AUTO AK47 and bagseed test plant. GROW #2


Well-Known Member
Im honestly not sure, it could be a number of things which is causing the slower growth. I noticed the tips are still yellowing?


Well-Known Member
Ya the tips are still yellowing for some reason and none of the leaves are turning yellow like they are supposed to at the end of the life cycle. Maybe she just might be really behind.... something to do with genetics or something????? I have no clue but they look nothing alike. Let me go check what brand they are see if that has anything to do with it.


Well-Known Member
And I did...................... My RETARDED ASS never checked Mary's ph I always forgot (she is the farthest from the door) Well I checked her soil ph......... freaking 4, I don't know how she wasn't yellowing or anything. Every nutrient is locked out after 5.3 or something. Needless to say I just spent three hours in the bathroom with the two plants fixing their soil ph. For right now I got Mary sitting at low 6's and Jane steady at 6.5. I am going to wait till tommorow to correct it again cause I flushed like 5 gallons through each pot fixing the soil ph. I now see why people spend so much money on good soil. Fox Farm Ocean Forest from here on out, you can garuntee it.

Mary still has a good two weeks, and I will probably just extend it to three weeks so I can still get a little bit of weight. I still have 100 percent white hairs atleast, hopefully they won't start turning until the middle or end of next week. I think I caught Jane just in time. She is still growing really strong and hasn't really started concentrating on buds. Hopefully now that I fixed her ph too, she will bounce into heavy flowering.

Really just wish I would've thought about this earlier. I mean I would check it sometimes..... but wait I just thought about this. I never ph'ed the flower power once I added the nutes to the water. I read some stuff on organics messing with the ph for hydro somewhere but I just put that in the back of my head cause I was doing soil. I bet what happened is that stuff lowered the ph of my water and over time slowly lowered the ph of my soil. Cause I remember checking Mary's soil atleast a few times and it was at7. Sorry I'm rambling but I got the bong sitting next to me just steady packing bowls stressing over this shit. Anyways I guess I'll just go chill and play some playstation so I can get it off my mind.


Well-Known Member
Really glad to hear you got your crisis under crontrol. I am using FFOF just started 2 af ak47 and 1 ww fem. :D


Well-Known Member
Aight guys I'm about to leave to get some lime for the girls. I caught this problem just in time Jane. It almost looks like Mary is too late. I mean I'm gonna get some smokeable bud but I'm saying dry probably a half or a quarter. They are all little popcorn buds. I mean who knows if she will fatten up in two and a half weeks or not but I did learn a vaulable lesson. Buy a GOOD soil ph pen and get good soil.


Well-Known Member
A little update for today. I FINALLY got Mary at a 7.0 ph. Jane is still all over the place some places in the soil its 6 and some its 4...... I will be flushing Jane again and adding more lime on the surface. I hope to get her soil steady after this flush, I really don't think I can afford any more wasted days on this. I'll post pics after the flush.


Well-Known Member
Update for today. I went ahead and did the flush on Jane today. I checked soil ph half way through and it was at 6 so Im sure by now she is at 7. I'm going to wait a week then water with light dose of nutes to see what soil ph will be at. Hopefully I've gotten this problem over with and under control. I'll take some pics tommorow once she dries out a little bit.


Well-Known Member
wow looking good. check out my journal. my bag seed is 2 weeks old. I think it mite be tme to start a low dose nutes or maybe just one more week.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man its been a long road over here. Had a lot of ups and downs. Just got ph stabalized for both of the plants. Hope I can keep it stabalized the rest of the way through.


Well-Known Member
Nice job man. finally got some time to stop by and check it out. any pics? check out mine and see how they are. just transplanted my bagseed into a bigger pot as it was rootcapped in the pot it was in.


Well-Known Member
Probably gonna wait till tommorow for pics. I just sprayed the underside of Janes leaves with the bloom sol. Figured since I can't water her till next week she needs some sort of nutes for a bit.

I'll go check your grow out.


Well-Known Member
Damn yo still no reply's ................ Well anyways today when I woke up a took a test bud from Mary and hung it up to dry. Should be atleast smokable by this weekend or Mary's chop date on Monday.


Well-Known Member
Aight here are the pics you have been waiting on. Mary has been fattening up now that I fixed her ph levels. Jane is just a BEAST I mean she would be close to 3.5 feet if she wasn't tied down. She is only about a week behind of were she should be flowering wise. Soil ph of Jane is now steady 7 all the way around. Starting to notice buds producing ALOT faster than Mary did. Also starting to see some purple stems on some fan leaves so thats a good sign that nutrients aren't just sitting in the soil and she accutally using them. Hope you like the pics. Btw Mary is due to be cut down on Monday. If about 90 hairs are red or orange then I'll chop but if not I'm going to let her stay up till she is ready to be chopped.



Well-Known Member
Aight here are the pics you have been waiting on. Mary has been fattening up now that I fixed her ph levels. Jane is just a BEAST I mean she would be close to 3.5 feet if she wasn't tied down. She is only about a week behind of were she should be flowering wise. Soil ph of Jane is now steady 7 all the way around. Starting to notice buds producing ALOT faster than Mary did. Also starting to see some purple stems on some fan leaves so thats a good sign that nutrients aren't just sitting in the soil and she accutally using them. Hope you like the pics. Btw Mary is due to be cut down on Monday. If about 90 hairs are red or orange then I'll chop but if not I'm going to let her stay up till she is ready to be chopped.
how much do you plan on yielding off her?


Well-Known Member
Which one Jane or Mary? Lets see by the look of the test bud I took off of Mary yesterday morning I'm saying no more than a half DRIED off Mary. Jane on the other hand I really couldn't tell you yet. I hope to get atleast..... atleast an ounce off of Jane. I mean she is a week behind on were she is supposed to be flowering wise. I don't think I have lost too much weight like I did with Mary. Only time will tell what is going to happen.


Well-Known Member
dude shes not ready. You can tell by looking at the buds, they are still so green. You need to look at trichomes. Im sure she needs atleast a week or two


Well-Known Member
Ok well cool. I mean her 70 days from sprout are up on Monday. I was going to keep her longer if I needed to. Hopefully it will give her some time to fatten back up. I would DEFF like at least an ounce after all this shit. I really hope she has got a week or two left honestly. I need all this to hold me over for the summer or I'm going to be fighting temps during the summer, and I really didn't want to do that.

Btw I know its way off topic. My girl has gotten VERY interested in growing. I picked out 4 or 5 REALLY good looking seeds and threw them in a shot glass for her. Who knows maybe we will get some FREE fire bud. Hope everything is going good for you dp...... You should really get a grow journal........ I would really love to follow along.


Well-Known Member
hehe thanks man but im a bit of a lazy guy and making a journal would be troublesome. Im gonna have a better setup in october so i will prob do one then.

Ye man those plants are not ready. The 10 week thing is just a guide line on a theoretically perfect grow.

I took one plant to 12 weeks and she was great. You will know when shes ready. ^^