Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Rick can kill the guy and stuff him in a freezer , by the time they find him Rick will be back in the middle east .

Done right (fill freezer with acid )

Of course the freezer is not plugged in
He thought of that, and, we came up with putting him in the canal and letting the gators get him.;-)

Acid can be so messy!:fire:


Well-Known Member
So I went to the Dr and She gave me new meds .( Simcor)

My cholesterol is down from what it was (312) its now 213..
But Ive gained a few lbs ,,I was 192 ..Im now 202 ..
So Of course they said quit smoking .. But they added more shit then that and the meds

I must exercise , I must watch what I eat , .. So Starting Tomorrow I will be walking a mile a day and then increasing it as I see fit . Today I rounded a corner on a backroad and as I went around a left blind curvea bunch of deer were in the road , I hit the brakes and slid on ice and ended up on a pile of plowed snow .... I was stuck.. I had to call China to come and bring me a shovel.. but in the meantime a neighbor drove by and pulled me out ..


Well-Known Member
Were the deer okay?
Fuck them, It was funny I was under the car partly trying to clear snow from under it .. On my back .. then i hear a rattle of metal.. I look the other way and there was a fucking PITBULL there . scared me at first , but then just sniffed me and hung out till China came .


New Member
wow, rough day Vette, are you home? Let's smoke out bongsmilie

Sunny keep us posted, now that we're all worried, don't go taking a day off of RIU without letting us know.


Well-Known Member
yea Im home ,, No damage to the car .(China's Subaru ) and No more trips back that way till spring ,, them roads are barely maintained


Well-Known Member
wow, rough day Vette, are you home? Let's smoke out bongsmilie

Sunny keep us posted, now that we're all worried, don't go taking a day off of RIU without letting us know.
Rick just called. This is why small town living can be good. The nutball works at a bike and kayak store in town...well this store is owned by a very good friend of ours!!! When the navigator took Rick there he said he couldn't believe it, it was right in front of our friends store. Sure enough, nutball works there and has been for the past year. I don't have the details yet, but, I was told I will have no further problems...I am shocked. I know I am in 'break' mode with my mary, but, I am firing one up. My nerves are shot.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Damn Sunny .... that sucks big time...
good to see you're planning on hanging around vette....... once the green season begins... LBS will fall....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If you eat a couple of raw cloves of galic a day, that's been shown to help.You have to crush or finely chop them to release the chemical.
So I went to the Dr and She gave me new meds .( Simcor)

My cholesterol is down from what it was (312) its now 213..
But Ive gained a few lbs ,,I was 192 ..Im now 202 ..
So Of course they said quit smoking .. But they added more shit then that and the meds

I must exercise , I must watch what I eat , .. So Starting Tomorrow I will be walking a mile a day and then increasing it as I see fit . Today I rounded a corner on a backroad and as I went around a left blind curvea bunch of deer were in the road , I hit the brakes and slid on ice and ended up on a pile of plowed snow .... I was stuck.. I had to call China to come and bring me a shovel.. but in the meantime a neighbor drove by and pulled me out ..


New Member
Screw you CJ, for real, screw you....
This guy had a pic of me in my yard, just last week. He had such a good picture you could see my bird Ozzie in the window! That is a little too close for my likings. Along with that he had about a weeks worth of photos of me ( he has been following me and the hubby for about a week) He also felt the need to publish my address and phone number along with details of how he was going to torture me in my own bed..Does that sound like a prank to you? Not to me. And to top it all off he has done this before to another woman. She has an active restraining order against him. Now I went to the police today and there is not much they can do until this guy hurts me, which I think he will try to do. So until I catch him stalking me and looking in my windows, I am on my own. So, SCREW YOU CJ.

uhhh..wha? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Whoa?I didn't see this.I have a rusty machete in my closet for such an occasion.
Screw you CJ, for real, screw you....
This guy had a pic of me in my yard, just last week. He had such a good picture you could see my bird Ozzie in the window! That is a little too close for my likings. Along with that he had about a weeks worth of photos of me ( he has been following me and the hubby for about a week) He also felt the need to publish my address and phone number along with details of how he was going to torture me in my own bed..Does that sound like a prank to you? Not to me. And to top it all off he has done this before to another woman. She has an active restraining order against him. Now I went to the police today and there is not much they can do until this guy hurts me, which I think he will try to do. So until I catch him stalking me and looking in my windows, I am on my own. So, SCREW YOU CJ.


New Member
Whoa?I didn't see this.I have a rusty machete in my closet for such an occasion.

:lol: yah what the hey?!! Sunny, I don't know what you mean, but it's not me if you are actually serious. I have no photos of you other than ur avatar. I know you live in the same state as I do, but you know that as well. If someone is passing themselves off as me, then it is a LIE!!

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Good news, every fire up one for Sunny bongsmilie

Rick just called. This is why small town living can be good. The nutball works at a bike and kayak store in town...well this store is owned by a very good friend of ours!!! When the navigator took Rick there he said he couldn't believe it, it was right in front of our friends store. Sure enough, nutball works there and has been for the past year. I don't have the details yet, but, I was told I will have no further problems...I am shocked. I know I am in 'break' mode with my mary, but, I am firing one up. My nerves are shot.:leaf: