AUTO AK47 and bagseed test plant. GROW #2


Well-Known Member
what size pots are you using? I will be using 16oz cups then transplanting into my 8"pots or just start into 8" pots?


Well-Known Member
Umm two 8" from Lowes and one 5gl I had out back. I would just start in the 8" that way you don't lose and day and half from tranplant shock. I did with Mary so I started Jane and Sheba in the pots they are in. How are you planning on germinating?

If you don't know I got a good way thats REALLY fast.


Well-Known Member
well theres a good way that my mom showed me. paper towl in a cup put in a windowl but I did the plates adn paper towel method on my computer monitor


Well-Known Member
oh ok I tried that too. Takes way to long for me. Get you a shot glass and put some water in it. Drop the seed in the shot glass and let it sit in water for about 12-13 hours on top of something warm ex: hotwater heater, cable box something like that. After the first 12 hours poke the seed if it sinks good thing if not let sit for another day and then try. Once the sunked seed has cracked and you see the tap root throw in soil. Normally takes no longer than 48 hours. If the seed doesn't crack after about 3 days trash it its no good.


Well-Known Member
oh ok I tried that too. Takes way to long for me. Get you a shot glass and put some water in it. Drop the seed in the shot glass and let it sit in water for about 12-13 hours on top of something warm ex: hotwater heater, cable box something like that. After the first 12 hours poke the seed if it sinks good thing if not let sit for another day and then try. Once the sunked seed has cracked and you see the tap root throw in soil. Normally takes no longer than 48 hours. If the seed doesn't crack after about 3 days trash it its no good.

I can vouche for this method, used it for my WW and got 100% germ rate. Only 4 plants but still =D

Keep the shot glass (I just used a cup and stuck em all in) warm and in complete darkness.

I let the cup sit on top of my reflector, a bit dodgy but i was very carefull and its a perfect temp, while my Auto AKs finished flowering

EDIT: I also added a small drop of root juice, ive heard of using rhizotonic when germing so i thought it couldnt hurt, here is a pic of the girls (femmed seeds) 8 days from germ.



Well-Known Member
Glad it worked for you dp. My first WS broke soil today. Just waiting on the other now. Also is that a grow tent you have those 4 in? If so what brand, how much, where did you get it ect......


Well-Known Member
Glad it worked for you dp. My first WS broke soil today. Just waiting on the other now. Also is that a grow tent you have those 4 in? If so what brand, how much, where did you get it ect......

Thanks dude im really pleased they all popped.

Nah thats not a tent just my cupboard which i have decked out in mylar type stuff and stuck a tray in the bottom of. Its only about 60cm square so cnt get more in but my 400w fits in perfectly. Next year im gonna buy a tent tho =D


Well-Known Member
Oh ok nice nice. I am planning on getting a tent when I can afford one probably after the summer.

I forgot how small sativas are when they first sprout. She is tiny man. I hope the second sprouts. They sent them to me in a plastic tube (real dumb idea if you ask me) they bounce around in the plastic tube from the UK to the US lots of time to injure the seeds. The second seed cracked but had a brown looking tap root sticking out. I'll give her till saturday then I'm putting another seed in to germinate.

So I have formulated a plan for the WS. Start two right now with the auto's. As soon as Mary comes down start another WS. Hopefully by the time Jane and Sheba come down one of them will be big enough to take some clones off of. I want to take two of the clones and as soon as they get roots throw them into 12/12. With the other clones left over I want to get a GOOD mom out of. I am planning on shutting down for the summer so I don't have to fight the heat (I am in florida lol). All the while vegging the WS mother through the summer with a 175w MH that I am going to be purchasing. Also taking clones from the mother to get ready for the fall. As soon as it gets cool enough outside I wanna throw them under the HPS under 12/12. to get started for the fall/winter/spring. Hopefully I'll be able to yeild enough to get me through the summer. If not I'll just have to stick a couple clones into 12/12 half way through or something.

Once back into fall I wanna set up a s.o.g. with probably a WS mom. Arjans Haze Mom, and then some sort of Indica just to mix things up a little bit. Anyways you think the 175wmh will be enough for up to 3 moms and clones? Or should I jump to the 250wmh?


Well-Known Member
Well guys I have bad news. Today when I went to tie sheba down I killed her on accident so pissed at myself. Heres what happened, I bought a new roll of string and I was going to tie sheba down a little more. Well I got the know around her nice and snug not tight or anything and then I went to move my hand away and somehow the tape from the box of thumbtacks got on the string and stuck to my hand without me knowing. So when I moved my hand back it just snapped her in half. I mean there was no saving her it was like I took some scissors to her. I went cussing and shit and then smoked a bowl and threw two more WS seeds in a shot glass lol. This sucks man, atleast it wasn't Jane though. I think I would've cried if it was Jane. I really gotta stop going in there when I'm high...... I always fuck shit up and then fuck my high up. Spilt the gallon jug of water last time lol.


Well-Known Member
Naw man I thought I could bandage her back up but then I didn't know what way she was postioned on the plant and the bandage didn't even hold. I mean she was cut slap in half the top was laying in the soil. I slathered cloning gel all over her when I tied her up but she did the droop of death man. So I just cut her down and started two more WS seeds.

Btw I started a new journal for the WS. Your WW are just a couple days ahead of mine. Would be cool if we could swap clones, I wanna try some WW. Don't think it will be next grow already set on some Arjans Haze #1 I really wanna smoke some PURE sativa.


Well-Known Member
Ah that sucks :(

I will smoke one for Sheba :joint:

Lol would be cool to swap clones but im in the UK so we might have trouble.

I wish i was wasnt so lazy, i would keep a journal if wasnt. But i am so....meh

I will snap some pics tho, they are getting niceeee


Well-Known Member
Ya man I just have a lot of spare time being a college student and only going part time this semester. Soon very soon I will be able to have my own hydro shop lol kinda thought about putting a nursery in the back all out of hydro but then again that would cost a shit ton of money. Deff snap some pics. And when I link my journal to my sig I'll let you know.


Well-Known Member
A lil update today. Jane was ready for another watering her leaves were a little droopy so I watered this morning. I'll snap some pics tommorow or tuesday probably after I water Mary. I'm waiting till tommorrow to water her. Umm other than that not much new. Jane had been tied down more and I'm betting if she wasn't tied she would be close to 2 feet tall. She is BY FAR my best yet of the AUTO's haven't messed her up yet so I hope I can keep it that way. Oh ya ummmm not next watering but the one after that I'll be putting more happy frog flower nutes in the soil for Jane.


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics guys hope you like. Jane is EXPLODING. If she wasn't tied down she would be almost touching the light right now lol. Mary is going good. Fatting up alot these past days.



Well-Known Member
Dp I got a question for ya. How did your girls look on day 57 or 58 under the 400whps. I just checked out dangreens journal again and his day 58 pics look AMAZING compared to mine like I'm behind or something. He also was using the 600w maybe thats why or did the stress early on have something to do with it you think?


Well-Known Member
Mary is almost on day 60. I don't know why she isn't looking like that. Maybe she root bound or something? I am really confused right now. Even your pictures looks so far ahead of Mary.