Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Twisty You DRY already ???????? What did canna bring you ? a joint ?
No... not dry.... i just didn't complete sentence "without sunshine".. I've got a few joints left..... don't need much.. its quite good....:leaf:

[quote="SICC";2026945]Yo Twisty? was it really you B day yesterday?[/quote]

Another ring on the tree.....


Well-Known Member
oh, well happy late birthday haha, i saw a bunch of people goin crazy yesterday and i wasnt sure, this one is for you man . . .. . . . . bongsmilie


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
I'm hiding out here today.... :lol:

Some forum ppl are after me :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
Screw you CJ, for real, screw you....
This guy had a pic of me in my yard, just last week. He had such a good picture you could see my bird Ozzie in the window! That is a little too close for my likings. Along with that he had about a weeks worth of photos of me ( he has been following me and the hubby for about a week) He also felt the need to publish my address and phone number along with details of how he was going to torture me in my own bed..Does that sound like a prank to you? Not to me. And to top it all off he has done this before to another woman. She has an active restraining order against him. Now I went to the police today and there is not much they can do until this guy hurts me, which I think he will try to do. So until I catch him stalking me and looking in my windows, I am on my own. So, SCREW YOU CJ.


New Member
Sunny, is your BIL still living there? Do you own a gun? Everything is a weapon, doesn't matter what it is, even a knick-knack can be used like a baseball.

You should take some self defense classes, I bet your man would like that too.


Well-Known Member
Sunny, is your BIL still living there? Do you own a gun? Everything is a weapon, doesn't matter what it is, even a knick-knack can be used like a baseball.

You should take some self defense classes, I bet your man would like that too.
The BIL moved to California...long story, but, I am happy for him...

We own a gun, I have never shot it and to be honest, I am scared of it. Rick is in the city right now going to see this man. He has had enough. This has been going on for months. This man is not right in the head. I never minded his trolling, but, this new stuff gave me cold chills down my spine. Rick already has me lined up for a self defense course. We have been running around today just taking care of this mess. No more 'local' posting for me, that is for sure!


New Member
Rick went to see him? The stalker?

That is such scary stuff Sunny :hug: OMG, I can't imagine.

No SICC I don't think it's Jax doing it, he's just a smartass, not a stalker.


Well-Known Member
Rick went to see him? The stalker?

That is such scary stuff Sunny :hug: OMG, I can't imagine.

No SICC I don't think it's Jax doing it, he's just a smartass, not a stalker.
Yeah, Rick is headed there now. After all this went down, another woman on that forum was able to track who this guy was...How, I don't know, but she had all his info along with his arrest sheet....After she posted all of his info he came back on one last time to defend his arrest record she found, so I know it is him. Then he was banned, permanently. It is okay that he doesn't like me, I can deal with that. What I can't deal with is him coming to my home and to my local park where he knows I go....That is too close for me. Since the police cannot do anything Rick is going to talk to him. He will call me when he is done. I don't like it, but, I think he has to do it.


Well-Known Member
Rick can kill the guy and stuff him in a freezer , by the time they find him Rick will be back in the middle east .

Done right (fill freezer with acid )

Of course the freezer is not plugged in