post your smoking utensil


New Member
ok ... USA soccer then :-P

is USA football called soccer over there ?

... or maybe you just didnt look what was on tv with the clean bong pic ?:leaf:
football was on.

you know, the game you play with your feet.
edit: ahh..both forms of football were on

sorry for the confusion

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
I just broke my largest one so here is my middle guy who hits better than the big guy and the rest of the crew...

Small bong - Lil Doogey
Middle Bong- The Doogey

and it looks like im gonna pick up a new Bon Doogey...



Well-Known Member
Here are my pieces:

It's just a standard acrylic bong, pretty typical. When I think of a bong, that's what I see. It has pinches for ice but I don't use ice; I've heard horror stories.

The spoon is tiny but it was the cheapest one. It was the first piece I ever bought. It's good for smoking at home when I don't want it to smell. It used to be clearish bluish green, now it's a deep blue and res-ish colour.

It's not much, especially compared to some of the glass I've seen in this thread, but I like it. Also, that's the first bong I ever hit--way back in grade 7.
R.I.P. awesome acrylic bong

My friend's dad found it in his basement a couple weeks ago and I guess he threw it out.


Well-Known Member
shitty man. what kinda horror stories have u heard regarding ice?
This topic actually came up after I posted that bong, here's someone who knows better than I:

i can shed a little light on this. it has been said that ice in bongs is bad for you. from what ive heard this is because ice brings the water to a much colder temp which causes it go give off more water vapor. the water vapor is breathed in and condenses in your lung. this can be very bad for you. especially with dirty bong water.

i still use ice sporadically though. i dont think its that big of a risk.


Well-Known Member
resurrected to show off my sherlock

It says "Love 4" by the bowl

I picked it up in Venice Beach, CA, hits like a champ and has a bowl that'll hold an honest half gram.