Well-Known Member
I was wondering if it possiable to start your seeds under 12/12 to find out the sex before it grows to big and you waste time growing a male?
i think he wants to grow large plants but wants to sex them earlyI was wondering if it possiable to start your seeds under 12/12 to find out the sex before it grows to big and you waste time growing a male?
I am currently using the 12/12 from seedling method. First week and a half using t12 fluorescents, switched over to t5's and the plants took off even with the 4100k tubes that came with them. I now have two 3000k and two 6400k. If it's not to hot in the top of my closet I also use four 2700k 23w cfl's for a few hours here and there. My seeds broke ground on the sixth and seventh of January. By January the thirtieth, of the eighteen seeds, I ended up with twelve females. As of today they have been flowering for ten days and are but a month old. I apologize for no pics. They range in size from about five inches to about a foot or so. This is my first grow and I read enough on here to almost give me analysis to paralysis. I decided because of the limited size of space available I didn't want a vegatative state so to speak, more or less I was hoping for one decent bud from each plant. As this was an experiment from the get go and I'm absolutely certain I did a number of things wrong, (I can tell looking at some of the plants), I have trimmed most of the original sets of fan leaves off the bottom as they were turning a very nice yellow in the hopes that more light would be exposed to the lower limbs. I can tell you these girls are throwing out bud sites everywhere. Apparently they have decided against the one main bud idea I had in mind. As I said this was all an experiment being my first grow and not knowing how the plants will react. These will be done around the end of March? Two of the girls are of an unknown indica/sativa seeds from Amsterdam. All the others are just bag seed collected over the past several months. I will do my utmost best to post some pics of the girls before they make their final sacrifice. I also used twenty four ounce party cups for the whole grow. My next one I plan on using half gallon grow bags, veg the plants for a month under a 16/8 schedule with all 6400k tubes before switching over to a 12/12 schedule and a change of lights for flowering. I can honestly say I'm a senior citizen and the proud father of twelve one month old girls. Who would have thunk it? I learned I can use bigger 'pots' and have a veg state and my space will be able to handle it. If you are looking for fast for personal usage, I highly recomend trying the 12/12 from seedling. How highly recomended I won't know for about two more months???
Is 12/12 from the seed how they make the single cola?