what i do with my life.
i am also american . not so proud of that at times. but hell everyone has their own issues. however, regardless of where our ancestors came from we are all just human beings no matter your skin color.
regardless of skin color or ancestral heritage all races have proud moments as well as deep dark skeletens.
so i guess i think its better to be proud of who and what you are and do with your life rather than be proud of something you have no control over like the color of your skin.
as for being a proud white male .... are you sure your genes are pure white ?
my wife is blonde haired and blue eyed .... but her mama is 100% souix indian.
this late in the game i seriously doubt many can claim to be "100% white" and if you can make that claim is it something to be proud of ? it could mean you come from a long line of racists. otherwise after 100,000 years there is bound to be some non white genes in you somewhere


Well-Known Member
im pure white, grandma and granpa on my dads side are from germany and on my mums, from ireland, the someone in there is a gypsy, but rnt they white? anyway, i dont care if theres some black, or any black in there, but im still glad and proud im white, and if i was black id be proud. probably :]


Well-Known Member
Gypsies are the people of the Romni...yes, outta India. Are indians white?

What about the aboriginal Americans? Are they white? I used to sweat, and grandfather called them the red people, people of a red nation...but cops call them white. Latinos, too.

Crazy, eh? He's black, I'm brown, you're white...all the while we're having all our green stolen.

Sweet. Good distractoin.

The best part to me? How genetics seem to allow for white from black (an albino) but not black from white... so, um, then where'd all these white people come from?

Aw shit...I forgot...we're all black inside, as humans seem to've evolved outta africa...mostly black looking people down there...

Shhh...don't tell the bigots. They fancy their blood 'pure white'.

Just a joke...but the misdirection is real.

Rather than focus on and belabor our differences, why not focus on and belabor our similarities?

Each one, teach one. Perpetuate the knowledge like that...



Well-Known Member
Naw to tell you the truth, people have those white power things, yes i kno thats not you im just saying, and they have police to protect them from nay sayers but if any one else had one of those it would be shut down in an isntant, you dont see brown pride rallys or black pride rallys, or anything else...so idk what your trippin about


Well-Known Member
I think this question was answered quickly.(is it wrong to be white and proud) aparently it is , but why . because of things my forefathers did in the past? maybe. why should I feel responsible for things that happened long ago ? why are people being held responsible for things that they are not guilty of?