• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obama on decriminalization


Well-Known Member
I will just have to see If I can get condoms banned then....Quite disgusting. IMHO We can look into burning books some of them suck....
This is a matter of the law going too far.
Just curious..Who are you to dictate what I read? As to the Law..What, it's ok for you/us to break the pot laws, but you get to decide that others are wrong for breaking other laws?
since you are so against abortion and contraception how many children have you adopted, or how much of your income do you donate any where to take care of parentless children?


Well-Known Member
Just curious..Who are you to dictate what I read? As to the Law..What, it's ok for you/us to break the pot laws, but you get to decide that others are wrong for breaking other laws?
since you are so against abortion and contraception how many children have you adopted, or how much of your income do you donate any where to take care of parentless children?
read back......Sarcasm:)I have nothing against condoms I am wearing a couple as we speak:)....sarcasm


Well-Known Member
"Abstinence only education leads to people like you, "pulling out" is not a viable method of birth control. There is enough semen to impregnant in the pre-ejaculate."

Bullshit, you act like abortions and condoms have been the method of birth control for thousands of years or something.

Listen, natural forms of birth control have been around a lot longer than lazy birth control like abortion.

Fucking lazy people! Control your body.

"if I don't want a baby in it, that is my choice. "

Good be responsible. This is a good measure of birth control! Peace!


Well-Known Member
I need to go around and post it on craigslist's around the country as a safehaven for unwanted baby dropoff's.

I can say whole heartedly, that ANY baby that I have been responsible for making. I am feeding and taking care of right now.

I am not responsible for everyone elses irresponsibility. However, I am not going to pay for murder if I have a choice.

I don't believe in murder. I won't advocate it either.


Well-Known Member
I can say whole heartedly, that ANY baby that I have been responsible for making. I am feeding and taking care of right now.

I am not responsible for everyone elses irresponsibility. However, I am not going to pay for murder if I have a choice.

I don't believe in murder. I won't advocate it either.
Look you have said that before, you impose your morals which are obviously subjective. You have a choice that is all I am saying.....That choice is yours to make not mine.
I despise abortion but refuse to impose my subjective sometime twisted morals on others....Pax


Well-Known Member
"Abstinence only education leads to people like you, "pulling out" is not a viable method of birth control. There is enough semen to impregnant in the pre-ejaculate."
Let me tell you again what birth control that my wife and I have effectively used. And pulling out, or abstinence wasn't one of them.

You can go back in the conversation and read this too.

We used an IUD. 99.99% effective.

We also used a condom most of the time. 99% effective

I think between the two we had around 100% effective birth control.

Then we were ready to have kids. So we did.

And now I take care of EVERY baby that I have ever been responsible for making.

And I also help take care of homeless kids who were unwanted in Seattle.



Well-Known Member
I despise abortion but refuse to impose my subjective sometime twisted morals on others....Pax
Next thing we are to legalize then is being able to murder a fully born human being.
Sure, unborn human being can already be legally murdered. But they are so defenseless and innocent.

Lets take it to the next level (NOT!)


Well-Known Member
Look you have said that before, you impose your morals which are obviously subjective. You have a choice that is all I am saying.....That choice is yours to make not mine.
I despise abortion but refuse to impose my subjective sometime twisted morals on others....Pax
Spammer pro forcing your views on others...


Well-Known Member
Spammer pro forcing your views on others...
Just replying to your redundancy. There's no foul there. It's just a conversation.

You have continue to batter the point of how you won't force your opinions on others.

You're getting a little forceful with that point.. Thats all.


New Member
but you want to sit in Seattle and dictate what somone in New York, for instance does. It's not your business what I or any other women does with their own body.

If we taught actual sex education to high schoolers then there might not be a need for abortion. Telling them "sex, don't do it" doesn't work. Take a look around and wake the hell up already.

I see that even though you don't want someone you don't even know to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, you don't want the babies dropped off at your house either. What a noble stance on the subject.

I also see that you were trying to adopt but then stopped when your own kid was conceived. You couldn't take care of both?

Here is a scenerio, a woman is 47 years old, married, has her tubes tied. Her youngest child is ready to graduate high school. She feels the signs of menopause coming on. She goes to the doctor and finds out that she's pregnant. She doesn't want this, her husband just got laid off due to the wonderful state of the economy and they lost their health insurance. She'd like to terminate the pregnancy, but bleeding hearts made it illegal for her to do this. Later she finds out that the baby is not developing normally. It has downs syndrome, spinal dysplasia and it's brain is not developing normally. The outlook for the childs life is less than 5 years. She is the only one working but her doctor puts her on bedrest due to the preganacy she, tried to avoid, can not afford and doesn't want. Now this family has lost their only source of income, they have no medical insurance and the bank is knocking on their door wanting the mortgage payment. Did these people deserve this financial ruin? To save the life of a baby who won't even live to see the age of 5?

We can only hope that this is your life in 18 years........

Let me tell you again what birth control that my wife and I have effectively used. And pulling out, or abstinence wasn't one of them.

You can go back in the conversation and read this too.

We used an IUD. 99.99% effective.

We also used a condom most of the time. 99% effective

I think between the two we had around 100% effective birth control.

Then we were ready to have kids. So we did.

And now I take care of EVERY baby that I have ever been responsible for making.

And I also help take care of homeless kids who were unwanted in Seattle.



Well-Known Member
but you want to sit in Seattle and dictate what somone in New York, for instance does. It's not your business what I or any other women does with their own body.
Quite the contrary, my complaint (yes, read the first message, or watch my video) is that I don't agree with Barack Obama spending MY tax dollars on baby murder without my input.

I have someone in Washington deciding my fate, and I am merely complaining about it.

Im not out petitioning to make anything illegal. I support the views of Ron Paul on the subject. But I am no law maker.

If we taught actual sex education to high schoolers then there might not be a need for abortion. Telling them "sex, don't do it" doesn't work. Take a look around and wake the hell up already.

Good point, and one that I have agreed with you on before.
I believe in scientific measures of birth control. We have the technology, why the hell not use it? Cuz we're lazy?

I see that even though you don't want someone you don't even know to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, you don't want the babies dropped off at your house either. What a noble stance on the subject.
What it is that I take responsibility for my own actions. And I am currently protesting the irresponsible actions of our president, who is spending my tax dollars on baby murder. In a time when our country should be spending money on productive and important things.

You say I don't want a baby in my house. We are pregnant now. It's not that I don't want babies in my house. It's that I have a full house.
Which is why I travel to Seattle to mend the wounds of homeless kids, and help feed them. I don't speak without taking action.
I am very concerned for homeless and unwanted kids. I was one.

But you will keep bantering this point because I don't have a house full of adopted kids.

I support plenty of them already. And I will continue to do so.

BTW- I live on a yacht, not too many more kids could fit on this ship sister.

I also see that you were trying to adopt but then stopped when your own kid was conceived. You couldn't take care of both?
Unlike some people apparently, I take care enough to plan ahead. I take care of what I am responsible for.
If I would have adopted instead of having my own child, I would have been entirely responsible for that adopted child.

I planned for a baby. I take care of that child. End of story.

Here is a scenerio, a woman is 47 years old, married, has her tubes tied.

Yes philosophically incredible idea you have here.

He is my response. IUD..

Again.. IUD...

Tubes are tied? Great. IUD!

Again.. My response. IUD..

And in layman's terms that translates to BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS, SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO KILL A BABY!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Self control?In a case of rape! Are you fucking serious,man!!!!WHAT, DID SHE ASK FOR IT?YOU KNOW HOW MANY WOMEN ARE RAPED IN AFRICA?Just Africa, not worldwide?One woman every 26 fucking seconds.Many of these are young girls,because it is believed a virgin will cure ailments.Now you're telling me some underdeveloped 11 year old girl should carry a baby to full term and then give birth?And then, because she lives in Africa, watch that same baby get raped by an HIV positive soldier who happens to be raiding her village?WTF?How dare you say adoption and then LDS in the same sentence.
No, some of us use restraint, and if that fails we take responsibility for OUR OWN babies. Wanted or not.

And for those who are raped (which is a VERY small percentage of abortions). Adoption!

And yes, there is a huge market for American babies. My sister has been involved with these adoption agencies, and they are scrambling for children to adopt out.

Unfortunately for my aspects of my life I grew up LDS.
But "LDS Family Services" has NO PROBLEM adopting un-wanted children out. They do it by the thousands!
Pulling out is not an effective birth control method.AT ALL.
Well, then I would be a responsible adult, and I would either pull out. Or I would take care of my fucking kid. Period.

America as a whole has lost two important things to our society.

1. Accountability
2. Responsibility

I have too. I live a pretty loose lifestyle.
But I simply can't justify murder. Nor can I justify spending 100's of millions to support and fund it.

I just can't.
Yeah, abortions were a method of birth control for thousands of years.Behold, abortifacients.http://www.choicetolivewith.com/herbalabortion.html Most of them can kill you.Illegal abortion doesn't make for happily adopted babies, it makes for dead women.That's what's really the agenda for pro lifers.Punishing women.
"Abstinence only education leads to people like you, "pulling out" is not a viable method of birth control. There is enough semen to impregnant in the pre-ejaculate."

Bullshit, you act like abortions and condoms have been the method of birth control for thousands of years or something.

Listen, natural forms of birth control have been around a lot longer than lazy birth control like abortion.

Fucking lazy people! Control your body.

"if I don't want a baby in it, that is my choice. "

Good be responsible. This is a good measure of birth control! Peace!


New Member
Are you old enough to remember when the IUD's were rupturing the unterin wall and causing a lot of women a lot of problems. IUD's aren't new, they've been around before and after awhile they were proven to be dangerous. It's wonderful that you are so willing to risk the health and well being of your wife.

Do you remember those implants that they put in womens arms? I do, after a few years on the market, those were found out to be bad too, bad enough that you don't see them anymore.

I guess you aren't getting the point. You are pushing for rape victims to give their babies up for adoption, yet you yourself "don't have room for any extra babies".

If you aren't willing to raise them, then shut the hell up about it.


What Obama signed was just undoing what Bush had done. Let's think about this, third world countries are called that for a reason. They don't have food, they don't have clothes, they don't have places to live, they sure the hell don't have access to condoms or IUD's. If women in third world countries don't want to have babies in order to watch them die from disease and starvation, it's their right.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member

Health Risks:
Getting any vaginal infection while using an IUD can increase the risk of developing a serious pelvic infection. This can result in a loss of fertility. For this reason, women need to assess their own risk for infection. If you have multiple partners or if your partner has multiple partners, your chance of infection is much higher.
Piercing or perforation of the uterine wall may occur during insertion of the IUD. Over time, an IUD may become imbedded in the uterine wall. An Imbedded IUD is still effective, but it can be painful and may need to be removed. There is a risk of surgery and/or sterility if an IUD becomes imbedded.
If a woman becomes pregnant while using an IUD, it is highly recommended that she have the IUD removed, whether or not she wants to carry the pregnancy to term. An IUD increases the risk of having a miscarriage or premature birth.
A woman who becomes pregnant while using an IUD is also more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg attaches and grows outside the uterus. This can be very dangerous and requires emergency medical attention.
Side Effects Both the ParaGard and the Mirena IUDs can cause longer, heavier, and more painful menstrual periods, but this is much less common with the Mirena. The increased blood flow may cause anemia. Spotting may occur without serious cause or as a sign of infection.
The Mirena IUD can cause ovarian cysts. Some women using the Mirena stop bleeding altogether. Usually their menstrual periods return when the IUD is removed. Mirena can cause weight gain, headaches, increased blood pressure, acne, depression, and decrease in sex drive.
Future Fertility
Women who want to become pregnant may have their IUD removed at any time. While most women who stop using IUDs are able to become pregnant, IUDs can have negative effects on a woman's fertility. If perforation, embedding, or pelvic infection occurs, the uterus or tubes may become damaged and lower the chance of pregnancy. In cases of severe damage or infection of the uterus, a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may be required, resulting in permanent sterility. The synthetic hormone in the Mirena IUD can cause a delay in return of menstruation and fertility after it is removed.

I would never have such a device placed in my body.It's an unnatural device IN YOUR BODY! Do you know what a compromise that is to your health?EDIT: And, after your tubes have been tied, pregnancies can be of the tubal, or ectopic kind.YOU MUST ABORT THESE.
Quite the contrary, my complaint (yes, read the first message, or watch my video) is that I don't agree with Barack Obama spending MY tax dollars on baby murder without my input.

I have someone in Washington deciding my fate, and I am merely complaining about it.

Im not out petitioning to make anything illegal. I support the views of Ron Paul on the subject. But I am no law maker.

Good point, and one that I have agreed with you on before.
I believe in scientific measures of birth control. We have the technology, why the hell not use it? Cuz we're lazy?

What it is that I take responsibility for my own actions. And I am currently protesting the irresponsible actions of our president, who is spending my tax dollars on baby murder. In a time when our country should be spending money on productive and important things.

You say I don't want a baby in my house. We are pregnant now. It's not that I don't want babies in my house. It's that I have a full house.
Which is why I travel to Seattle to mend the wounds of homeless kids, and help feed them. I don't speak without taking action.
I am very concerned for homeless and unwanted kids. I was one.

But you will keep bantering this point because I don't have a house full of adopted kids.

I support plenty of them already. And I will continue to do so.

BTW- I live on a yacht, not too many more kids could fit on this ship sister.

Unlike some people apparently, I take care enough to plan ahead. I take care of what I am responsible for.
If I would have adopted instead of having my own child, I would have been entirely responsible for that adopted child.

I planned for a baby. I take care of that child. End of story.

Yes philosophically incredible idea you have here.

He is my response. IUD..

Again.. IUD...

Tubes are tied? Great. IUD!

Again.. My response. IUD..

And in layman's terms that translates to BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS, SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO KILL A BABY!


New Member
I wonder if men would be so hip on the IUD if they had to have in implanted in their nut sack? Bet not,

On the tubes tied thing too, a women can not get her tubes tied unless:

she is at least 21 years old and has 2 kids

is at least 27 years old.

Maybe we should do forced vasectomies on all men at age 10 to avoid this unwanted pregnancy problem. A vasectomy can be easily reversed, it's time to put the burdon on the men for awhile.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I know, it's like they force you to reproduce, because they think that's your purpose.Man, I have PMS and now I'm really mad, after reading such completely backwards views regarding a part of the body that no man has ever had experience in owning.Maybe I'll be back later.
I wonder if men would be so hip on the IUD if they had to have in implanted in their nut sack? Bet not,

On the tubes tied thing too, a women can not get her tubes tied unless:

she is at least 21 years old and has 2 kids

is at least 27 years old.

Maybe we should do forced vasectomies on all men at age 10 to avoid this unwanted pregnancy problem. A vasectomy can be easily reversed, it's time to put the burdon on the men for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Pulling out is not an effective birth control method.AT ALL..
No, I wouldn't recommend it. My answer was rhetorical. Someone said "what if condoms and IUD's were illegal"

I said "I would either pull out, or I would take care of my child".. Of course.
Thats like a 12000 year tradition.

But Im not limited to pulling out or abstinence. I can use 100's of different birth control methods. Some are as much as 99.99% effective.

The IUD that we used were that effective, and a helluvalot cheaper than an abortion.

My point is proper planning could eliminate millions of deaths to these innocent and defenseless babies.
Not that people should rely on "pulling out"..

As for unsafe IUD's. I don't know of any deaths from these devices. However, I know of millions of deaths that occur from abortion. Sometimes both the baby and the mom.

Here is a link to info about IUD's.



Well-Known Member
I wonder if men would be so hip on the IUD if they had to have in implanted in their nut sack? Bet not.
No, but that would be fruitless anyway. To randomly put something in your nut sack that doesn't help anything.

But I am doing the RESPONSIBLE thing (yes, thats a common theme). And I am getting chopped now that are second and last child is coming.

All of my kids were planned, are wanted, and are no accident what-so-ever.

Truly, it's not that hard to deal with. Responsibility is a lifestyle.