Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Really, because that avatar is still around and some guy just made his own version of it 2 days ago, it's on this thread.

You asked a question and I answered, if you don't like the answer it isn't my fault.

Here's a question for you, why were the cak wars photos removed from peoples sigs? The penis' were covered, yet they were removed. It's OK to have naked women with tiny leaves covering their nipples and clits, but put a penis in some underwear that shows its shape and that was not tolerated.....
send me a link and it will be immediately removed. remember?

how come guys have to beg for pussy yet chicks have to beat the dicks off?

it's life, ..................


don't go getting all offended. it just a innocent rant that was NOT directed at anyone in particular. :weed: :peace:


Well-Known Member
I think they are on tour in the bush, the last time I saw them on here they said their battery for their laptop was low. I hope they're doing ok.
I know, I have been thinking about them. Hopefully they will check in soon. I know the bush over there is pretty serious, I hope they are okay. I miss them.


New Member
I have reported the posts, and I'm guessing whoever got the report ignored it.

Why do men say if they have boobs they'd stay home all day and play with them? Chase one kid across a parking lot with those things flopping around and they'd change their minds..... :bigjoint:

I miss Gryphonn and Pho3nix too. GRYPHONN, PHO3NIX, YOUR FAN CLUB IS CALLING YOU.

It could be the time difference too, isn't it 11 at night there when it's 8 am where you are? Maybe we're just missing them or something?

and what happened to Puffdamagikdragon? I liked her, where's she been?


Well-Known Member
I have reported the posts, and I'm guessing whoever got the report ignored it.

Why do men say if they have boobs they'd stay home all day and play with them? Chase one kid across a parking lot with those things flopping around and they'd change their minds..... :bigjoint:

why are women so dirty? all those "embarrassing odors". lol :fire:



New Member
no, it's just that if I want to see naked tits and ass, I'd spend the day in front of the mirror. My tits are nicer anyway, no silicone, good and perky, they are much more pleasing to the eye that these plactic surgery girls that like to have their stuff hanging our all the time.

It's no different that men not wanting to see other men naked all the time.

Really, if men were assaulted by as many naked man pics as women are assaulted by naked women pics everyday, things would be a changing.


Well-Known Member
If your happy and you know it Spark a bowl
If your happy and you know it Spark a bowl .

If your happy and you know it ,and you really wanna show it,
If your happy and you know it Spark a bowl

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
True true Son of Man.... I find them almost offensive personally. I just hate them. They are not legit to me. They are fake and misshapen. I love women and god knows I love their breasts but fake ones are .....well..... just fake. I feel like women with fake tits are cheating. And, honestly, I do not find them attractive at all. The most beautiful girl in the world could have fake tits and I would not be interested in her. really.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Yeah here too.... Why cant it just snow all day? Man, my dog just loves the snow. He runs around like a maniac and is in heaven and that puts me in heaven too. Nothing better than wake and bake, but wake and bake on a snowy day is even better!