Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal


Well-Known Member
you dont no what yur talking about do you own the tazer have you seen it have you held it in your hand i carry one everyday right beside my gun and i assure you its no lighter than my 45 or 357 with the video/audio attachment its heavier who cares what they way anyway but you should know what you talking about before you speak of something
Well, if the training is so poor that just by feel the difference aren't glaringly obvious, then it's piss poor, as is ALL LEO training imo. First off location of weapons are distinctly different 2nd grips are way different..Balance..bulk..texture.. So to say oops I thought it bull.. LEO kills people everyday, and get an attaboy for it.

For you gun haters.. I've been around guns since I was 5..shooting them as well, and in all those years(decades) I have yet to see even ONE jump off the table..out of my holster and start shooting. I carry a Glock, and have never had it fire without my pulling the trigger. The safety on the trigger needs to be depressed 3/8 in before you even feel the trigger, so, it was no was an execution for the most heinous crime in the world.
Contempt of cop.
More people are killed everyday by cars(143 approx) but no one is saying to ban them . It's simple really, if you don't like guns, don't have one, but don't make out that those of us who believe in taking resposibility for our own safety are "Gun nuts" How would it be if SUV owners, or anything else, were told.."you can't have this as it kills people" how well would that go down?

BTW..The U.S. Supreme court has ruled in 2 cases that the police have no obligation to "protect" the individual, only"society"


Well-Known Member
Wow, yeah and usually after someone gets shot I look at the only guy who has a gun drawn.:roll:
yeah. and the fact that guns exist means people will get shot. so....

i'm really not sure where i'm goin w/this or anything, except i guess i'm just saying people get shot, people die, etc. it's part of the world we live in. there really isn't a lot to be done, cause people will always die. always always.


Well-Known Member
so what i am trippin' on is this; yesterday afternoon this new video shows up at the news station. they immediately plaster it all over the news. there was no public outburst on the streets. last night the major stood in front of everyone and spoke. a few people yelled out and were heard. one guy was removed but in all it was peaceful. they are calling frot he resignation of the police chief. BART official want a full revamp if not removal of the BART police. still no riots. you would think they streets would be burning with all this happening, and this is just a small part of what is really going on. yet all is calm.

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

away he goes, ........


Well-Known Member
a new cheif wont do shit for the opd...that force is so corrupt and on so many gang payrolls that they would need to fire the whole force and outsource for a while...


Well-Known Member
no shit....both bart and opd chief have their heads on the chopping block this makes me a little giddy inside to see the cops around here getting the heat they have deserved for a long time..ive lived in the oakland bay area all my life and have seen first hand the crokked shady shit these cops do around here....


Well-Known Member
no shit....both bart and opd chief have their heads on the chopping block this makes me a little giddy inside to see the cops around here getting the heat they have deserved for a long time..ive lived in the oakland bay area all my life and have seen first hand the crokked shady shit these cops do around here....
we used to be afraid to roll thru the BART parking lot just because the cops were such dicks. this was back in '86. :sad:


Well-Known Member
we used to be afraid to roll thru the BART parking lot just because the cops were such dicks. this was back in '86. :sad:
yeah no shit...those guys sit there with hardons waiting to fuck with someone...them and the san leandro pd...fucking rookie training grounds for the east bay...


Well-Known Member
yeah no shit...those guys sit there with hardons waiting to fuck with someone...them and the san leandro pd...fucking rookie training grounds for the east bay...
We are lucky that the bart cops got caught. This stuff happens all the time and is covered up. Replacing the Chiefs will not help. There needs to be an oversight board when deadly force is used.(drawing a deadly weapon)


Well-Known Member
what really needs to happen, is power shifts need to happen more often on a more natural course. but of course "that's anarchY", and regulated government can't just let that happen...


Well-Known Member
All the other cops get is a class? Is this a traffic offense? I thought it was abuse followed by a shooting . . . really lame