LMFAO, LMFAO, LMFAOEvery time I see a mexican with a bucket of water it strikes terror in my heart. Remember 9/11 when mexicans took down the WTC towers with bales of marijuana? Wait...no, sorry that was radical Muslims. lol
lol, exactly... the forest has dealt with much more serious forms of "terror"... like, being wiped out by volcanoes and burnt to a crisp... wonder how much it would cost to "repair" a forest fire?I can see how they are a menace to the national parks and forest lands causing damages to the land. However, I think they really inflated the cost of repairs. Last I heard, the land will pretty much heal itself after the plants are pulled up and the trash collected. I don't really understand the need for landscaping in the forest.
If the government wanted to stop the problem, it would have been legalized a long time ago.... but the war on drugs is becoming exactly like the war on terror - a war against anyone and everyone, that will never end.Here's a radical idea to solve this problem. Legalize small personal gardens for personal use. Anybody can grow this stuff and personal gardens will cut down on the demand for commercially grown bud.
And I agree, FDD, labeling all growers as terrorists is just wrong. Too bad we can't file a class action suit for slander.
One thing that I really, REALLY have a hard time grasping is decriminalizing small amounts of pot... how can it be legal to have, but illegal to get?
Time to go commit a victimless crime, be back later