here we go. this comes from a local. this report is correct. the only thing wrong is the grouping of "all" growers being terrorists. but let's be honest for a moment. 68,000+ plants pulled in 4 days. there are people living in califonia that are not american citizens. they come in move into the hills up north and clear cut hundreds of acres of land. they leave there garbage everywhere. toxic poisons, chemical nutrients, human waste....... they are solely in it for the BILLIONS of dollars of weed california generates each year. 28,000 acres? i am correct on that #? that's a lot my friends. it looks like a sore on an otherwise majestic mountain. it's awful. it must be stopped. so yes, illegal people in this country destroying our land for their own profit is terroristic, but to dump us all into this group is so wrong. it's stereotyping at it's finest. i learned this in 8th grade.